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Ok. I don't believe that there is an almighty entity or the son of the almighty entity and most of the people on Agnosic. Com don't either, but that does not give me or anyone else the right of Bashing other peoples beliefs.

DonaldHRoberts 7 Oct 20

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76 comments (26 - 50)

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How about making fun of anything that is ridiculous? Is that allowed? Oh, and who appointed you the arbiter?


I don’t have any right to accost individuals and ridicule their beliefs directly and unprovoked; but I have every right to bash their beliefs (that are effecting my life and country) within a modicum of taste, to anyone who I either identify with or who forces me into a conversation about my lack of belief. I’ll bash the shit out of it if you force me to defend myself, and won’t feel bad in the slightest. It’s also essential to do what believers would consider bashing in order to effect public policy change, but that doesn’t mean we’re unfairly attacking anyone or belittling their intelligence. Defense of the separation of church and state would absolutely be considered bashing by believers, yet is still absolutely necessary to do with a clear conscience. We can agree to let anyone labor under whatever delusions they like under the law, but we can’t agree to make everyone else play along.


When some one's beliefs gives them the right (or lets them believe they have the right) to kill and persecute, flout the law, show prejudice, bully, insult and blow other people up I WILL bash there fucking religion and see them face the full force of the law they disrespect.
When they teach illogical lies to my children or grandchildren in the name of their death cult I WILL tell them to STFU
When they stand in the street on a weekend telling my family they all deserve to burn forever in eternal torture for not worshiping their imaginary friend they will be fucking lucky if their belief is ALL that I bash.


I mock people and groups that deserve it. Those that do wrong should be shown scorn, if not retribution.


Why can't someone criticize another person's belief that is surely a fraud?


Are you sure about that??



Flat earthers bash my round earth beliefs all the time. It doesn't bother me at all. Bashing beliefs only seems to bother people who hold wacky beliefs that have no evidence. Then we're all supposed to tip-toe around them as if they might be true.

@DonaldHRoberts NO. IT ISN'T! The earth is not round! Its square!

@DonaldHRoberts So, you are using facts. We use facts too. You can't bash someone's belief!


Why not? Bad beliefs can be lethal.


My feeling is, people can believe what they want. Just don't put your beliefs on me, or use them to push your agenda or try to control anyone else.


Depends on the beliefs. I will continue to "bash" any faith-based imperialist ideology which advocates the subversion and subjugation all other cultures.


As long as they leave me alone I won't bash them as soon as they come to my door and start screwing with me I'm going to bash the crap out of them too bad so sad people just need to learn to keep their psychosis to themselves


I don't believe in that either.
I DO believe it's so okay to sharply disagree with beliefs contrary to my own, often returning tit-for-tat abusive, derisive, or derogatory language.
Having been on the receiving end of such abuse several times, I find it has had a corrective effect on my own language, even in some cases my attitude.
For that I'm grateful.

Alright, tit for tat!!!

@Castlepaloma Right. Which raises the question:what's a 'tat???'

Tit for tat is an interesting idiom that means a response in kind, retaliation, counterattack.

Tat has about 50 meanings , more often it means time to turn around.

I learn about this game from British game researchers. They selected 600 games related to most effective game for life success. Tit for Tat won world's most efficient game to play in life. I've hired 1000s of artist in my lifetime, it's like herding cats. Tit for tat really helped me deal with them on different levels.

@Castlepaloma Interesting. Sounds like you have most of the answers to life's riddles.
Must be nice.
I'd say, 'Let's share a bottle of wine and solve the rest of them,' but I don't drink.
And without it I'm speechless.
I'm no genius but I certainly drank like one.


If someone can be so tied to their "beliefs" that they are somehow "harmed" because of that ridicule, then define that harm. Otherwise you've no right to tell me I cannot ridicule ridiculous ideas, especially since, in the case of gods and religion, I believe they are harmful to society as a whole.


Their beliefs are often dangerous.
They cause people to deny climate change; God said he would provide. He gave man dominion over the Earth...
They cause hatred and bigotry. We should try to enlighten them.Whenever I instill doubt in someone that was a believer, I feel proud.


it depends on what you mean by bashing.

some people are so sensitive that disagreeing on even the smallest detail is read as bashing.

others are so sensitive that disagreeing with them on even the smallest details is read as an excuse to bash the disagreeing party. some examples: mansplaining, telling the disagreeing party that s/he "doesn't get [the poster's] point, calling names, getting personal instead of sticking to the topic.

and some are so sensitive that they can't bear being told they're racist, for example, or sexist, for another, when they clearly are, and usually one doesn't get called those things without first being advised that one's words are those things. usual answer to being called out on racism: "it was a joke." my take on that: if it's not funny to the object of the joke, then it's not funny. since jokes are funny, it's therefore not a joke.

i will always feel free to disagree with what someone has proposed here. if that happens, my expressing my disagreement isn't bashing. sometimes i get bashed for disagreeing, though.

i will always fee free to point out sexism, racism and the like, even though sometimes i get bashed for pointing those things out.

and i will always laugh at those who consider the above to be bashing.

as for specific religious beliefs, i will always fight against the ideas of those who want to restrict religious freedom, which of course includes freedom FROM religion, or that they should be segregated or banned, or punished in some way for believing what they do. pushing their beliefs into legislation, adjudication or execution is QUITE another matter and against that i will also fight. but i also reserve the right to laugh at talking snakes, magic underwear and necklaces representing murder weapons.



Will I bash your beliefs? I might even laugh at them.


"Bash" is a poorly defined word. If I believe there is no god and a theist says there is a god, have they just bashed my belief?


Well, you kinda do in America, the first Amendment indirectly guarantees that right.

Bashing is a subjective term, and questioning a belief or voicing dissent or calling it terrible or stupid can be labelled as bashing. To me intentions matters. One could say nice things intending harm, while another can "bash" or question beliefs truly intending to help or be truthful.

I support "challenging" beliefs with intent to help and build common ground, whatever the label.


when people ask me whether or not I believe in God, I usually answer, "It depends on how stoned I am."


Free speech.

I'm for it.


I don't bash unless they invade my limits...and, what do 'they' talk and say about my beliefs?


Disagreeing with someone or pointing out fallacies is not bashing.


Religions have hold humanity back for so long. no one can conceive what it would be like to be free. to open our mind to possibilities scientist can only dream of ...yea like John Lennon I am a dreamer


Totally agree 100%, but most atheist don't. U can respect other ppls beliefs and even embrace them without abandoning your own. If i sit down for a meal with my highly religious aunt, i have no problem bowing my head and allow her to say grace. Im not gonna close my eyes or say amen at the end, but i will bow my head out of respect for her. If u wanna bless me or say a prayer for me, it won't offend me. I actually appreciate it, no i don't think it works but it affects me none and i appreciate the kind gesture. But i find most atheist refuse to give an inch, and in general are as or more disrespectful, judgemental, and condemning as the ppl of opposite beliefs that they ridicule. U want ppl to respect ur beliefs, respect other ppls beliefs, but thats just not the way ppl are these days. Its all about arguing, disrespecting, judging, name calling, shaming, and ridiculing ppl. If believing there is a god, or saying a prayer makes someone feel better or deal with the shit in their life, why should u give a shit?


so fools thats beliefs have been the killers of hundreds of thousands should be excepted then? this is agnostic and not facebook and we all have choices remember. if you don't like it you can leave.

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