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Most people on here are atheists and that's cool and all but who on here is truly agnostic. For example i consider myself an agnostic deist. My theory is that if there is a god he set things up to work by natural scientific laws and stepped back. He has no involvement in our day to day lives. Alsi religion is fake. Again its just my theory not a fact and i am not trying to convince anyone to think like me.

mrveggieman187 6 Nov 1

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52 comments (26 - 50)

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How does that differ from being a regular deist?


How do you figure most folks on here are atheists rather than agnostics?

I shan't argue with your beliefs just because I don't share them, especially as you are not pushing them on anyone, but I will note that my guy believes in "a god who invented evolution" and is a bit horrified by my ag dot com t-shirt so certainly doesn't call himself an agnostic. Me, I'm an atheist. But I have no idea or perception that most of us on this site are this rather than that, and some claim to be both.



Of course you would have to provide evidence for the existence of this diety. You can't point to the natural as proof of the supernatural. It would be a case of 'correlation without causality'. In other words, you would have to show how the supernatural causes the natural.

A foundation of logic,as this is , is necessary.I agree
otherwise the limits do not allow for inclusion of reality.


So you're basically a deist, like many of the founding fathers were.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 1, 2019

I think there is a higher power but i don't specifically know what it is. That's just my opinion and maybe its just me slowly dialing back from christianity that subconsciously i feel that there has to be a higher power. I don't know but i do feel there are alot of unexplained things out there. I just don't buy into man made religion whereas is you don't believe the same thing they do then you are going to hell and deserve to have your head cut off.


Okay. That's fair enough but why do you accept the natural order of the universe then shoehorn an unproven god into it? Why do you think there has to be a magical superbeing anywhere in this equation?


It's okay to just say - "I don't know". I doubt any of us ever will.


If God is real he is a d... for creating such a mess and stepping back. You can call me agnostic antitheist 🙂


I think there's definitely a system that's set up so that things are ongoing, such as water evaporating and going into the air, then raining down to earth to go into plants so that they will grow. Those types of systems are all around. Did those systems just happen or were they implemented by something or someone? If there is a being who did that, who created the being. That too would be a circle, or cycle, without a beginning or end. The earth revolving around the sun, the moon revolving around the earth, the earth turning. Cycles.

Maybe even god couldn't explain where it came from!


Agnostic is the scientific position as absence of proof is not proof of absence. When one side or the other comes up with proof, then I will subscribe to it.


I think the common ground with agnostics and atheists is that the evidence of a personal deity is vague at best. Therefore such a shoddy contingency should not be a limiting factor in one's behaviour.

Point on-crux of free thought.


How do you figure most folks on here are atheists rather than agnostics?

I shan't argue with your beliefs just because I don't share them, especially as you are not pushing them on anyone, but I will note that my guy believes in "a god who invented evolution" and is a bit horrified by my ag dot com t-shirt so certainly doesn't call himself an agnostic. Me, I'm an atheist. But I have no idea or perception that most of us on this site are this rather than that, and some claim to be both.



Another thing to think about.

We split from the chimps on the evolutionary tree about 5 million years ago.

It would be quite easy for one or more humans to completely control the lives of a group of chimps without the chimps ever being aware we were doing it.

Some creatures could be doing the same thing to us.

BD66 Level 8 Nov 1, 2019

That’s interesting. I too have a supposition, (according to Thomas-covernant, who I am learning to respect!). But it’s based on gut feelings and I have no way of proving, or even adequately explaining. Therefore I remain agnostic, awaiting what I still call the greatest adventure of all, which I always add I am in no hurry to arrive at 😉 i. e. death.


i’m technically an agnostic atheist. i don’t believe any god exists but i don’t claim to know for a fact that none does. though i consider it similar to be an agnostic a-fairyist because i can’t technically prove fairies don’t exist either. i don’t think gnosticism is a very honest position to hold about a lot of things, so i feel the same way about gods

The "I can't prove X doesn't exist so it might" argument is very weak. When a thing can't be proven to exist on any meaningfu and/or empirical level then the reasonable stance to take is disbelief. If some kind of evidence eventually comes to light then one can revisit the question.

Since no evidence of fairies exists, I believe categorically they are fully a work of fiction. If new information casts doubt on that, I'll be happy to reconsider it at that time.

I'm not going to cinsider they might exist with zero evvidence to support that. I feel the same way about gods.

@Sgt_Spanky i mean... yeah, same. that’s why i made the fairy comparison because i consider them to be fiction, just like gods. this is why i usually just call myself an atheist without the agnostic modifier. i don’t believe they exist, but that’s not the same as saying i believe they 100% could not exist. just that i see no evidence for it and don’t consider belief in something with no evidence to be logical.

@Sgt_Spanky Agree, logic has progression. If not further
data has no grounding or foundation.


I consider myself an agnostic atheist. I don't believe in gods one way or another nor do I believe I'll ever know if they're truly real or not.

If I did believe in a god, it'd probably be something along the lines of what you said.. but that still raises the question of where this god came from. Did this god exist before writing the natural laws? Who wrote their natural laws that lead to said god creating the natural laws of our universe? If this god always existed, what was it doing before creating our natural universe? Was it creating universes that are written to be born and die? If it is eternal, does it get bored with a universe and destroy it to start over? Just way too many questions with only assumptions as answers with that belief for me..


I don't know anything about gods, which l think qualifies as agnostic.
I don't believe in it/them, as other humans describe them, and will not let those empty assertions dictate my life, which l think qualifies as atheist too. It's hard to know these days what the definition is.


To me being agnostic means that I don’t know. Admitting that allows me to get on with living. If something changes involving evidence, or I die, (which I will; but hopefully not too soon). I may stop being agnostic 😉


Before you can have a serious discussion about God - you must define God.

gater Level 7 Nov 3, 2019

being atheist is notto worship anything


I like the simulation theory. Makes me feel like Neo.

Nardi Level 7 Nov 2, 2019

I'm also an agnostic neo-deist, and with you all the way!
It's a pleasure meeting a fellow traveller sometimes.


I think of myself as a "true agnostic" although I don't know of any religion whose claims I think may be literally true.But I don't know whether the physical world--that is, the realm accessible to scientific investigation--is all there is or not. And I don't know how to know. By the very nature of the question, I'm sure it can't be answered by science.

@Wallace ...but what if at some point in the distant future SCIENCE explains everything and it does not include a deity ???

@FrostyJim Well, IF science explained EVERYTHING then atheism would be true; but science could never do that because science can only study/explain things that are not deity to begin with. Or conversely, if science claimed to have discovered deity we would have to say: "No, no; by virtue of the fact that it was discovered by science it could not be deity." The question as to whether there exist a reality beyond the scientific is a meta-scientific issue which science cannot address. At least, that's how I see it. But yes; IF science--or anything else--had complete knowledge of everything and deity was not included, then atheism would certainly be true.

@Wallace - sorry to disagree, but that is just your belief and has nothing to do with reality outside of your own mind. The human mind is capable of the most bizarre delusions. Atheism is true and Science does explain everything - humans are just not able to comprehend it all yet and we may never be. Science is all there is whether you believe it or choose not to... it is not based on faith - it just is. Yet we are all able to believe whatever we want and that does not make it true. Truth is absolute and not open to opinion or interpretation ...and the world is not flat just because a few people believe it is nor can a few con artists speak to your dead relatives.

@FrostyJim Sorry to have to disagree back, but your claim… “Atheism is true and Science does explain everything…Science is all there is whether you believe it or choose not to….” sounds to me as dogmatic as the theistic claims… “Theism is true whether you choose to believe it or not.” You both agree… “Truth is absolute and not open to opinion….” But at least (some) theists try to prove their position (the “first cause” argument, the “fine tune” argument, etc.) but you just declare your position to be true without attempting any support for it. Certainly, if I thought there was reason to believe that science can (in principle) explain everything I would take that to be good reason to believe in atheism. But without such reason I don’t know how not to be agnostic about the matter. Peace.


It might depend on what flavor of god thingie you are refering to that "set things up ... then stepped back". Parents are creators. Create most commonly means take something and make something new. So, each parent contributed a part of some DNA then just let the chemical reactions take place that brings about a fully developed person that is new. And, most likely never been anyone else of that DNA and other characteristics that makes each individual a unique creation.

For example of something that you say: religion is fake. What religion defination of religion are you referring to? Written in text, defined for about 2000 years, peer reviewed and the text has accomplished world record for being most copied text of it's kind give this defination for religion: James 1:27 Religion... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption.

It seems to me, IN PART, in some situations, there are those that read biblical text and learn things like the ideal of helping widows and orphans as being religious. Where as there are those that do not read or study biblical text but label people religious all because they read biblical text.

Word Level 8 Nov 1, 2019

We could be the 7th grade science experiment of a superior being's kid I suppose. Perhaps they see us as atoms and we are too small or are lost in the vast sea of the universe for them to notice us.

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