Anyone think we need a church of Atheism/Agnosticism in Saint Louis?
What do you suppose Atheists and Agnostics would actually do when they went to this Church?
I've never been but it started in England and is a global movement, they say. I understand it's good for those who miss the feeling of community the church provides. They're even in Nashville, I believe.
They're all over the US, here's one from LA.
[] is a good idea. We could have a choir sing Atheist songs and have Atheist sermons. But meeting other Atheists in a friendly venue would be great fun. @808Girl
I do not understand why any atheist needs a church anywhere. It is already difficult enough to convince delusional religionists that atheism isn't a religion. Do we now also have to disillusion ourselves? If atheists want to gather, well fine, but why call it a church, and worse, would it function as a church? Would you song atheist songs, praise Dawkins, establish holidays with traditions, tithe, form a hierarchy of power, maybe start a couple of wars? Whyever do we need a church?
Why miss all the fun
@genessa I love the thought of Dawkinmas and St Hitchens Day!
We don't need any churches. I would prefer all earthlings to be independent of mind.
Atheists going to church is akin paying to enter a brothel in order to wank yourself off
Well run brothels provide other services. It might be worth it.
i doubt it.
After the initial clarification of the lack of belief the need for such gatherings diminishes because then we can truly focus on other subjects without bias. It would be better to have social clubs where people can simply be themselves. Thats what i think anyway.
How about just Unitarian-Universalist, or Temple of Satan? Why reinvent the wheel?
Run flats, don't cha know.
@oldFloyd sorry, don't get your comment....
@AnneWimsey Developments in automobile tires where they can be punctured and you can still safely drive at reduced speed for fifty to a hundred miles, as opposed to having to put a spare on immediately.
@oldFloyd yeah, I do know that, my 2018 car doesn't even have a spare........but as applicable to the OP? I guess like a belt & suspenders being overkill? Okay, lol!
@AnneWimsey Why reinvent the wheel, your last statement. Just pulling your leg.
I hated going to church when I was a Christian. My favorite part of being an Athiest is that I don't have to go to church.
No - but a humanist community centre would be nice.
It sure would. I wonder if there are Humanist Centers in various cities?
@Remiforce Me too! In the city that I grew up in, Winnipeg, there were places called 'community clubs' that were funded by the taxpayer & there was a variety of events that were offered for people to participate. But they have become extinct. It cost $.
However, there are lots of groups to become a member.
Or a community centre, those used to be great. Separating is so last Millenia we have problems to solve and the discourse of variance is often more productive than that of cronies.
Why? Purpose?
@MichaelSpinler ???
@MichaelSpinler sorry dude, your analogy is faulty to the nth degree, quit while ahead.
@MichaelSpinler laugh all you want, still a moot point.
@MichaelSpinler some posts are so stupid, they aren't laughable, just stupid.
My thought, too. Do people gather to discuss what they don’t believe in??
That's kind of like an anarchist government.
That may not be a bad idea. They can't do worst than what we have now
@Remiforce in fact we would be much better, but that is beside the point.
Atheism usually lacks the organization of a church. And while there may be humanist organisations, they are kind of an apples and oranges comparison with churches. Nothing is worshipped by humanists, for example.
Churches and religious groups generally require strong vertical heirarchies as leadership. Think about the Pope and bishops etc all the way down to the lowly choir boy. If it wasn't structured so rigorously, it would be too easy to call bullshit.
Yes, we need a place for agnostics & atheists to get together everywhere. I would call it a church so we can get tax breaks & claim religious freedom
Then I suggest joining the Church of Satan. They don't believe in any gods or a literal Satan but are an established religion, with all the tax breaks. There is also religious Humanism to consider--they do not believe in gods either.
Religions can have members who are atheists; but atheism is not, and should never be considered to be, a religion.
@Remiforce: I think the word atheist needs to be used and owned. The word has negative connotations and that needs to be changed. And, I think the best way to change it is to identify as an atheist while being a good person. I have talked to believers with whom I have a lot in common, politically etc. and they are surprised when I tell them I am an atheist. So, as I stated above, I think instead of dodging the word, we need to own it and educate believers at every opportunity.
And, as I said, a religion can be formed in which the members are atheists; but, atheism itself is not and should not be considered to be a religion--for tax purposes or any other--in my opinion.
I must say, I like the idea of forming a tax-free organization that is secular/atheist that goes around doing good deeds in the community.