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Just a random query: how many people know what Asperger's Syndrome is and how many people would be willing to date an aspie?

JayOleck38 7 Nov 5

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My ex was probably as light Aspie! 🙂


I have a vague knowledge of it, but I could research it more thoroughly in the DSM V... and I would not discount someone from dating on the basis of being on the spectrum... it would be more about if we had shared values and good communication and conflict resolution amongst us.


I know what it is, and I have dated one seriously. She was one of the most considerate, honest, and intelligent women I've ever known.


I dated two amazing women who are pretty far along the autism spectrum. I wouldn’t trade one day I spent with them for anything.


I am currently dating an aspie. He's a wonderful lover, sensuous and sweet. I have had to get used to his aloofness at times.

A good looking gal like you, he's a lucky guy!


I know what it is, though I don't try to diagnosis anyone, nor do I ask them screening medical questions before I'll date them. Yeah I might pay more attention to their butt shape than to their personality when I first ask them out, but I'm pretty sure I'm ultimately more interested in a whole bunch of other things.

If someone I was dating announced "I'm an aspie" I'd probably freak out a bit though, but that's because anyone who lives their diagnosis/ uses it as one of the main ways they identify themselves/ their sense of self, is squicky to me. Same goes for ADHD or whatever else. *unless it's relevant, like "I have diabetes so that affects where I like to eat" or something


Apparently it is common. There are degrees and I have even been told that I have a bit of it. Nobody's perfect and wouldn't it be a boring world if we all were?


I do and why not

lerlo Level 8 Nov 5, 2019

Yes Aspies are awesome great people ....if Temple Grandin asked me for a date I would be thrilled....some biographers claim Thomas Jefferson was observed as an Aspergers Syndrome personality......


My 14 year old grandson is mildly autistic, but I don't know if he has been diagnosed with Aspergers. Some extremely intelligent, talented people are or were on the spectrum.

I wasn't diagnosed until I was in junior college, but momma knew. Sometimes it takes a trained eye to see it.

@JayOleck36 My daughter wasn't diagnosed until she was 30.


My son has it. I believe my ex-husband has it, too, so that answers both your questions. 🙂

I'm sure your son is a champion 🙂

One of the symptoms is: "Difficulty with social interactions." I think that is my main issue but once you know about this you can take steps to alleviate it.

@JackPedigo I think it depends on what kind of difficulties you are referencing. If it's about not picking up social cues, that's Asperger's. And yes, that can be learned. My son, age 29, has constantly observed social interactions, in hopes of learning all that stuff. He did not want to approach people when younger, for fear of making a mistake. Now, though, he finally has enough confidence that he has made some good friends at work. Reading came easily to him as a child; nobody really had to teach him that, but reading people was quite another matter. It's almost like having social dyslexia.

@Organist1 Body language and personal cues is my issue. As your son, I am learning and have even overcome the fear of public speaking. I do any kind of socializing and this weekend helped set-up and did some participating with a group in which I had fallen out with (environmental issues). Everything went well and people even asked me to return. Social dyslexia sounds about right. I have never had trouble making friends and was always part of a close knight 'gang' (gangs are not always bad but often just a bunch of guys doing things together). It's groups of strangers that is my sore point. Thanks for sharing.


A work friends sister has it and has be married 5yrs.


I encounter two males with it regularly. Yes would date, but much less prevalent among females.

Please cite the the Aspie survey source ? Age sex race and census districts


Yes and yes date. Not sure a long term commitment but a friendly day or evening out is nice for everyone.

I've been on a lot of "friend dates" in the past so not foriegn to me.

May I ask why not long term?

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