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I'm sorry in advance. This may not be PC, but it's so funny! And it's even funnier that it's on Fox.

Georgia teacher on leave after saying Confederate flag means you 'intend to marry your sister'

SeaGreenEyez 9 Oct 5

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Righteous indignant laughter


Like blasphemy a victimless crime...... a piece of cloth deserves universal scorn and this teacher deserves A+ condemning racist inbreeding ....sadly a lone rebel girl who once wore a rebel flag belt buckle to the same school took a photo of the chalkboard condemnation of the "marry his sister" was her bigot mom who put the photo on the internet that captured the school attention causing the teacher to lose her job....the LAND OF COTTON OL' TIMES THERE ARE NOT FORGOTTEN LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY
.....bigot land


Well you Americans faired better with you civil war than we did with ours in the UK, we had a war, executed our king, replaced the monarchy with a republic and won a great victory for democracy.

Oddly the whole thing happened because the Parliament was illegal prorogued by the Monarch who thought he knew better than parliament, then later was prorogued again by Cromwell after he had won because he thought he knew better than parliament.

Then a few years later we brought back the kings son and put him back on the throne, reinstated the monarchy, dug up the rebel leader's (Oliver Cromwell) corpse hung drew and quartered it and went back to exactly how things were before.

All a bit of a waste of time really.


Hey where's the problem, didn't the Red-necked Rebs invent their national sport of " Poke ya Mom/Sister/Aunty/Cousin or Niece" anyway.....LOL?


RE: Other posts about "Losers" :::: These people have stories of profound, generational, sadness. They lost more than most of us US born can imagine.

The northern army was brutal. Beyond need. But it was war. And most of the men had no idea why they were really there, ready to die in moments. Many believing they were fighting for the true will of GOD. It was hell there. Just like it is, and has been, everywhere and everywhen. We do poorly to discount their need for apology. We reveal our lack of previous reflection in our exclamations of their lessness.

I say, "Shame on us for not knowing more, and not empathizing more."

Israel: How long would you defend your homeland, your city, your state, your land, against invaders? This has become a 70 year war, as the invasion continues.
They feel helpless. Fighting with what they can. That is NOT terrorism.

How long would you proclaim resistance, embedding the need for atonement within your family, through generations?

What would you become, what would you do, who would you hate, after decades of sadness, restrictions, requirements, punishments, erasure,...?

Oh bullshit.
Look up Andersonville, the Confederate prison in Georgia.

The Confederacy was just as "brutal". Beyond need.
Not to mention they fucking bought and sold people.
They don't deserve sympathy. They deserve derision.

Was not their SOLE reason for seceding from the Northern States their BELIEF in their RIGHT to keep NON-European peoples of African Origins as SLAVES/Chattel and breeding stock to either work their land and crops for them or to be sold at markets for the best price possible?

@Triphid No. It was not. It was an issue of economics.

@Triphid, @KKGator One atrocity does not excuse another. The north went total scorched earth. Burning cities and farms.

@Jacar War is hell. It's also been over for 150 years.
You still mad because the Romans salted the earth?

So much bullshit.

@Jacar IF it was about Economics the only 'economic ideology the Southerners had was simply that without SLAVES they'd have to pay someone to work their fields, tend the crops, harvest the crops and have paid servants to run their houses, etc, that would really have put a BIG crimp on their lifestyles, wouldn't it?
Isn't it about time you ' Johnny Rebs' stopped believing your own hype and started living in the REAL world for a change?

@KKGator I'm not mad. How the fuck can you read my words and conclude i support any of the evil? . . . Do some research. We demanded war trials after the WW2. We demanded clarity.
Just because the confederates' behavior badly does not excuse any other's.

@KKGator, @Triphid Yes. That was part of it. They thought their lives were being threatened. YES! Exactly my point. Human beings were afraid. And many of the unacknowledable were destroyed by their resistance to change. Very reasonable.

Obviously, those humans were possessed by demons, more prolly aliens..

@Jacar The Confederacy started the Civil War. The Union ended it.
I'm not going to feel badly for a bunch of traitors and slave owners.
None of them are entitled to, or deserving of, an apology, reparations, sympathy, or any other damned thing.
They got exactly what they deserved. If you, and they, cannot get over it,
that's just too damned bad for ALL y'all.
Secessionists were traitors. Every single man who fought for the South was a traitor. I have zero sympathy for any of them.
If you want to continue to cry for them, you go right ahead.
They're getting nothing for their "trouble".
The ones who are still whining about it are generally racist pieces of shit.
They get no sympathy either. They are NOT entitled to it.
Get over it or don't, but don't expect people to hold the Confederacy
with anything but derision.

What part of that do you not understand?

@Jacar Boo-fucking-hoo. The traitors were "afraid" because they were being told that they couldn't have their ignorant way(s).
Why in the blue hell are you trying to solicit sympathy for a bunch of traitors, and losers?

@Jacar So, WHY haven't 'War Trials' been held over the Mass Genocides the Non-Indigenous Americans wrought upon the Indigenous Native Americans?
Over 7,000 of my Cherokee Ancestors were herded like cattle from their Native lands to Oklahoma and 4,000+ men, women, children, BABIES and elderly people DIED from diseases, hunger, starvation, cold and other hardships along that Trial Of Tears, how many Apache, Sioux, Cheyenne, etc, etc, were MURDERED by the Non-indigenous Whites armed with guns, cannons, etc, whilst the Indigenous only had ,mostly bows, arrows and spears to fight for and defend the lands that WERE theirs originally?
Is it simply because of the Rule that there IS ONE Law for the Whites and NO Law for anyone else that Non-Indigenous Americans have NEVER been called to ANSWER for the Crimes Against Humanity that their predecessors committed?

@Jacar No, their LIVES were NOT being threatened, not in the least, IT WAS their Slave Owning Lifestyles that they were afraid of losing that caused the Civil War.
Thousands, if not millions, of black Africans were ripped from their homes, villages and families, shackled into long lines of wretched people, whipped and dragged across the country to the sea, then sold to Slave Ship Captains before being chained into the ships holds and sailed across the ocean to America to be sold again to be WORKED to death so the Owners could live like little 'kings and queens' from the profits of the blood shed by the salves.
Lincoln wanted to emancipate ALL slaves in America AND that was the TRUE reason why the Southern States went to war AND fired the FIRST shot.
Wake up and actually smell the roses for a change.


And the problem with the statement is?


it has nothing to do with pc. it has to do with starting out with the assumption that your charges are not assholes, and treating them accordingly, and this teacher didn't do that. it doesn't matter that we may actually feel that way, or that she may even be right (in a hyperbolic way; more likely a cousin is involved). she should have approached her students with more respect. there is a line in the movie "the fixer" which may also have been in the book. the prosecutor asks yakov bok if he knows what respect is. the answer: it's what you have to give to get.



Way fun..... Thanks....Fuck PC. Forever.


I live here, and I cannot get away from that ignorance.
I'm constantly pissing people off by pointing out that the Confederacy were a
bunch of traitors who LOST the war.
They get really mad when I point out that you don't see nazi flags and monuments to dead nazis in Germany, because they fucking LOST.
Someone once said something to me about "heritage", and I slammed them with
not even knowing their bullshit "heritage".
Most of the fucking idiots who bang on about their "Southern heritage", don't know
a damned thing about it.
I've been told I am supposed to respect that bullshit. I like to point out that I am
not required to "respect" anything, and they're lucky that I tolerate them at all.

"""THEY FUCKING LOST!!!::; Thanks. That is so like funny with "your" picture to the left.

In S Carolina it is legal to burn the USA flag BUT A FELONY TO BURN THE REBEL FLAG.....damn bastards in Columbia also passed laws to make it a felony to beat a dog ONLY A MISDEMEANOR TO BEAT A WIFE.....this land Charleston S Carolins still praises boys who rape black women to sell their babies
....when Strom Thurmond 23, raped a black girl 15 in his Edgefield City Council home, she was pregnant and Etta Mae was born in Pennsylvania 5 months later.....felony rape felony miscegenation back in SC he shipped off the evidence 700 miles north.....what irks me is ALL NEWS MEDIA CALL IT "sex with a house servant" never once the truth double felony racist rape

@GreenAtheist Well, most of them were/are hypocrites, so...


I will never understand the fascination southeners have with a treasonous flag that lost a war.

Makes two of us.

Isn’t treasonous to them. Many don’t accept that the war is over, they feel it was a ceasefire much in line with the Korean situation. Just waiting for the dog whistle to to signal the restart.

@Barnie2years Yeah, and 45 is feeding their bullshit.
I don't care how they feel about losing the war.
Just because they can't accept that they LOST, doesn't mean anyone else
has to validate their mistaken beliefs.

@Barnie2years so Lee's Appommatox Court House unconditional surrender demanded by Grant is bs for these people?

@Mofo1953, that formalized it for the governments of the Southern States to lay down their arms and rejoin the Federal Government. It doesn’t mean the Southerners stopped mistreating people of color and it doesn’t mean that all the people accepted the surrender as the end of the South as a separate union.

@Barnie2years denial is not an option here, they lost the war, period.


They left out the part that she has to be underage.


There is some truth to this, although it is generally a first cousin or a small barnyard animal.

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