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How do you sort what you really need? Imagine you are to live the rest of your life on an island where your basic needs are easily provided for, but from which escape is impossible. Which one of the following would you choose--a random atheist, a random person of the gender of your choosing, a random academic, a random artist, the pet of your choice, or to live by yourself with good Internet access through a device but no sound.

DavidDuhon 7 Nov 22

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A random person of opposite gender.

I love the Internet but I cannot and do not carry it around with me 24/7 and live and breath it, eat, it, or sleep with it in hand or so close by that it disturbs the shit out of me constantly.


Priorities! At first I thought, easy! I’d want a companion with romantic potential. Then I looked around my island and realized, in real life, I’ve chosen the internet.

skado Level 9 Nov 22, 2019

It sounds like a punishment and restrictive for life .
I won't bring anyone else , human or animal into such deal . If one has to suffer to such restrictions , then first of all I ll keep it as such . Just One living being .
Second I ll get internet .
It has to be some crazy people away from that island that will maybe willing to free me . I ll try .At same x , I will search any possible ways to get out of there . Nobody makes the rules for my life than me . Ain't happening . I ll get out of that deal that u call " impossible ". I have friends that need me and a sister as well . I ll make it out some how .


I like sex as much as the next (gay) guy, but push come to shove, I can take that "need" and "handle" it myself, thank you very much. Internet on the other hand is a modern miracle I never want to be without.


Our needs change over time. If I "needed" love I'd be dead.


None of those things are things I would really need, because other than the pet they all really suck. I don't need more shit in my life that sucks. I am already stuck on a FUCKING ISLAND!!!


To pick the internet over a person which some did, indicates the pathetic state of our society in that mindless cell phone and internet obsessions are replacing human face to face interactions and also causing illogical thinking


"How do you sort what you really need?"
I have an issue with how you used the term need.

  1. require (something) because it is essential or very important:

Without a qualifier indicating what you are considering needs for the question is so open ended as to be nonsensical.
I NEED air, water, food, shelter, clothing
Which create secondary needs to fulfill those needs for survival.

"Imagine you are to live the rest of your life on an island where your basic needs are easily provided for"
Then I have no true needs for survival, and it is what I want, not need is it not?

"but from which escape is impossible"
You mean like the Earth itself?

"Which one of the following would you choose?"
A boat . . .


To live on the island with Cristy Lee from MotorTrend. She's very handy and very hot.

I know... I'm breaking the rules!


Unless you are already an expert in survival strategy, this seems like an obvious choice. You should pick the internet because it is the most reliable source of information on how to survive in the list you provided.

Basic survival needs come first. Everyone in the developed world who is used to a certain standard of living forgets that.

My survival skills are a 7. 🙂

@DenoPenno is that out of 10 or 100?

@Happy_Killbot You can find tests to take online to get the scores. People on "Naked and Afraid" and shows like it are scored this way.

@DenoPenno You would base your likely hood of surviving on an island on a test you took online? Is that maybe the best idea?

@Happy_Killbot Your likelihood of surviving on an island or anywhere at all at any time depends on many things. What you do is crucial to your survival in each case. As for the format of this type of "reality TV show" keep in mind that an entire crew is present to film it all and that crew has food and supplies that you do not. Yeah, looks very real doesn't it. 🙂


A random person, gender of my choosing


Not random but a sweet sexy woman...


A pet I would like.

I would be your pet but you live too far away. 🙂

@DenoPenno Oh, what a pity because I have just the collar for you. One with lovely studs on it. Woof, woof.

@DenoPenno you could always start a gofundme account to finance the move.


Dogs! Never a dull moment with dogs!


I think I would like a woman.


Even though I love pets they could not help me in many ways .I did without the internet for the first 45 years of my life so I could do with out it .A random person of the gender of my choosing would be my answer .I prefer the opposite sex over my own gender .


I kinda just trust the universe, so to speak. Be prepared for any opportunities that arise.


I only deal with real scenarios, otherwise I could come up with tons of bullshit theoreticals and ask for comments. I found that to be counterproductive, not serious and a monumental waste of time, at least for me.


It's the random factor that complicates it for me. If I could pick a specific academic, I could cover multiple bases all at once.


A dog, easy


Considering the options the only logical answer would be internet no sound.

Word Level 8 Nov 22, 2019

At this specific time in my life, I would prefer an attractive lady to spend my time with. A sort of adult Blue Lagoon type situation. With all the your basic needs met, the next need in the hierarchy is often cited as human connection. As a heterosexual man, I believe than many of the brain chemicals that are released in order to forge and strengthen these connections would be at it's highest with a woman.

Also with all that said, Sex is great and why not a woman


No FWB on your list?. I saw a recent commentary on Defoe's Robinson Crusoe and how the story fitted the mores of the time with black native Man Friday automatically becoming subservient to white Robinson Crusoe, so get with the times.
There is a long running radio show here called "Desert Island Discs" where a "celebrity" is asked to choose six pieces of music and a book to accompany them to a desert Island. They are also allowed one other item and surprisingly I have not heard anyone choose a sex toy or blow up doll.


A female that was open at not being identified by labels .


Instead of "random" this or that, how about "randy"…


An artist please, can you put my order in?

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