I turned 56 a couple of days ago. Thus the updated profile picture. It concerns me that I'm getting dangerously close to being called a 'senior' . However I will not answer to that until my dad has gone. He fully intends to live to hundred and so do I. I refuse to be a 'senior' for 40 long years!
Incidentally I live in a hot climate so I don't normally wear make up. For balance I should post a 'just outta bed' pic. Now that would give you perspective
You do glow, very beautiful
If you don't feel senior, you're not. Period.
Happy birthday! It doesn't bother me to be a senior. It's sad that in our society the term is seen as a negative thing. When I call my clients "senior participants" in my program, it means that they have learned and grown wiser. And they begin to share that wisdom with the newbies in the group. And I'll take the discounts.
Don't knock that 10%, Kiddo. Stay young on the inside, take the 10% and wear the label with a smile.
Being a "Senior" isn't actually bad at all. I'm pleased - I get discounts on lots of stuff and all of that. Plus people respect me in ways that they never did when I was younger. I get "sir" a lot more these days. It seems weird sometimes, but hey, I've earned it.
People only become seniors when the discounts kick in.
Happy Birthday young lady!!!!
You’re still a junior as far as I’m concerned! You are looking good and keeping mentally young...which is the most important thing! Happy Birthday...and many, many more to come!
Check out the comments on this post if you have not already, you may find them fun.
Belated Happy Birthday!
I love this new picture. You look very good!
Whether the picture is hazy or not, it may be how you see yourself everyday.
My picture is hazy, but that is how I see myself. I don't wear makeup much either.
hazy and chaos are my middle names
@MsDemeanour I think I know what hazy and chaos are.
Your AARP membership will come soon. When was 56 I had recently married my last partner and we had lots of great years ahead of us. A friend recently lamented his turning 56 but then found out he was eligible for some discounts at the local hardware stores which gave him a different take on his age.
Don't ever be too hard on yourself . That is for the rest of the world to do ...... And Fuck Them .
The very best part of being this age is I don't really give a flying fuck what people think of me, unless it's people i care about. I'm pretty outspoken and opinionated but I'm kind.
oh what a lovely hazy pic. Hides all the blemishes