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I get this sick feeling inside that the only reason Trump isn't going full nuts on Iran is that he is waiting until closer to the elections time next year? If he starts a war, say in October 2020, he could use that as some kind of leverage to stop the elections from taking place (you know, chain of command, fear of retaliation or whatever other reason his lawyers might come up with) or delay them? This is a scary man and he never does anything without a reason, and cares little about the law. I wouldn't put it past him to be goading Iran into committing some form of terror activity in our country just to use as an excuse to make himself look like the savior. Nothing is too creepy for this man!

Barnie2years 8 Sep 20

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Am thinking he intends to go through Saudi Arabia.


"I wouldn't put it past him to be goading Iran into committing some form of terror activity".

he won't even need to goad iran. he could just resort to the tried & true formula of a false flag operation which the US has used several times including WW2, VN.


I think you're not too far from the truth. A war typically helps the incumbent president because Americans want to support the troops. Trumps problem is he has no credibility. So how to get Americans to support another war. So, this Iran thing is an attempt to justify going to war.


He has no bottom, and yes, nothing is to creepy for him. There is an old political piece of propaganda, about not changing horses in mid-stream, s during a war, and you may well be right.


Just seen in the Washington Post headline that he's sending troops to Saudi Arabia.


Actually, I think Trump is squeamish about starting a war. Like any bully, he swaggers, waves a big stick, says we are "locked and loaded" but when push comes to shove, very little happens.

Remember, Bolton was a Iran hawk who was itching to get into a conflict with Iran, yet he was dismissed due to differences with Trump. So if Trump really wanted to to start something, wouldn't he have kept Bolton at his side?

Not if Trump’s plan is to string things along into next year, closer to election time. And bullies like him and Cheney never hesitate to put other people and their families in the line of fire if it helps their bottom line or delusions of grandeur. Just never sacrifice themselves or their own.

@Barnie2years I think Trump is more impulsive and plans for today and now. Look at all the times he says one thing then changes his mind. Prior to the Saudi attacks, he, Pompeo said several times they would meet with Iran, no preconditions. Now, they deny it. I don't think it is a sign of a hidden plan. It is the sign of the impulsive personality that Trump has.

Cheney, on the other hand, I do think was less impulsive and more of a schemer. So wouldn't even say the two in the same breath as they are very different individuals.

@RPardoe A good point. tRump is seen as a "present hedonist," one who lives utterly in the moment with no though to consequences, but, presumably, also no capacity to plan ahead.

@RPardoe, both got into government for their own gain. I guess we will only know how much Trump stands to gain when we find out what his defense contractor stock holdings are.

@Barnie2years Guess we will, so far it appears Trump prefers to get his gains from the military doing stop-overs at his places. Doesn't seem to be that much of a stock investor, more real estate.


We need a scared stiff emoticon.


I don't feel he will need war.
I can imagine a senario where Trump refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election Declaring the election rigged or fixed and demanding a full investigation. Then ordering the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff to defend the commander and chief from all enemies domestic and otherwise. Thereby bringing the whole country under marshal law. thereby solidifing Trump as dictator. It's not that much of a jump.


Just like Netanyahu is trying to pull. It looks like he is losing so he is offering to co-rule with the winner.

Trump will do anything to stay out of prison... He will go to ANY lengths. Be prepared for revolution!

@RiverRick exactly


Following in the Bush's strategy. Start a war in retaliation for anything.... invade, show lots of heroic success imagery on television. Wear your leather flight jacket as you congratulate adoring troops.... get relected. 👌😎

Bush was a schmuck, he was just doing whatever Dick Cheney told him. He was goofy, but at heart a decent guy caught up in the Republican neocons war mongering plans. His presidency would have been fairly uneventful if 9/11 hadn’t happened at the start of it. And chances are the wars helped him have a second term.

Not to mention the money pouring into the military industrial complex.


Don't give him (or rather, the people in charge of him) any ideas!

Trust me, it would be hard to outdo Trump when it comes to nefarious ideas.


If being at war was enough to suspend elections? You would not have had any since 1942

We’ve never had a con man, despot wannabe like Trump in office before.

@Barnie2years Yeah he kinda makes you nostalgic for Nixon. However, I am sure that even the GOP would baulk at that type of coup.

@273kelvin you have more faith than I do. They are certainly contributing nothing but roadblocks to bringing light to the nefarious activities of the Executive Branch. They changed the rules for judicial appointments just so they could funnel Trump’s picks in without any Democratic feedback.

@Barnie2years If Lincoln did not suspend elections in the middle of a civil war? There is no way Trump can do so for one on the other side of the world.


He will attack Iran when the time for him is up. He will declare martial law and claim the country is at risk.

This is exactly what I fear!

Iran refuses to join US centrol banking system. The main reason for war is Feberal reserved. War also can keep Trump in power.

@Psilovybin, really, everything he can to stop a war with Iran? Have you been without a news source the past three years? He has done everything he can to try and goad them into starting one! Beginning with trashing the international agreement which they and every other ally involved were in agreement they were following. Then got into one of his typical Twitter wars with their leaders knowing they would have to respond to save face. Then imposing draconian sanctions, crippling their economy. Nope, no acts of aggression from Trump here. Moved carrier fleet into striking distance, nothing threatening war there. Like bullies in general, they don’t throw the first punch, they aggravate until the other person throws it so they can say it wasn’t them that started it.

Hell of a dilemema, Trump and US dammed if they don't and dammed if they do. This is not like the smaller other wars, the killing for flase cleansing.


he seems more than willing to sacrifice others for himself

Ha! To maintain power and make money, he would stop at nothing! He has spent a life of lying, cheating and nepotism. He is not going to change now that he has aquired the most powerful position in the world for sure!


Yes and just wait, very short time prior to the election some kind of so called bombing or incident will take place and all of that will be blamed on Iran so they can start a war at once and win him votes.

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