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If you haven’t been indoctrinated by Christianity then you probably won’t be able to understand.

One of the biggest freedoms I’ve felt since leaving is that I can just focus on myself and making the best me I can. I no longer feel the urge to nose into other people’s business to see if they are going to hell or to judge their behaviors. I’m cool with all people and not trying to get them to conform to what I think they should do or feel a burden to save them when I needed to focus on bettering myself

abyers1970 7 July 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Some parts of that didn't feel right

Edu_0 Level 4 July 30, 2019

I recall feeling much more present in my relationships. It was particularly evident in dealing with my kids.


I still don’t know what I am being saved from!


You are correct. Having not been indoctrinated, I can’t quite appreciate the freedom as well as you can.


I can relate to this... Isn't it amazing ? I even think we are better humans now. Each good action we make comes directly from our heart.


I think all religions indoctrinate and most people that surround you in this world have been indoctrinated by a religion until all non believers, many of whom you will find here, decided to free ourselves of the shackles and burdens of that brainwashing. The point is, you're preaching to the choir, pun intended.


you're right to an extent, in that i can say i was not indoctrinated, but was raised quite secularly, and not in christianity either, so that i have not felt that relief myself; i've never been encouraged, nor felt the need, to meddle with what others believe. that is not meant in ANY way as a criticism; you cannot help how you were raised. the extent to which i will venture to quibble mildly, not really a quibble at all, is that i have met enough evangelicals and (fortunately, mostly here) ex-evangelicals to have absorbed the gist of that relief, and so while i have not felt it, i understand it a little. but you are right, i cannot understand it with the depth that someone who has experienced it understands it. my understanding is only mental. you have my congratulations and best wishes on your having freed yourself. it can't have been easy. glad you made it!



Life seems so much brighter without religious doctrine clouding everything up. Happy for you finding your freedoms.


Right on brother and well stated.

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