28 7

Here's the thing: All IMAGINARY things are the same. ALl are inventions of the human mind: art, civilization, laws, heritage, culture, society, religion, nation states, government, family, community, pain, pleasure, money, value, amperes, volts, watts, inches, milimeters, pints, kilograms, memberships, love, personhood, intimate relationships, AND god.

None of these things are real.

We create them. We define them. We create the rules for using them. And then, if business, government, or community likes them, we use them for what they are worth in our society.

But the church people througout our lifetimes have always wanted to say "No, no, mine is real!".

I say, "THAT is precisely the problem - NONE of those things are real... they are ALL imaginary, because WE invented them to exist in our MINDS... nowhere else... including god."

If we would simply standardize our talk about imaginary things, then it would be easy to educate people. And then people could agree on those things, then god wouldn't have to go away, people wouldn't have to be afraid of god, and god just might start turning into an improved and more useful device and the bible could easily fade away as an ancient artifact of bronze-age culture - not something people driven by fear think they must follow to the impossible and ridiculous letter today... think of the possibilities.

CuriosityExtant 7 Sep 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, and it reminds of those man-invented, so-called Laws of Nature and the Universe as well, they ARE only INVENTED for the convenience of mankind and NOTHING to which they 'refer' can be proven absolutely as being REAL and TRUE facts.


Amperes, volts and watts..... Stick two bare wires with your hands into any AC outlet in your house and tell us how imaginary they really are.


@Metahuman I am sure that kid learned the hard way why that is not such a great idea 😁

Current, potential difference and power are real, the scale that we use to measure it is arbitrary. The nature don't give a flying fuck about how we measure it.
The speed measured in km/h, retardedUSAunitys(miles) per hour or Standard-bananas/(half-lifes of Cs137) can have different numbers, but represent the same physical phenomena that is a car changing its location in a road.

@Pedrohbds Is sense of humor real or imaginary?


You are oversimplifying, distance exists, a meter is just a way to measure it, the same way that time, mass etc exists independent of the measurement. It is not a creation it is just a comparisons, "this house is as wide as 30 bars that we call metro", and then we shorten it for. "This house is 30 meters wide".
Countries and nations... yes it is a creation, mostly from 18 and 19 centuries. nationalism is so dominant and wide than we do not even question it anymore.

But Nationalism still have (or had some can say) a practical use that was to standardize laws, costumes, taxes and standards over a bigger territory, enabling commerce and industry to prosper and proper unified defense to be organized (and erasing those annoying divergent cultures that the people from the capital did not like).

Religion evokes emotional triggers, most religious people cannot separate their own identity from the religion, and the "simple ordered world" that religion tells it is real is a lot more comfortable that the real world where there is no absolute natural rules for society, we have to make them and discover the most efficient.


Take your meds

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 22, 2019



You are imagining things. All of the things you listed are real.

I suggest you see a counselor.


I'm sorry, but I don't buy this, and here's why:

Most of those things you actually said aren't imagined, they are measurable and they exist very much outside of your brain. If your "MIND" wasn't here, most of those things would still exist. I can somewhat follow the train of thought from "they're things we invented", because duh, who else could?
This sounds snarky, but I just don't understand what you're trying to get at. Please clarify


You start using a wrong premise which renders all your posting as useless.


man didn't make electricity. it existed before man did. man didn't invent pain; animals felt pain before man existed.



Pretty sure some of those things you listed are real, it's just we created the label. Pain for example, it's a real reaction and emotional response.. and emotional responses are very real electrical and chemical reactions.

So if you used said argument on a theist, they could easily turn it around on you and say "well pain is real, it's just the label for it was created.. so God too is real, just that we created the label for it."

PS - If you want to know if something is real or imagined by the human mind, look at the animal kingdom. If you can find some form of it within non-human animals, then it's safe to say it's real. Religion, God, and units of measurement are pretty much the only things that I can't find an example of something relatable in the animal kingdom.


Like many have pointed out: you’ve made a list of intangible things, not imaginary ones. Up until god, that’s the one actually imaginary example you have. In regards to the rest of it: just because something has its origins in our imagination doesn’t make it less real. All architecture came from imagination the same way art did. Are buildings not real too? Units of measurement are likewise arbitrary to some extent, but no less real. Language is made up, but no less real. You’re trying to make a good point, but you’ve used horrible examples.


Man is the measure of all things..

  • Protagoras

“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

  • Dumbledore

This strikes me as a brand of Buddhism: "Nothing has a real existence, only our minds perception seem to give it reality." But electricity, for example, has a real existence which predates our minds (and all life on Earth). The names for our measurements are imagined, and we might as well call them Fleems, Microfleems, and Quadzorks for all the difference it makes, but the things being measured exist.

Art, on the other hand, is a human concept. Paint on a canvas or rock on a plinth exist, but they may or may not be art. Government is a human construct: People sitting in a building exist, but they are only a government because of agreed-upon human constructs. Same goes for laws: Pieces of paper exist, but the law is a product of imagination.

On the other hand, try walking into a diamond merchant's, lean over the counter, and walk out with a handful of pretty pretty rocks, and then, when the men in blue uniforms (hey, police are just an imaginary concept) point their metal sticks at you and shout "Freeze!", wave merrily and keep walking. Their imagination will become your reality in a heartbeat.


Yeah, but keep in mind money is imaginary too. We assign a value to small pieces of essentially paper and we trust the other person to have the same value for the paper. According to Yuval Noah Harari that is what helped humans/Homo Sapiens evolve further than other of the homo species. We have shared stories and imagination.

Yes BUT have we actually evolved since the introduction/invention of currency?

My dad is still angry that grocery prices don't match his idea of what they were in 1972.


I am also an imaginary being . A cartoon character created by an imaginary member

fedup Level 6 Sep 24, 2019

I invented Taco God. As I define Taco God: any person that has eaten 1 taco in their life is a Taco God.

Tacos are imaginary, people are imaginary and imaginary people eat imaginary tacos. Taco God is an Imagionary creation?

Word Level 8 Sep 24, 2019

Humans made up the gods they worship.


You had me up until "amperes."


Interesting world you exist in ...


In the immortal words of Descartes: "I think, therefore I am."

He (Descartes) thought, therefore he was?

He didn’t feel; he only half was.

In the beginning was logos, logos was with god and was God. ... logos become flesh.

Logos is thought/word capably and causation?

People think their way into existence following a trail of DNA chemical reactions?

@blahblah I prefer Lynn Margulus' theory called "Endosymbiosis." To answer this post the definition of "reality" is the key. Rather than pander to esoteric debates on metaphysical ideas of reality I like to just cut to the chase. Reality is a direct consequence of thought, in general it varies in detail between humans but to be sure all humans have a reality.

@clarkatticus I am looking for clarity to see if I understand. So you say, "Reality is a direct consequence of thought,"

Consequences - a result or effect of an action or condition.

Reality - the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

So, you say we have thought and the result then is the fact of "others" existence along with our realization that we think we exist because of out thought of realization of reality.

It sounds like you are saying, we have thought that gives for an appearance that out thought caused prior exist to exist. Or, to say if you reality did not ever exist, no other really would exist because your thought caused the consequences of reality.

Whereas, it seems to me I began a realization that there are facts out side of and/or previous to my beginning of realization of this reality that I exist with other things that appear to have similar realization.

Realization - an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact.

So it seems to me that by prior reality existing it caused to bring about my realization of it existing and development of my realization of my reality.

@blahblah that is circular logic. Just like sound needs an emitter and a receiver, reality needs definition and thought, all else is mental masturbation.

@clarkatticus sound is simply atoms bumping into each other, such as when sound passes thru air. Not sure what you mean by sound needs an emitter and reciever. But if for example before any life developed on Earth but having some form of atmosphere there is capability of sound even if no one is around to hear it.

Reality - the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

Science to my knowledge does not accept or consider a "bodiless mind" concept, but to my understanding theorize that there was a universe of reality before people come along to realize it.

It is like what we label as colors of light. Science would say light has been around for a long time. The colors of light are intrinsic or inherent to a particular light wave. The light wave such we might call red, would still exist wheither or not there is an eye ball to distinguish it from other colors of light. .

@clarkatticus it sounds to me you are saying that parents and older siblings do not exist until you think of them and give them defination into reality.

@blahblah thinking is a function of life, there would be no parents if there was no thought and vice versa.

@clarkatticus so you seem to agree with biblical text. Logos being thought/word capabilities. In the beginning was the logos, the logos was with God and was God. John 1:1

... the logos become flesh. John 1:14

@blahblah without thinking, please expand on the definition of reality. Without thinking.

@clarkatticus by defination Reality - the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

Reality is as it is with out an ideal or thought. That is how I understand the definition of reality.

Remove idealistic thoughts or any notional idea thought of the world or state of things and you have the definition of reality.

Am I reading the defination wrong? Reality is defined as the world with out thoughts.

By defination it seems to me that if you "think" you see, observe to have an idealistic(thought) or notional idea(thought) of Reality then you are only thinking and that is opposed to reality.

@blahblah really? Who thought of the definition? How could it exist without thought?

@clarkatticus as the dictionary writer

@blahblah took thought, didn't it?

@clarkatticus sounds like intellege design by a design of intelligence.

@clarkatticus did you think when you were a zygote? Did you know you were a zygote? When did your thoughts start? Are "Subconscious " brain function operating body functions a part of thought even though you do not readily, actively or consciously know it is going on?

@blahblah thought, the ability to conceptualize. In the instant thought occurs then reality, the reality of that person, exists. Prior, no definition exists ergo reality does not exist. Someone or something else may have a reality, but only if they can think.

@clarkatticus I am not a brainologist. So, pardon my layman terms. verb (used without object), thought, think·ing.
to have a conscious mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering experiences, making rational decisions, etc.

Let me "think" of this this way. Thinking is capabilities of processing information. Would you say?

How is the information received for processing, and what is considered an appropriate enough of a process for something to be considered a thought?

This video explains how DNA such as that in a zygote is processing information.

Now, I ask what is the physics of information?

For now I would say it is connected strongly to kinetic energy. The fact something moves. Chemical reaction change is a movement.

@blahblah how does this change my premiss?

@clarkatticus not sure exactly your premise but would not saying I specifically oppose all of it. Cognation, thinking abilities, would seem to be in conjunction with kinetic energy and chemical reactions. Going on a speculate type of premise I heard once. A bodiless mind. A cognitive capability the works on or in conjunction with kinetic energy chemical reactions but is housed in say the environment of the Earth atmosphere rather than the brain environment.

Reverse back to the first chemical reaction that brought about the first reproducing living single cell organism. Perhaps in an ocean hot spot thermal vent with a lot of energy avaliable and the right mixture of elements and compounds.

Now we do know radio waves have been sent from earth carrying information ever since people discovered radio. Radio waves, electromagnetic radiation can carry and transfer information. Light colors intrinsic to light waves would be a form of information. Light and such has been around for a long time to say the least.

@clarkatticus force of the great one was hovering over the waters translated into biblical English as spirit of god hovering over the waters.

@clarkatticus ruach is a force. F=MA , kinetic energy. Ruach most often translated into biblical English as spirit giving connatation of ghost, not exactly correct translation.

@clarkatticus we are forced into existence. Or maybe say a change in the state of kinetic energy transfer.

@clarkatticus logos is thought/word capabilities.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the logos, the logos was with a person and was a person. Genesis says in the beginning ... force of the great one was hovering over the waters.

Reason we can replace "god" with "a person" is because the law says people are gods.

John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

People are "great ones" (elohiem) as compared to other know creatures.

So, cognitive capabilities of processing information could be traced back to the first theoretical DNA copying single cell organism.

Let's look at: create
bring (something) into existence.
"he created a thirty-acre lake"
synonyms:generate, produce, design, make, fabricate, fashion, manufacture, build, construct, erect, do, turn out;
bring into being, originate, invent,initiate, engender, devise, frame,develop, shape, form, mold, forge,concoct, hatch; 
informalknock together, knock up, knock off
"the sculpture has been created out of Portland stone" When a Male and female do the reproductive activity, this causes a new being to come into existence. People are creators when making babies.

Often, create is used in context of bringing something from nothing like the big bang myth would speculate. I am not discussing that version here.

Hydrogen, they say is fused in the gravity pressure of stars to build larger elements like helium and the rest of the known periodic table of elements.

When ever a new helium atom is made by fusion it would be a new creation. Not that helium is new but that specific atom is new. The Sun and stars then could be looked at as Creators.

Continue with chemical reactions that bring about compounds that support what we call life having complex cell structures. Each one may very well be a simular copy of another yet they are each created and unique.

Creation by combining by use of forces is all around. Almost omnipresent maybe.

The kinetic energy of your father combined with the kinetic energy of your mother and you were created.

Parents are creators.


Since this post is a product of my imagination, I must be having a bad morning.


Sounds like you're talking about the difference between objective reality and subjective reality. Many (not all) of the imaginary things you list are subjective reality, in that they are a construct of the human mind. They may not exist in objective reality but they do exist in subjective reality.

So whether they are "real" or not really depends on your frame of reference.


I see this totally but have you ever just looked at the trees? That's what they all tell me.


I have experienced pain that you say is not real. How do you suppose this unwanted "Imaginary" feeling can not be experienced?

Word Level 8 Sep 22, 2019

The most infectious aspect of all of these things is that 'people' is too broad a term for attributing culpability. Only half or slightly less than half of "PEOPLE" created theologies and social orders spawned by them.

Those people were and still are MALES. Usurpation of exclusive leadership ny males brought a 6,000 curse upon humankind. Before we can correct it, it will probably finish destroying the world as we know it.

"exclusive leadership" over women? Like male superiority? that's interesting. I've not heard that. What brought you to that conclusion?

@jniece Hearing of it, for starters and reading about it LOTS. Called Ancient History. Very recent anthology that might help you out published only a couple of years ago. 'Female Erasure' edited by Ruth Barrett, some great contributions by women who've heard of it. Consider yourself 'mansplained'.🤓


I buy the part about the art, and the money. But I don't care to experience the amps and the voltage!


If you take the philosophy far enough, everything in existence is a creation pf the human brain, including the human brain...

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