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Favorite breakfast food?

Mine is either oatmeal with honey and cinnamon or eggs with bacon and hash browns.

JayOleck38 7 Nov 7

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Coffee, and whatever was left over from last night's dinner. Cold pizza is the best.


My favorite is cube style hash browns with onion and bell pepper, eggs over easy, fried ham and toast. Or maybe scrambled eggs with scratch blueberry muffins and fried ham.

I don't eat breakfast but once in a while I'll have brunch on the weekends. I love having breakfast for supper though.

My favorite fast easy breakfast supper is an omelet with a Grands biscuit. I buy the frozen ones so I can make just one or two in the toaster oven.


Oatmeal,scrambled eggs,bacon


Banana walnut pancakes and sausage.


Bagels with cream cheese and blueberry jam.


My favorite healthy breakfast is yogurt with cereal, or an apple.

My favorite unrestricted breakfast is 3 eggs over easy, hash browns, grilled chicken breast, and whole wheat toast.


I love a good omelet


Oatmeal, yogurt, fruit,wheat


Eggs, sausage, bacon with buttered grits, hashbrowns and a buttered English Muffin.

No, I never get that combo. It would make me ill and clog my arteries. My healthy breakfast involves chicken sausage and a supergreens pattie, without the bacon, grits, muffin, and hashbrowns. Sigh.

Zster Level 8 Nov 7, 2019


1of5 Level 8 Nov 7, 2019

We have a restaurant here called the Blue Moose that does some of the best bacon you'll ever have in your life.

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