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I figured that I would share my favorite questions that melt brains and/or just end conversation because they probably hate you suddenly...haha. Here they are:

  1. What would you do if you were God? (99% of the time they will list great, awesome, giving and world changing, peaceful things).

  2. Why hasn't God done it instead of you wanting to do it, first (or more so)?

DaganCurie 6 Dec 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Because God merely set the whole thing in motion and withdrew?


Unfortunately I refuse to believe that an omnipotent being capable of creating and destroying whole realities just about thinking about it could care about such trivial problems like the future of one single species


Reports say that he may have been cheating at the time"

The day I believe in god.


I would ironically punish atheists for their disbelief in the great and all powerful me .


Kind of hard to do something if it doesn’t exist.


If I were god, I'd pull a Thanos and wipe out 3/4 of the human and all of the rat and
roach populations immediately.

I don't like humans, or rats, or roaches.

"God" hasn't done it, because no gods have ever existed.

Rats have a complex social structure, love/defend their families, and destroy a lot of lesser vermin & insects. You do not have to like them but they fill a niche
If we have learned nothing in 50 years, it is that you cannot remove one segment of an ecosystem without negatively impacted everything around it! Like wolves in Yellowstone, for example.

You are most likely thinking of one species of rat - and never fear, it will decline massively when humans depart; the same for the roach species that hang around with us.

@Donotbelieve I am losing the war on wood roaches here in NC. The bastards can fly too. And that is very disconcerting when they fly at your face.

@Donotbelieve Not to worry, sweetie.
I don't have that power anyway.


I would create a sort of super-animal and gift it with intelligence. I would then issue instructions to tell it how to live, but do it in such an illogical, obscure, questionable and inconsistent way that they would spend the rest of history fighting amongst themselves over what I meant and how they should interpret it.


The first thing I would do is stop being god because I do not trust myself with that kind of power.


LOTS of interesting answers! However, I think almost everyone missed the point of the post. DaganCurie wasn’t asking YOU to answer the questions; BUT these are questions to pose to a theist. It proves our moral superiority over any “god” one might say they worship (because, you’re right, he doesn’t exist).

Yes, I got that and was surprised at how many folks missed the point. Demonstration of groupthink?

Dagan, I might just use those questions if I get the opportunity. lol


Probably I wouldn't create anything else,but I would go back to designing a human being that would have an innate moral sense at least as advanced as their technology .This moral sense would imply the awareness that we all sail or drown together and that solidarity is our best bet, always moderating ambition and greed, always aware of other people's suffering and pain.And I would definitely redesign the magical thinking structure as to make it more amenable to reason, evidence and data

The first order of business for society (civilization) is to strangle our beautiful, instinctual moral sense in the cradle and emboss something pathogenic over us in it's place.


If I woke up tomorrow and found that I had switched places with God in a Freaky Friday type scenario, I would probably apologize profusely for God's many atrocious fuckups, from genocide and Donald Trump to bell bottoms and the Twilight hype.


I’d do absolutely nothing. I’m far too lazy, especially with such an exalted position

2). In my experience he/she/it has followed my recommendation to the letter!


I have a huge list for that and most of it would end in a lot of people being "taken" care of in a horrible way for them.

  1. If I were God I would smite everyone in the White House. and 2), God hasn't done that yet because there is no god.
  1. Abdicate.

  2. It has. No one stepped up to fill the position after it left. We're free now. Live accordingly.


There's way too many people. A full 50% of them have to go. Sorry, not sorry. After that, I appear before all of mankind as a mile high manifestation and speak in a voice that is heard around the world that Mankind has been given a second chance, try not to fuck it up this time.

@altschmerz Upon my ascension to Godhood, I will review and consider your list. For I am a reasonable God.


I'd declare myself by means of a mystical global announcement that I'm pansexual and inappropriately hit on every human, stalk and creep out anyone who tried worshipping me till the point that people quit practicing anything religious.
FYI: The only reason for pansexuality is to ensure none of the religious escape me.


I'd live the good life while doing fuck all for humanity, just like the "real" God.

  1. For years, I used to have this fantasy that I had healing powers from God, and I could walk through hospitals and heal people. I especially wanted to do this at children's hospitals. If I had any super powers, it would be the power to heal people, and give them joy in life.

  2. That's fantasy. It's not how the universe works at all. We have a 'mind' that's able to transcend so much of the world, but we are bodies... stuck in time... subject to the laws of nature.


1.- Not a damn thing, everyone for themselves
2.- I think that's what he does, as being a figment of human imagination


Oh snap!! I love to make christians feel and think better and more humane than god. Thanks for sharing.


Yesss! Plant those seeds of doubt!


#1 I have eaten a taco, I am a Taco God. As to what you imply as a "God" and to say If I were that "God" then I would of used all powerfulness and all knowing to make sure I didn't have to exist and make sure nothing and no one else would have to exist.

#2 It might appear that this "God" defined as you would Imply has done quite the job at seemingly being non-existent and might very well know how to be non-existent for her self. Rather selfish thing to be non-existent and not have to worry about any existence crap. You would think an all powerful, all knowing would know how to share the secret of never being required to exist in the first place, especially in this pathetic worldly existence that no one asked for.

Word Level 8 Dec 12, 2019

People tend to respond badly to rhetorical questions, nu?


The beginning problem with folks who seek god answers is that they start atop human constructed assumptions, rather than seeking to establish basic understandings of human need to create gods...such we need see god as OUR salvation rather than see human goodness and work collectively toward that...good ideas might be needing our attention rather than the endless search for proof that we live after death...which might just be the reason why so many need a god. The question I always ask is if, there is a god, then why do you assume this god to have human constructed values of good over evil when, I see any spirituality as being tied to the magic and beauty of nature...what we can really see and no where else are found human understandings of good and evil..the first clue we should start with...just a Saturday cold evening thought for whomever is out there...even if it is no one...

  1. Everyone below has pretty much echoed what I would say, so on to the more difficult part.

  2. Though I of course don't agree with the following, one of the most effective Christian apologists argues thusly: "The purpose of this life isn't happiness. It is to bring the greatest number of people into a knowledge and closer relationship with God." How would you respond to that?

@DaganCurie I think you're onto the crux of the issue with your first sentence, though I've have heard it argued that only an imperfect world suffused with suffering could produce the desirable character traits of courage, and perseverance, etc.Then the question becomes whether or not the gratuitous suffering and suffering of innocent children is justifiable, which I think makes a fairly strong argument, at least emotionally. But I'm still working on the argument, even though I don't believe in a god for many other reasons, and I appreciate your response. If you're interested I'll post here a video which shows the apologist I was referring to, giving his framing of the issue in a nutshell.

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