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Where do others stand on Oregan passing a law that allows students to take mental heath days off. As a parent and past educator, I approve. I think it sends a good message and allows the kids and parents to not have to lie.

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Beowulfsfriend 9 July 23

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Mental health days off - when did we become a class of precious little princesses? No homework zones, shadow tag - dodge ball is outlawed - we're raising a generation of wimps. The greatest generation ever including those that landed on the moon (different generation) are turning over in their graves. This is liberalism run amok and I'm a liberal. We have kids jumping off campus buildings - to their deaths and this coddling is responsible for it because they're not being properly prepared. OMG I had a rough week of studying need to have a mental health day off - total BS.


I cannot agree with it being a LAW, but I agree that students occasionally need a day for mental health. If my children were needing such a break, I simply called the school to say that s/he would not be in that day. I did not offer a reason, that was our business!
An Oregonian!

Rustee Level 7 July 29, 2019

A sick day is a sick day. None of the schools business, either way.

And, as a parent, that was my take - but, some people don't think outside the box, feel it is lying, think "just Suck it up" is okay.


Well, i love the idea in theory, because theoretically good mental health education would need to be a mainstay in general health clases. Even when it is Bad mental health. What is that all about? Is it hush, hush, shameful and stigmatized? Have that discussion in the classroom, also.
I find some sensible opinions in what I just read in comments. as well.


I wish I'd had the opportunity to tell my kid, "I don't care how much you skip, long as you pass"...unfortunately he skipped and flunked...finally had to advise he drop out...


We allow for employees to take off "mental health" days...I call them hooky days without the guilt...I don't know that it needed to be a law...seems like common sense would have allowed for a policy that parents and teachers agreed on...

Need a to be a law, or parents had to lie. I let my kids and they went to the school where I taught. I just shrugged off - hope () is feeling better.

@Beowulfsfriend Why don't they model schools more like business? We allow for "free" days at questions asked...we give 3-7 of these and they are not abused...

@maturin1919 True...we can't model after any other country because our society is so different...for instance, in Japan, it is a lot easier because almost everyone has the same basic cultural roots and values as a society...they honor teachers and learning...but, we can take a lot of the ideas and make them our own...that is how our country used to be...innovative! But, now...we get an ugh for anything new or creative...

@maturin1919 I don't think disagree that we can find something and then make it work...regarding education, healthcare, etc. I just think we have to use something that will work for most and then people will get used to it or can supplement it...Basic education can be much better..and healthcare can be way better than it is now...


They have the weekends and a long break in between... I disagree with this law... I was homeschooled BTW...


I've always considered them an attitude adjustment day.


Just like work every now and then today. Just call in with Anal Glaucoma.

I just can't see my ass coming into work today!


By gum, I had to walk to school up hill... both ways... in daily raging blizzards that lasted from September until May, and I didn’t get no mental health days. These kids today are a bunch of pussies.

Mental health days! PAH!!!! I got your mental health day right here. It’s my boot delivering a swift mental health day to somebody’s ass.

Wicked dark humor, I hope!


Everyone needs one

bobwjr Level 10 July 23, 2019

How about this: A mid-morning start time so kids get more sleep, free breakfast and lunch, and recess periods that ensure exercise and fresh air. And, don’t flood them with homework. They’ll learn more effectively, enjoy school, and won’t need mental health days.

UUNJ Level 8 July 23, 2019

Statistics do show that works much better. I taught at a school which tried an absurd solution one year. Show up at 8, but no classes until after 9. - not a great the kids still needed supervision and few, if any, chose rest.

@Beowulfsfriend Odd indeed. A post-lunch nap would make more sense

A mid morning start time means kids will stay up later and the parents would probably let them... They already aren't sending the kids to bed early enough as it is... I think homework is necessary but many don't do their homework anyway... Have a study period for homework in the middle or end of the school day with monitors...

@Cutiebeauty an old late 80's Yugoslavia system did a week of school from 6am to noon, then a week of noon to 6pm. No meals provide, all physical activities in the evening and run by local orgs.

@Beowulfsfriend how did that work out?

@Beowulfsfriend So much depends on how teaching happens during any time period. And what culture you’re in. Some countries focus on sheer memorization and the other end is experiential. I couldn’t keep still for 6 hours of anything that didn’t involve active participation

@Cutiebeauty I never taught in it. The few students who I had here, in the US, didn't mind. They liked the US lack of demands: stand up to answer questions and most quizzes were done orally in front of peers. Real old school.

How about starting the day with them running 5 miles and then community service lunch and early supper

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