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Speaking of dying I just read a post about it. I wonder if hospices are in the business of gently killing people. I mean would my husband have lived another 2 weeks without a hospice? He was in too much pain smoked while on drugs and almost burned himself to death so I had to put him in hospice. He died a few days later. How common do you think it is that hospices intentionally kill?

K9Kohle789 8 Oct 25

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That’s BS. People don’t use hospice correctly by waiting until the very end to start hospice care. They make your dying person the most comfortable as they’re going. They (and no other doctors) take a hypocratic oath to murder people. This post pisses me off big time!

That's their promise, to prolong life...... the problem is, there is no such thing as death, you just go to the next world. Our souls are part of the infinite....we are eternal biological entities.....consciousness is a very fine light in itself that moves faster than the light that we are frozen in. It is about light frequencies.

@FlyingEagle1952 there is no evidence for a soul or next dimension... enough of your mumbo jumbo... take it to the woo spiritual group.

@demifeministgal I have my evidence, what happened to me. It may be mumbo jumbo to you, but not me. I don't even believed it happened, but it did. All changes when "IT" happens to you. Read BEYOND THE LIGHT by PMH Atwater. Read LIFE AFTER LIFE by Dr Raymond Moody and read SAVED BY THE LIGHT by Dannion Brinkley. Another book on reincarnation is JOURNEY OF SOULS by Newton. Get on YOUTUBE and just enter "NDE experiences"....and you will hear testimonies from people who have died. And NO....most
of them are NOT Christians. if you don't want to read the books or listen to the testimonies then don't. I get the same bullshit from my 2 daughters who are born again fanatic evangelic Christians.....and I am possessed by demons......okay whatever. I live with my experience.
If you don't prepare yourself, then it all happens when you will go into shock.....happy landing...

@FlyingEagle1952 aah so you are ignorant about what causes the hallucinations in NDE's then? Okay let me spell it out for you with science: "A near-death experience is a profound psychological event with mystical elements. It typically occurs in people close to death, or during situations of intense physical or emotional pain, but may also happen after heart attacks or traumatic brain injuries, or even during meditation and syncope (loss of consciousness due to a fall in blood pressure)...Culture and age may also influence the kind of near-death experience people have.

For example, many Indians report meeting the Hindu king of the dead, Yamraj, while Americans often claim to have met Jesus. Children typically describe encountering friends and teachers "in the light".

Most reported near-death experiences are positive, and have even helped in reducing death anxiety, affirming life, and increasing well-being.

However, some near-death experiences are negative and include feelings such as lack of control, awareness of nonexistence, hellish imagery, or perceived judgement from a higher being.

@FlyingEagle1952 " two types of near-death experiences.

Type one, which is associated with the brain's left hemisphere, features an altered sense of time and impressions of flying.

Type two, involving the right hemisphere, is characterised by seeing or communicating with spirits, and hearing voices, sounds and music.

the most widespread explanation for near-death experiences is the dying brain hypothesis. This theory proposes that near-death experiences are hallucinations caused by activity in the brain as cells begin to die.

As these occur during times of crisis, this would explain the stories survivors recount. The problem with this theory, though plausible, is that it fails to explain the full range of features that may occur during near-death experiences, such as why people have out-of-body experiences.

While it's unclear why there are different types of near-death experiences, the different interactions between brain regions produce these distinct experiences.

The temporal lobes also play an important role in near-death experiences.

This area of the brain is involved with processing sensory information and memory, so abnormal activity in these lobes can produce strange sensations and perceptions."

@demifeministgal you don't understand, there were 4 Angels in front of me. I wanted to talk about them so I first asked them do something to prove to me they were real. A couple of years after appearance. I didn't want them to be hallucinations. I was just like YOU when I had my experience. It was a kundalini awakening. Well, guess what......THEY DID IT!!! So I was very happy for my mother. Once you exit your body and go to the next plane, things change. And most people who have these experiences just commit suicide or end up in the nut house. I live with it. Sooner or later you are gonna leave this existence. My mother was like you too, she believed there was nothing after you die. She died at 73, but at 70 she told me that when she was in the hospital she was standing in the corner of the room watching the doctor work on her body!!! "Scared the shit out of me, I'm not ready to die yet!!!" She was freaked what are you suppose to do. I went on Google and entered 'Beings of Light".....guess how many hits I got??? 51 million. Then I entered "Near Death Experiments".....guess how many hits I got? 211 million. So I'm not alone. I don't know why I had my experience and others don't. Well, you're not gonna stay here......your body gets old and your physical body rots back into the planet. Take some LSD, you will find out consciousness can leave the body....happy landing....Death is the beginning. Believe what you want, the planet is gonna keep spinning around the sun.

@FlyingEagle1952 LSD also leads to hallucinations... the more one becomes educated about neurology and the way chemicals impact our brains, the less spiritual people become. And yes, the earth will keep spinning around the sun once we both die... that we can agree on.

@demifeministgal This whole dimension is a hallucination. When you die, you wake up. You have to experience it. It's all about light frequencies. We are a dream in the creator's mind. Einstein had it figured out that time is part of this dimension. I met lots of people that died and were brought back to life. My time here is getting closer to the end. So what can you do??? I'm gonna be singing with Elvis...ha ha


The job of hospice is to help people suffer less as they die... whatever it takes. They mercifully do for human beings what vets do all the time for our pets, but is still illegal for humans. It's the right thing to do.

skado Level 9 Oct 25, 2019

My husband was in hospice care for a year before he died. I don't believe hospices intentionally kill. I believe they allow death to occur. They do this by removing the pharma which simply prolongs life with no care as to the quality of it. I would not have retained any sanity if I had tried to care for him at home, pumping him full of drugs that no longer were effective.


Another crazy conspiracy theory. Hospice staff do not intentionally kill people.

Your husband died because he was dying. I'm sorry for your loss.

Mayo Clinic

"Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life. The services are provided by a team of health care professionals who maximize comfort for a person who is terminally ill by reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. To help families, hospice care also provides counseling, respite care and practical support.

"Unlike other medical care, the focus of hospice care isn't to cure the underlying disease. The goal is to support the highest quality of life possible for whatever time remains."


I want laughing gas.......bottled orgasms....omg...


I have nothing but good things to say about Hospice. They are there to allow people to die with peace and dignity, not prolong suffering and pain. Chances are your husband would not have lived a day more had you kept him at home. And given what you say, he may have taken you with him by burning down the house. It sounds like you were supportive to the end, be at peace with yourself and your decisions.

@K9Kohle789, watching people die, especially people you love, is a sobering experience and difficult under any circumstances. If they are in a comma or non communicative it is hard enough. But when they are lucid and protesting it makes it even more disturbing and guilt inducing. My father was in a nursing home the last five month of his life. He was lucid and combative, not happy being there but not able to be taken care of at home by Mom even with help. It was hard to see him so helpless, but it was the best for his own safety and Mom’s to have him under 24 hour care. I got to spend a week visiting him a week before he died. He had no indication that was going to happen, nothing in his issues seemed fatal, just incapacitating. I don’t regret not being there to witness his death, I appreciate that we got to spend some quality time together before it happened. My first son died from leukemia at 15 months old and I was there when he took his last breath, hooked up to IV’s after months of pain and sickness from treatment he received to keep him alive. Was it worth it to extend his life that short time? Only he could answer that question. I debated with myself whether the pain and suffering he went through was for my benefit or his. Would he have preferred dying much sooner at home and just sedated? He couldn’t say what he wanted, too young to speak.
Don’t beat yourself up. You did the best you could out of love for your father, you were there as often as possible to comfort him. It’s the best we can do.

@K9Kohle789, that’s just the the way it goes. My son died when my parents had taken a break from a constant vigil for months to go out and get a breath of fresh air taking a walk. My wife and I were in the room, but Mom felt guilty for leaving. My ex wife who was comatose in hospice and receiving no food or liquids as her DNA requested, survived for almost two weeks, surrounded by friends and family. She died at night when only her mother was still there. No doubt my son felt bad about not being there, but I don’t think it was in anyway deliberate. Even my last ex’s dog, who was very sick and barely breathing all evening waited until my wife came home to take her last breath. Coincidence? Probably, but there is no way of knowing. Life and death happens, celebrate the life he had, don’t destroy the memory over the way it ended.


They don't mom was in one, compassionate people

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 25, 2019

My father had four different kinds of cancer when he was finally diagnosed. I remember talking to him, and he kept telling me he was in severe pain and nothing was helping. I asked him if he was on the fentanyl patch and he told me no because he didn't want to be an addict. I replied "Dad, you're dying (he knew he was). Having relief is more important." He got the patch.

The hospital recommended hospice, however my step-mother kept vetoing it, opting for prayer. Us kids finally had enough and demanded it (my brother had power of attorney). My brother was three hours into a five hour drive to his house to enforce hospice when my dad died.

I personally believe that my father may not have lived longer, but he would have had a better quality of life if his wife would have allowed hospice. As it was, he died in pain, confused, and without his children as he wife refused to allow any of us to visit. I will never forgive that woman for what she did to my father.

The end is not nice, with today's pain killers, no one should suffer....... They can die in peace listening to jimi hendrix!!!!!

I’m so sorry that you had to go through that.

@girlwithsmiles Thank you. Unfortunately that's only part of what that evil woman put us through.


My dad was in Hospice care. I removed him from the hospital, amd took 2 months off of work when I put him in Hospice care at my home. They were WONDERFUL! He died at home, and was coherent and pain free almost two the end. All Hospice is divergent, but mine was superb. I still Sunday to them, 8 years after the fact.

When they come in and start talking to you after they have died, then your life changes......FOREVER!!!

Geez Louise! My auto correct was having a field day! Sorry the above statement was so bad, and glad you all are smart enough to decipher it!!


A good friend of mine was in hospice at the end of a bad scene with a brain tumor. I miss her big time.

While hanging out there one day, I got to speak to one of the care nurses. She admitted that when people are in constant pain, they "float" them out with morphine and other drugs. I would certainly want that for myself - if I was in that position. The nurses adjust dosages according to level of suffering.

So, in a way, you could say yes, they are doing this with intention. But just because we can keep bodies going, almost indefinitely, doesn't mean anyone deserves suffering up to their last breath.

I was so impressed with the level of genuine caring displayed by everyone who worked at the hospice - they serve a real need !

There's nothing wrong with ending the journey here. When you are shitting all over yourself and don't know your own name anymore, what's the point. I would prefer laughing gas though, that stuff is like an orgasm in a bottle. LOVED IT....

@FlyingEagle1952 Nitrous Oxide isn't likely to end you though - but it may render your brain permanently scrambled - unless oxygen is administered at the same time ... like at the dentist.
I agree though - great stuff !

"The nurses adjust dosages according to level of suffering."
in that case it might pay to be a chickenshit coward..b/c, who needs the pain?


What EVIDENCE do you have that they are intentionally killing people?

@K9Kohle789 "How common do you think it is that hospices intentionally kill?" Looks like an implied accusation to me, dudette.


Hospices provide end of life care and are experts In palliative treatments. I do not think they intentionally kill people, but the very nature of the hospice concept means that their patients do die. They ease the passage of patients who are at the end of life, where no further treatment is advisable, and the outcome is that death will come. The doctors, nurses and carers who staff any of the hospices I have had experience with are extremely caring and mindful of both patient and family members, remembering that their patients never recover, nobody leaves a hospice to make a recovery at home. It is a hard choice for a doctor or nurse to make to go into palliative/end of life care, for the very reason I have stated, they always lose their patients, and it takes a certain type of personality and empathetic nature to deal with this. My husband and both of my parents-in- law spent their last few days in hospices and I am full of admiration and gratitude for the dedicated care they received, and above all the alleviation of their pain by palliative pain relief. I was pleased that my husbands death was quicker than it may otherwise have been, by the increasing levels of opiates which he received in his last 48 hours, I just wanted him to no longer feel the excruciating pain, and for that will always be grateful to the hospice staff.


I'm sure that they don't kill patients intentionally. Visited a number of friends in hospice, had a very good impression. Patients in a hospice are heavily medicated in order to minimize suffering. You did the right thing to help your husband to suffer less!

zesty Level 7 Oct 25, 2019

More people need to realize that quality of life is a very important consideration. IF I were terminally ill and in constant agony, I would absolutely want to be dead. There would be no point for me in continuing my life any further at all. I agree that sometimes the right thing to do is to let terminally ill people end their suffering.

Love it. What is the point of wringing out the last drop of life if that means pain and discomfort just because the relatives can’t handle the inevitability.

After all, admittance to a hospice is a tacit agreement with life’s end.

@Geoffrey51 , also the heirs' inheritance is being reduced by $1000s/day

I popped this above too, but this brave lady ended her life recently and it made the news. Hopefully times are changing:


This sounds like disoriented thinking. Hospices provide care for the dying with minimum pain and maximum dignity.

Intentional killing of the dying is not part of the agenda

Withdrawing all life stabilizing meds and measures sure seemed like killing to me. Is how it went with multiple loved ones.

@Zster please see minimum pain and maximum dignity


Why oh why would anybody want to keep someone alive if they are suffering, after all we put animals down who are in pain.


Life kills people.


I was a Hospice RN for 6 years and I heard the same misconception.
Death was not hastened, it was eased. Quality of life was stressed, keeping a patient comfortable, supporting patient and family. We had a formula for increases in narcotics, and overseen by doctors. Nobody was euthanized or ‘assisted’ to die.


That used to be my interpretation of what hospice does also... But it is incorrect.

Hospice is simply not going back to the hospital for your care and you sign a slip stating that you will not seek treatment at a hospital again. Now, for a lot of people this may mean going home to die... But I have seen and heard of people that can go a few years in hospice.

It may vary by state... But in Virginia, Hospice can be in the hospital, a hospice center or in your home. Except for rare instances, all drugs are taken orally. No IVs except for rare instances to be administered by a hospice nurse.

But to your point... Yes, another thing hospice does is to make it an easier transition to death. We were setting up hospice care for my mom in my home when she passed in the hospital before she could get back here. I was to receive a cocktail of morphine to give her to help her breathe easier. Yes, morphine inhibits breathing in larger doses, but in smaller doses it relaxes the person to help the breathe more deeply... Something I found out through all of this.

Its the way I'll choose to go. Gimme the morphine and dilaudid baby!

Hospice can't be while at hospital in Virginia . Comfort care , yes . Hospice no . Which sucks .

@Pralina1 My experience with this was with my mom. I was making plans to have hospice at my house. I guess they knew she wasn't long for this world and said they could do it right in the hospital. But I do see your point... The whole point of hospice is to leave the hospital and never come back. Perhaps it was because my mom died before we could even make plans to decide what to do next.


It's my understanding that they do nothing to prolong the death, but make the inevitable death a more comfortable transition.

That sound like a good road. When my friend was in massive pain and palliative it got to the stage that every time she woke she needed strong pain relief. The hospital were pretty good though.


My experience is the opposite. My father in law was in a hospice and they took great care of him. Hospices are to help the person to transition into death. They do not give transfusions or other medical means to prolong life. If one is in a hospice the idea is to pass as peacefully and lovingly as possible.


I don't think they kill anyone... I think they take on people that are on the brink of death already and had he not gone to hospice he would have died somewhere else.... my mother was on a waiting list to get into hospice and she was at a hospital and she died there.... had she been admitted into a hospice she would have died there instead.... this line of thinking is some paranoia and unless we have some evidence that hospice workers are actively killing patients, I would shut down that thought.


I can’t speak for all hospices or even for any one hospice. But I know that the intention is to discontinue all treatments and provide only palliative care. Palliative care consists only of providing comfort measures while allowing to patient to die a natural death. Things like food (if tolerated), treatment for pain, emotional support, etc. if it is non-secular then I suppose they provide spiritual care as well. In order to enter hospice one must have discontinue things like chemo, surgery, antibiotics etc.

Cinco Level 5 Oct 26, 2019

I would approve of mercy killing if there is absolutely no hope of an end to a person's misery.

MrDMC Level 7 Oct 25, 2019

This woman took that road just the other day. I’m sure it’s never an easy decision, but I’m glad some have the option to euthanise safely and legally: []


Death is not easy. I'm still not over my father's passing, and that was in 1960.....I was 8 years old........and people are dying all around me now. All I know is i had back surgery, they hit the same disc 4 times before it took. I was in a nursing home 3 times and I don't want to go back to a nursing home. There are worse things than death. When it's time to go, it's time to go. If you think this place is the end of the journey, you're in for a big surprise. Happy landing. What you believe has nothing to do with "IT"......the moon and stars don't care what you believe. Organzed religions are all full of shit, but the Universe is still kicking.

My mother died at 29 from T1 diabetes. Her mother crawled into bed, quit eating and followed her in death six weeks later. I turned 9 between those two deaths. Death is not easy, and hospice is can be a blessing for those who are suffering.

@SAMae wow....that is so turned 9.....omg.......well, I don't feel so bad now.......the trick is to forget, stop mourning and move on. BUT THAT IS NOT would be easier if we didn't have emotions.......but then what would be the meaning of life without joy......and laughter?


In principle, hospices will take care of people on their older days. If they provide good quality service, people who spend their last days there will have a peaceful passing away. That's what I think it comes to.


to respond,the Hospice took over the dying person,they knew that that person was dying beforehand

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