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Blocked and censored.
It seems that my fundamentalist minister cannot handle the truth. All my posts and comments have been deleted from his site and he is not receiving any messages from me.
I will give you a brief synopsis of events. A FB friend put me onto his site where he tried to give scientific/archaeological proofs to the literal bible. Although 99% was hearsay I managed to fact check one item and obviously found it to be bogus. He went on to give further bogus "proves" culminating in a supermarket newspaper story. I of course called him out on this and now I am blocked.
I would not want any other member of this site to inadvertently disturb their illusion or burst their bubble by mistake. So here is the site just to make sure that you do not troll them as well.

Full details of my battle can be found here

273kelvin 8 Oct 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Fundamentalists, who literally believe every word in the Bible is true, must be of below average intelligence. Many ministers of religion will willingly say that it is largely allegorical.
It's interesting how these fundamentalists seem to focus on the Old Testament, when Christianity is based solely upon the New Testament, and Jesus was actually rejecting the Old Testament.
It says it all, that they cannot actually distinguish what Christianity is all about. In truth, they aren't Christians at all.

The man is such a hypocrite. His blog was full of hearsay and vague "proofs" ie "a museum in Montana" not siting which one but it only took a few clicks to find it. He went on about the truth and idiots who disregard it. Then when I msgd him pointing out a falsehood he said that he would post a correction but did not. The blocked me and deleted my findings regarding all the bs he is spouting, backed up with real facts.
We know that those guys would not last 5 mins in the UK without someone calling them out. It is a shame that such a great nation that the USA is, will give them credence

@273kelvin It's clear that the man is a controlling narcissist, preying upon the gullible. He's on par with the Scientologist, which was knowingly started as a false religion, presumably to make money.
It's beyond me how people can be so stupid.

@Magister Some people need to be told what to do/think. They have to know that they have all the answers, even if they are wrong answers.

@273kelvin I have worked for decades with people like that and I am baffled by people who are too lazy to undertake independent research or, at the very least, ask for supporting evidence.
I occasionally wonder whether I am the oddity for needing empirical evidence, rather than take anything at face value.

@Magister Also there is how far out or important the item is. For example, if I told you that Jonny Cash was the 1st American to hear of Stalin's death or Gil Scot Heron`s dad was the 1st black player in the Scottish league (Both of which are true). Then it is not earth-shattering news just trivia. But if you go full on David Icke and say that the royal family are alien lizards? Then I will want something other than you word for it.

@273kelvin Very true; the greater the claim, the greater the need for substantive, supporting evidence before it will be given credence.But look at the number of peopple who panic over the media, without one critical observation regarding the veracity of their reports, or the quotes given by 'authorative' sources, many of which turn out to be misquotes.

Over the years there has been any number of reports that there was going to be an apocalypse of one sort, or another. AIDS was going to wipe out civilisation as we knew it, it didn't; the Y2K bug was going to cause chaos, with predictions of planes falling from the sky (amongst other fatal consequences), it didn't, foot and mouth disease was going to wreak havoc, it didn't; avian flu was going to kill people in their millions, it didn't; Ebola was going to spread throughout the world and kill in greater quantities of people than avian flu, it didn't.

What was particularly disgusting about the Ebola panic was that it was the World Health Organisation peddling lies. I went on air on a radio programme and I predicted that it would not spread from Africa, and that WHO was spreading this fear because they wanted money to fight the disease, and they knew that the rest of the world would not care, unless they were threatened by it.

Such cynical manipulation is beyond the pale, and it only goes to show that even 'respectable' sources are prepared to spread fear and panic for their own self-serving purposes. Fear is an effective propaganda tool from which few people are immune.

@Magister One can see the WHO`s motives and to a certain extent their justification. Many others reasons for lying have been less honorable. Either way, it dilutes your credibility. I know many that will not even watch a BBC drama show let alone their news due to the Jimmy Saville scandal

@273kelvin Yes, you can, but crying wolf is a dangerous game. I am no defender of the BBC, but that affair illustrates the danger of placing people upon pedestals. He was able to use his position to gain powerful allies who he manipulated them to suppress anyone trying to raise concerns over his behaviour.
It was with the collusion of these people that he managed to elude justice. I doubt that any light will be shone upon these people and how the Establishment conspired to help him.


Does it really matter ?

I suppose not, other than making this idiot confront his "La la Im not listening" mentality. Especially as he made a big deal about truth in his blog

@273kelvin I know it is frustrating when confronted by this sort of nonsense but you will be knocking ypoue head against a brick wall trying to get through to them as they are so convinced that they are right.

@Moravian Oh I did not expect any conversions. But if we do not attack this kind of cancer it will spread. So I publicly called him out. If it causes one of his present or potential followers to think for themselves? It will have been worth it. Even if that is not the case? I sleep like god through the Holocaust knowing that at least one man knows what a hypocrite he is and he knows it too.


@273kelvin surprised you care about this kind of bullshit. Didn't know it was in your wheelhouse.

A mutual FB friend came up with the idea and it passed the time

The best was when he claimed "even that some highly respected science sources have taken steps to cover up this information so as not to do damage to their narrative." (ie. the Smithsonian)
You can't make this shit up. Well you can...


Ooooookaaaaaay, you have a fundamentalist minister because...?

A FB friend from on here suggested that we might have go at them for a change. After all they knock on our doors etc. His blog was so full of bs that I could not help but debunk it and post my findings. And I was quite bored at the time. It seemed like a better way of passing the time than video games


That’s probably a good reason not to do FB!

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