75 45 husband and I have decided to divorce because he’s become a devout Christian. It got so bad that he’s rejected ALL secular music and only listens to gospel and sermons all day every day. I can’t stand the person he’s become since he ‘found god’ two months ago so I moved all my stuff out. I’m devastated and I feel hurt because he’s a completely different guy now. I’m hoping I have the strength to get through this

KMarie123 4 Sep 29

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He is a gutless man... he could have told you that he does not want to be with you, and give you a reason why ..... but ...he found something that he knew 100% that you will not tolerate, so that you look the bedy, and he is a saint....... the usual garbage that low lives do to make themselves feel good, why they have done something bad. You are doing the right thing by moving away from him. And if you have kids, make sure that you explain to them how people manipulate others to make themselves look good while doing something terrible. And the way to a happy life is honesty, respect, participation in life, that gives the best results to the most people.


I kinda figured that would happen after your previous post. Sorry that you have to go through this but it will be best in the long run. The guy seems like a jerk, sorry but he does. You had an agreement to keep religion out of the relationship and he tried to impose his views onto you. You will be much better off without him. It may seem hard at first. It might be difficult to find a nice secular guy but at least you will be you and not someone elses version of you.


I think there could be no alternative to divorce, as he has changed beyond all reasonable expectations. I am sad for you, and wish you nothing but the best for the future, You are young, and you will hopefully be able to move past this traumatic experience and find happiness in another relationship.


I wish you the best, at the moment I just started to de-convert, and I've been loosing people too so i know how that feels.

There are “recovering from religion” organizations that deal with this.


You will do fine if you can just think about yourself and do what you need to do to get through the divorce and get back to being yourself.


You will find the strength, and you will be better for it.


You can do this! He is struggling with something that makes him feel the need to believe in some magical saviour. Be yourself and good luck with moving forward.


You may find it helpful to connect with others going thru the divorce process. A local divorce lawyer may be able to refer you to one. You are strong enough to make it without him. Best wishes.

UUNJ Level 8 Sep 30, 2019

I just read your post a few days ago on him going Christian. Sorry to say, I had a feeling it was going to wind up this way. Fortunately, you are still very young and I believe you have much better things to look forward to.


Sounds like he has found more than god. You may find another woman in there right along with god.

@Donotbelieve personality I do not believe god is strong enough to destroy a marriage. My experience with destroyed marriages involves another woman (or man). God is typically the excuse, not the cause.

I may be wrong. I've been wrong a couple of times before. This paragraph is humor
The first one is not.


Was there a precipitating event? Birthday, friend's conversion, deaths,... Age: many people drastically change personalities because of changes in brain chemistry. These changes coincide with age, and illness,...

If i believed, i would say a demon (non corporeal being) has taken possession of his body, replacing his mind. Very Star Trek.

He cheated on me on a deployment (he’s in the army) and feels that he needs to repent for his sins

@KMarie123 "Being a cheater made me a christian." That is a new one for me. He must have some deep shit from when he was short.


Hang in there. Most of my family, including my ex, is conservative Christian but I’ve distanced myself from them. We just don’t talk about religion, or at least I don’t get involved.


Wow. You have my sincere condolences. I can only imagine how offensive that must be. I've rejected many potential partners over religion and other modes of magical thinking. But I've never had a girlfriend unexpectedly go full Christian on me. Do you have children?

No we don’t have children thank goodness. It would be that much harder to leave


Hugs , Hon !


I am so sorry. You are doing the right thing. You are young and you will bounce back.


How long was the marriage and how long did you "know" each other before deciding to marry?

People, men or women, seldom become 'completely different' unless there is some kind of dissociative disorder going on. Even that kind of problem will be revealed over sufficient time.

Gods aren't the only false things created by men for the consumption of others. Time alone reveals character if we wish to see it. Most often we imagine character and either deceive ourselves or at least cooperate with deception by others. When an awakening to truth finally shatters the facade of fantasy, our pain motivates throwing all culpability on the other person. Knowing we helped only worsens our disappointment.

Without the key recognition of our role and acceptance of it, we continue finding 'others' to disappoint us.


You'll get through it. Stay strong!


That sounds horrible. Very sorry for you. Tell him he found a god, but lost his sanity and devastated his wife in the process. And at the end of the day his God will give him nothing but imaginary comfort.


Technically you both are different.
You became Atheist and he became more religious.
Perhaps it was his way to have you come back to religion.
There’s no reason to hate what he’s become. We all walk a path. We either accept each other and our differences or we don’t. Don’t give up hope.


Time is on your side and it does heal all wounds.


I'm sorry you have to go through this, but even without the insanity of religion he would probably have found some other way to mess things up. You're young and still have a great future; at least he hasn't wasted too many years of your life before revealing his inner doofus.


So sorry. Divorce is hard but you deserve someone at your side who is willing to live in the real world where you are and not in a manufactured world not based in reality. If you decide on therapy look for a secular therapist. Most cities have a local Atheist group {check meet-ups app} for social support and to help with finding a therapist should you decide to go that route. I live in a red state and assumed I was alone in my beliefs but even here there is a strong group. They do a lot of community service activities and just social stuff as well. It is normal to be in shock when you are separating from the person you thought would always be a part of your life but it is not the end. Allow yourself the time to process and please take care of yourself. You have a whole community here in the forum who understand. I’m so glad you decided to reach out to us.

Cinco Level 5 Oct 3, 2019

I lost my best friend in a similar situation. She suddenly found Jesus and it took over so many parts of her life. What bothered me was she did not grow up with religion. In her late 30s or early 40s, she took a couple courses on religions of the world. I remember her commenting that she liked different aspects of each of them.

I feel she was looking for something, anything, and settled on Christianity out of the possible choices instead of continually questioning.

It became such a focus for her that we didn't connect on the same level that we had before. We fell out of contact except for a birthday greeting here or there. I miss her, but I miss who she was and her perspective on issues more. That has changed to something unrecognizable to me.

Religion does that....biggest cancer on the planet.


I'm curious as to what precipitated this. Several other members have gone through the same ordeal. Just remember, you are still very young and there is a lot of life ahead. Don't let this one glitch stop you from living.

He cheated on me on a deployment (he’s in the army) and feels that he needs to repent for his sins

@KMarie123 Sadly, too often once that door is open it's hard to close. My wife was bi-polar. After her father died suddenly her problem got worse and it did lead to affairs (3). She was very open about them and admitted it was part of her problem. Repentance was at the heart of her problem. She hurt herself and, yes, had affairs as a way to 'punish' herself. If deployments still happen there will be further temptations.


Wow! That really sucks. But I'm hopeful that the same strength you found to leave will carry you towards a better future. Sad that some people need an all-encompassing Sky Daddy to make their lives feel complete

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