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Coalition of church leaders warn against Christian Nationalism and its connection to white supremacy. Kudos in order!!!!!

sassygirl3869 9 July 30

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Their favorite Hymn is 'Praise the Lord and pass the Ammunition.'


I hate that they get my info by me having to turn off my ad blockers and I don't give a damn about insults at Bootygig. The 2020 election is not going to be about him or any idea that he has "sinned." We also do not need Christians of any kind telling people who to vote for. The Trump Fascists think they have this all sewed up and they keep collecting data as the go along.


Credit where credit is due.


It's good some religious people have some sense and care about all people. And not bunch of crazy people.


There are decent religious people out there, in fact they are the majority. But they are being undercut by a well organized, well funded, very effective Far Right Evangelical organized groups whose only goal is to take over the government and turn us into a Christian Afghanistan.


I have lived in the south all of my life and this is the religion I was brought up with.

Jesus was a white man and the Bible justified slavery. Whites were created by god and blacks come from apes. Growing up I was very confused. The Bible is supposed to teach love so why am I supposed to hate someone who looks different but who hasn’t done anything to me. I couldn’t understand why that more than like the historical Jesus was brown or black because of that region yet my religion was one of white people.

Completely rejected that teaching and will let it nowhere near the brains of my kids and wished I had never experienced it


We All need to raise our voices! Silence is acquiescence!


I believe that is why Jimmy Carter step down from the Baptist convention.

The Southern Baptist Convention has adopted some very liberal resolutions and has nothing to do with Christian Nationalism or White supremacy.

It was treatment of women around the world []


Nice. Now the apologetics are being given a reason to apologise.

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