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Gun shop's billboard targeting Democratic congresswomen sparks outcry of RACISM. Can they tear this down - outright RACISM/THREAT.

sassygirl3869 9 July 30

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Well, the 4 horsemen are here because the antichrist is sitting in the white house...makes sense to me...


sorry, but if anyone can not cope with being called an idiot they should not consider politics as a career choice
who started the horsemen of apocalypse comparison? - smart political move to push democrats into defending the four and hence shifting the whole party left rom centre

never thought of it that way-thank you for your insight.

@sassygirl3869 politics is all a big complex game, much more fun than chess. The election, like all of them, is not won by left and right, their votes are a done deal - the winner controls the centre ground. At the moment Trump is IMO way ahead and that worries me a little, but am not sure if another 4 years of Trump will not be good for USA in long term. If Trump doesn't deliver his promises and can not blame democrats for blocking, the republicans will not be trusted again for a generation.

@ShadowAmicus Should tRump somehow get "reelected", the United States is finished.

@Our_existence No - it will survive and probably lurch to political left for a few years


The congresswomen are idiots
The deplorables say so
Buy a gun

Buy a gun for what?

your sense of humor can be weird.

I made no attempt at humour.

It is my understanding from various surveys, that the primary reason that most people in the USA are in favour of gun ownership, is to be ready to form a militia and revolt against their own government as and when necessary.
That is a scary statistic.

@LenHazell53 it is


N.C. in the mountains, is where our bug-out retreat is located. Those folks there are an interesting culture.


these aren’t new thoughts. People say what’s on their mind a lot easier now that the Republican Party has a puppet with no filter in office.

The puppet needs to be muzzled.


Asshole should lose their FFL license

bobwjr Level 10 July 30, 2019

Why? That's incredibly astute marketing in that area.
The bumper stickers will sell out.

@bigpawbullets promoting hate and violence against races

Simply expressing an opinion is not a reason for the ATF to descend from the skies in Blackhawks.

@bigpawbullets no but promoting it is actually a hate crime violation of federal law FFL license is revocable on that but current administration won't because they promote it

I re-checked the billboard again Bob... because I respect your views on things. I can't see a crime being promoted, hate or otherwise. I don't think calling someone an idiot, however distasteful that is, constitutes a crime


The crazy nutjobs on the right mention that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring in the basement of a pizzeria. That Pizzeria, that doesn't even have a basement, was shot up by a right-wing nutjob. The biggest terrorist threat in the United States, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center ,are white right-wing males. This billboardfor a Gun shop clearly insinuates that the women are threats and should be killed.

@NoPlanetB I completely disagree. maybe if it was a picture of your family you might think differently. Even at Planned Parenthood when the propaganda machine Goes Wild so does the violence.


If I put a poster saying "Boris Johnson is a Stupid Twat!" and it is sponsored by an arms manufacturer, is that political comment,opinion or racism

After all he was not born in the UK, he has funny hair, he certainly does not speak good English, he is a proven liar and most of his policies are appalling.
But must we not call him stupid lest it be seen as insensitive?

This Bill board is certainly contextually racist, and is disrespectful to duly elected members of the government, but I have seen similar all my life featuring various politician male and female, there have been political cartoons and satirical depictions of government officials since the Napoleonic war.
Is this racist because
a)these four have been racially abused before and so now should be above criticism?
b) they are members of ethnic minorities and so should be immune from satire no matter how poor the humor
c) It was put up by a gun shop and so is immediately and innately threatening to minorities?
d) Though in the public eye and public servants these four have become some kind of untouchable symbolic icons of tolerance and diversity even though to be honest many of their ideas and policies are daft but in the light of recent events who they are and respecting their heritage has become more important than considering the worth and efficiency of their actions as politicians.

However no one would say my poster of Boris calling him an idiot was racist, because it is not contextually true.

The situation has become so charged and heated that I doubt anyone could say anything about these four congress women that would not or could not be twisted in to a charge of racism or positive discrimination and this is leading to a general atmosphere of fear that effectively silences ALL criticism of them justified or not.

This is not good and is not conducive to proper parliamentary function, NO politician should be above being disagreed with or even mocked for their ideas, it is a part of the job, forbidding that ultimately will do more harm than good when it interferes with the fair and just operation of the house and by extension the country.

Just a thought.

But are they targets now?

Are you asking if they are targets literally? Is this Bill board advocating for assassination? I hope not, but there are a lot of trigger happy psychopaths out there, who under current gun laws are entitled to buy and carry lethal weapons.
It is an insane situation that at this point in our history we still have to consider that and guard against that level of ignorance 😢

@LenHazell53 thats my interpretation of that billboard.


Like George Carlin said, are you effin stupid??

but as Jesse Ventura said "You can't legislate against stupid..."

@LenHazell53 You can't get rid of stupid, but you can pass laws to protect us against the stupid.

@Sticks48 It has been tried and always ends in failure and the criticism of "Nanny state" politics.

@LenHazell53 Civil rights laws, voting rights laws, gay marriage, all laws to protect us from the stupid. There are plenty more, and there will be more. A generation will come along and pass gun laws. It takes too much time sometimes, but it does and will happen.

@Sticks48 Civil rights laws and so forth are not legislating against the stupid they are for the benefit of civilization

@LenHazell53 Approximately half of humanity is stupid. All of civilization is made up of humanity. So yes, these laws protect civilization from the stupid. The power of stupidity is as powerful and sometimes more powerful than the power of intelligence.

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