19 37

The religiously unaffiliated share of the population, consisting of people who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular,” now stands at 26%, up from 17% in 2009.


ChurchLess 7 Nov 15

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Let's keep it rolling!


I wonder if the day that “believers” fall into the minority will be the same day that I don’t have to label myself by what I don’t believe in. Atheism should be the default. I certainly don’t have to let everyone know that I don’t believe in leprechauns.

Maybe that is how you should start things off anytime religion comes up, mention you are an aleprechaunist.


May it double in half the time.


I think the net will, by itself, slowly kill off religious beliefs.
As a boy when I had hard question the Rev did not like, I could find Aquinas and Augustine only in a Library,
NOW youth can, from the palm of their hand, research most anything, talk to believers in real time and vett any information.

Not that we all do, but the ease with which people can do it causes more to do it, and that helps foster critical thought.

Podcasts and Youtube shows are fodder for the youth, and they can find one about anything.

In my my life, considerations of the divine sort required travel and actual research. That became Google, its a little faster.

However you can fully expect the religious to fight back because they see it as a perversion of "their" culture, they see the religious microculture they live in as the only valid culture, and since the net refutes that non stop they will react defensively. Groups like "The Family" see the best defense as a good offense.

So we who do not believe will have to fight to preserve our liberty from those who would restrict it to preserve their notion of a valid "culture".


The big problem with these statistics is that the believer still sees them as people who can be converted. Nobody sees that a great many of us were also once religious as well. Nobody understands that you can no longer believe in the Wizard of Oz once you have seen behind the curtain.


To that's a breakdown of those who say they are affiliated, not the entire population.

@Storm1752 I’m sorry? What is? The above includes the non religious. It just happens to be worldwide.
The original post is ethnocentric, being the US only. I shared the above as while I’m interested in America; I think a global perspective is also useful.


When you consider that statistic, the present political climate seems even more insane.

I tend to look to history for explanations of this kind of thing.
Humanity is pretty predictable.
We keep repeating the same stupid bullshit behavior.


Now if only more than a dozen of them could take over Ohio legislature!


Yes... Disbelief (if you want to call it that) is growing and has been for years. Unfortunately, the religious right has become even more kookier and insane at a faster, disproportionate rate. Soon you will see christian fanatics that behave more like the muslim extremists and Isis.


In the US or the world?

It says US as its headline.

@Fernapple thanks cuz most links I can't open due to a very protective ad blocker.

@Mofo1953 Wish I had one of those, some of the pages people on this site send you to, not just the adds but the cookies and requests to add you to lists !

Shared world above, it’s easy to find in Wikipedia and they have an estimate for this year 😉


Good news indeed!


Hooray sanity approaching

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 16, 2019

Zippy de do dah!
Zippy de day!
My oh my
What a wonderful day!


are you still an angry atheist? don't let them get in your head. they're of weak minds.


When it reaches 100% let me know.


Wow... you sound like you want to jerk off to those numbers.... wow!!!


Good news. Why do we have so few members? My city has more than a million people, there could be a quarter mollion agnostics, yet worldwide there are fewer than 100,000 members here.

Do you know the 2020 FFRF national convention will be held in San Antonia. I will be there and maybe needle my JW sister who lives in New Braunfels.

@JackPedigo No, I did not know about the 2020 FFRF convention. Perhaps I'll go, but don't know if I'll be able. Will it be in October?

Most perhaps do not know of this site or care to be active. Most people who ride in trains are not members of commuters unions, and most people with old things in their houses, are do not subscribe to antique dealers publications. And especially most people, in the UK anyway , who say they are christians don't go to church.

@Fernapple True, I view the FFRF issue far less important than climate change, and changing the political air, especially in the US. Although, there is a link between them.

@EdEarl I'm not sure but will have to do some research. I believe it's in Nov. [] Are you a member?

@JackPedigo no

@EdEarl Look into it. When these conventions come (and I have been to many they are great and a lot of fun) I usually have to reserve a double room. I have and may still offer to share the room to others who want to attend but find the room rates too pricey.

@JackPedigo IDK now what I am able to do. ATM don't drive, but have plans. Must see how things work out. Been in a wheelchair for a long time, and just starting to walk again.

@EdEarl November is still a year away so we should just wait and see.

@JackPedigo Yes

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