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Is thinking that consciousness is a product of a vibrating universe a backdoor belief in God? Or is it just natural?

Justjoe 4 Sep 29

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It would depend on how you define God. Because of old associations the word “God” seems somewhat tainted in some circles. It would probably be best to pick another label for universal consciousness.

Actually I don’t think belief need come into the picture. If universal consciousness is discovered it will just be knowledge. No one should feel compelled to believe or disbelieve anything.

True, If we define universal consciousness as true knowledge, or truth, then belief becomes nugatory


" The weak of will and mind shall ALWAYS seek out a Higher Power/Deity than themselves in preference to accepting Reality and Responsibility for themselves and their own lives." - William Anthony, 2019.

Considered one of the top 10 movie ending lines.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

@powder The meme I have attached says it all in my mind except that, besides courage, it also takes, imo, Will-power, strength of mind and character and, most importantly Determination.

@blahblah um, what? Televangelists screaming about "the devil" 24/7, he must be the poorest "non-exister" ever invented!


No, the universe is a cosmic egg laid by a cosmic duck, and consciousness is the effect of the background cosmic flapping.

I read that on a wall I think, or maybe it came to me during a fever. 🙂


milkman jehovah


I don't think that it is a backdoor belief in God. I think that it is filling a gap in your knowledge. There is science there that you don't know.


"vibrating" "back door"-- sounds kinda kinky to me.


Consciousness is simply due to having the physiological structure which enables us to build patterns of cognition in interacting with our environment. It does not require a belief in anything.


consciousness is a side effect of the electrical activity in our brains. it has nothing to do with vibrating universes, gods or beliefs in gods. if i speak with a kind of certainly it is because the whole concept makes no sense to me. i can't connect it with anything i know about biology, cosmology or religion.



I think it just means your car needs a tune up or you're sitting on a paint shaker.


If evidence emerges indicating that the universe is vibrating and that somehow causes consciousness, and we can quantify it and possible understand it, then it would be scientific. However, all the evidence seems to suggest that consciousness is the product of neurons with a very specific structure firing in the brain, on which our entire existence and our understanding of it relies.


Consciousness is a product of a brain. I don't know what a vibrating universe is.

Perhaps he’s referring to the various earth heartbeats? I.e. tectonic plates. Schumann Resonance, storm systems, atmospheric energy/vibrations?

@DallasKimmerzzz I don't know. I was just being flippant.


Do they still have those beds you put a quarter in and they vibrate?

lerlo Level 8 Sep 29, 2019

my grandpa said he'd give 50 cents to make it stop.

Aah. Those were the days.


Consciousness is difficult to measure, since consciousness is the only tool we have that can detect it.


vibrating? backdoor? porn consciousness?


What? I have a pool to cover & grass to mow, plus that new window blind isn't going to install itself.......

Please be sure to do all that with consciousness

@Remiforce I try to do it while avoiding the ER, I am 71 and can be unsteady on my feet. My concentration is on remaining upright while getting the work done?


yeah i think its the former, sort of. people like to think they are more important than they really are, that they are connected to the big universe in some grand way. maybe they are very important, maybe they are not important at all. I always see this as narcisism

Clergy are certainly narcissistic but believers are their victims not narcissistic themselves unless victims act out upon others

@GreenAtheist any believers are very narcisistic because they want to get to heaven so much they will damage their family for it

@Janiesuper yes that is exactly what I mean about believers harming others


It's "magical" thinking again. There is the presumption of "vibrations" but no solid evidence to support it.

Quantum Physics Scientists sometimes speak of things "vibrating" but its for lack of a better term. Eccentric rotation, or fluctuating multiple states might be better terms for what they are trying to describe. The only reason I mention this is arm chair quantum pseudo-physicists grab hold of the term and claim the entire universe "vibrates".

It isn't a real thing. molecules, atoms, and particles don't vibrate in the commonly understood sense. It is an attempt to usurp science into pseudo science with magical thinking once again. Its sort of along the lines of phrenology, astrology and mystical crystal vibrations, especially when applied to your chakra.


I don't find anything "natural" about believing in entities that have never existed.
Although, I suppose it can be said that mental illness is a "natural" human condition, when it occurs.
Don't know anything about a "vibrating" universe.
If it's ever proved, I'll give it the belief it deserves.

Neurons transmit to other neurons at a very low hertz electrochemically.....microwaves can certainly cook us as all radiation warms us.....capitalizing gibberish sounds like gott gawd gods do not elevate sounds into real referents to real objects and we Atheists are proper nouns while xians and xmas are fictions like Pinocchio and Halloween


Who exactly thinks that consciousness is a product of a vibrating universe? I hadn’t heard of any such theory. I cannot think that it is a possibility, and linking it to a belief in god by the backdoor or any other way is therefore a nonsensical concept.


Please define "vibrating universe".


No. Of course not. No deity, no doctrine, no leader? Not a religion.

Taken to an extreme, Perhaps magical thinking, but not religion.


After reading the comments below I think it time to say "I don't know", read something by Nancy Friday, and relax.


What objective evidence do you have for a god? Nobody can say for sure how the universe came to be.

The universe coming to be may have nothing to do with god, at least anything we can understand as god

I have seen no objective evidence for a god. All theist have is subjective evidence coming from their mind.


Consciousness is personality....memory of relationships and language.....sub vocalization is thought.....all this gawd shit is theocracy desperate to continue brainwashing victims.....gott gawd gods are gibberish non words invented by shamans to rape women and brainwash boys into deadly raids upon neighboring tribes


A vibrating universe and consciousness? OK.


It seems we are talking about String Theory, which posits mass, & thus reality we experience, is created by "vibrations" in a field. As I understand it, String Theory is supported by some physicists but not completely accepted. A theory can be more or less probable, & String Theory is an exciting possibility for explaining some unexplained phenomenon in physics, but the jury is still out. What is the nature of this "vibration" & what is the nature of the "field" it vibrates in.

If you strum an instrument, the vibration of the strings produces vibrations in the air which our ears & brain perceive as music. I think the idea here is this "vibration" of the universe produces consciousness, both universal consciousness & our individual consciousness.

No one really understands the nature of consciousness. Some, who seem to have a reductionist logical positive orientation, which has been widely discredited in science, attribute it to a byproduct of the firing of neural synapses & the action of neuro-transmitters, but is it more? Is there a connection between our individual consciousness & universal consciousness. Some will say this idea is woo-woo, but String Theory is gaining more scientific acceptance, as there seems to be no other way to explain the phenomenon it explains.

If you think of "god" as universal consciousness, this interpretation may be a back door to belief. But if this consciousness is just a natural phenomenon that doesn't meet our traditional interpretations of "god", it may not.

I think it unwise to let our fear of the god concept shut down avenues of scientific inquiry.

" other way [than string theory] to explain the phenomenon it explains" reads too much like god of the gaps.

@yvilletom There may be other ways to explain these phenonemon, but so far science hasn't found them

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