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I figured that I would share my favorite questions that melt brains and/or just end conversation because they probably hate you suddenly...haha. Here they are:

  1. What would you do if you were God? (99% of the time they will list great, awesome, giving and world changing, peaceful things).

  2. Why hasn't God done it instead of you wanting to do it, first (or more so)?

DaganCurie 6 Dec 12

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Well, in answer to number two: God hasn't done it because it doesn't exist. And, although I cannot "know" that no being, that we would call a god, exists (even though I absolutely do not believe and such being does) I can say with certainty that, if such a supposed being does exist, and is interested in human affairs, it is far less moral than I am.


If I were god I would end all of existence and erase the past.


Because God merely set the whole thing in motion and withdrew?

  1. I would smite a bunch of people followed by old school celebrations of debauchery. Maybe turn myself into some wild animals and seduce beautiful women.
  2. I don’t know that it hasn’t

I would like to repost something that I read yesterday, but I am never going to find it. I don't even know if it was a true proven fact of science or what the phenomenon is called, it was presented as something that has already been proven.I guess the best way to describe it as something with time, how it is related. That is a horrible explanation. I am very sorry. But yes definitely I believe there is something with time. What else is it?

And then the book and the idea of the blackboard. And writing ideas on it. I think I had already figured that one out sometime ago, but still it's great to get reminders. A nudge to the brain. I have aleady written "_____" a long time ago and now writing some notes. And that's it, class, that's all I can teach!

Ugh. I started writing this the other day and I know I did not convey my idea clearly at all. The point is that, likea book I had been reading on a different subject, the view of God is an attitude, words we write on a chalkboard. "Yes" "No" " Maybe" then we look for more evidence that supports this view. You can look at science and see attitudes that confirm or deny. YOU are writing on the chalkboard and building beliefs around this core idea. At one point I had a different answer, that's changed over time. I don't agree. I don't think we can fully know how God thinks.


Well, I'm more than happy being a real and corporeal being and since this Invisible and completely Imaginary God thingy is neither real nor corporeal then I'd have to give up being both real and corporeal so that's a MASSIVE minus in my opinion.
So, to exchange reality and tangibility for absolute nothingness equals 1 huge No way Jose.


What are you asking? I am a god in my own universe. Sorry, you can't see it, but that's fine with me.


As a thought experiment, if I were god, all the criminals, terrorists, & fools would immediately disappear from the human race, never to be seen again. In addition to making the world a much nicer & more sensible place, this would solve the overpopulation problem. Corrupt politicians like Trump & his cronies would go first.

God hasn't done this because there appears to be no god we can understand that exists


I have NO desire to be God. To much responsibility.

  1. Lets see where to begin? Politicians/Govt. Officials, Religious leaders, Malevolent Police (incl FBI/CIA/etc), Murderers, Rapists, People who drive 10 mph under speed limits and slow down ever more to piss ya off, most judges, Federal Reserve and banking cartel, Bill Gates, All narcissists and alpha control freaks, all insects, weapons of mass destruction, virus's, lab created disease, malevolent doctors, Greta Thunberg, Televangelists, NASA, people who associate as anything other than male/female, badgers, Epstein, Starbucks, and last but not least...every telemarketer that calls even when you are on the "do not call list".....They would all be banished to planet X so the Gods who came from there to seed this place can deal with the fruits of their labor.

  2. They ran out of Gold to power their space ships and cannot return. It will be my pleasure to pay USPS, Fed EX, UPS, or even Space X to send all of the above back to them. In the spirit of the telemarketers I'll be happy to include a free 10k sets of Ginsu knife sets and a couple dozen interplanetary web cams so we can be entertained while the above share their love with one another this holiday season. 🙂

  1. I would bathe in the fires of a supernova, dive through a black hole, I would rave to the rhythms of the pulsars, I'd prove (or disprove) the Reimann hypothesis and marvel at the structure of the primes. And that's just for starters. A limited human view of what would be of interest to an omnipotent being.

  2. I don't know whether God has or hasn't done these things. I suspect he doesn't even exist. I certainly have no positive reason to believe in his existence.

However let's be careful to note that, the apparent fact that God hasn't made himself known by fixing the human scale problems within our notice doesn't disprove the existiance of all possible God's; just those hypothesised to actually give two hoots about us, or conversely to actually matter to us. Rather arrogant really to think things would be otherwise.

  1. I'd stop hiding, start listening and take responsibility for all the crap my actions have caused. I'd stop all the stupid shit and put people on a better path, on of reason, empathy, and mutual respect.

2)There is no God.


If I were god, I would KILL MYSELF...because of all my evil, terrible, cruel deeds in the past.


If I were God, I’d do exactly what God does, obvs.

skado Level 9 Dec 12, 2019

The true agnostic would say, we can not know if there is a God or if there is not a God, while the believers would argue there is a God or argue there is no God. Both require a belief (positive or negative) that can not be proven. Following the Scientific Method... absence of proof is not proof of absence. It just means you have not discovered the answer yet.


I have had that question posed to me back in the day . I use to reply with those general answers and there were times when people would ask the other question as well . To the latter I would respond : god loves us and through that love allows us to experience what we do so we can evolve at our own pace , many will also will say that : We choose to come as we are, not only for us but to support others in their spiritual evolution. I had atheist friends then and they would say “ there is no god “ I would simply say , there is, they would say “prove it “ I would say prove that there is not . There is always counters for the devoted follower . I would finally say neither of us can prove the other wrong but god has no ego , so god is not I’m worried about whether we believe or not , god is all knowing and the rest of it ; of course now I use a different approach if someone gets the inkling to go at me with that .


For me to even remotely try to identify with this I have to play a game. This is because there is no god and I do not randomly think along lines of there being one.


Nice… though an Atheist would make that a short conversation: 1) There is no god; 2) There is no god 🙂 It would be interesting, if not fun watching so-called Believers squirm, though ~

Varn Level 8 Dec 12, 2019

Love these! Thanks for sharing

Cinco Level 5 Dec 12, 2019
  1. I'd move as far away from this god forsaken planet as I could, and start over!
  2. Because there is no sky daddy, er, "god," OR gods!

Hypothetically, if you were the God (and none other existed), wouldn't you moving away, make it a god forsaken planet?


id kick back and do everything for myself. why have the hassle of billions of life forms all killing each other? the flip side is its better to life on earth too.


I would end death. The universe is too big to allow it to continue.

World is already suffering from over population . Some become so sick or disabled , they view death as a relief .

@Cast1es TRUE!

To end death without a very good quality of life to go along with it would be a negative instead of a positive

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