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Mitch McConnell admits that he is coordinating with the white house on the impeachment trial strategy. Anyone who still think that the Republican party is about law and order and the constitution is fooling themselves. They don't care about this country and the ideas that it stands for.

noworry28 8 Dec 16

Enjoy being online again!

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The GOP has been severely compromised to favor Putin/Russia. The GOP only care about who will line their pockets, and Putin has either bought them off or developed blackmailing information. The same is true for quite a few Democrats too. Our intelligence services have failed us, yet again. A lot of days, it is just too ugly to look at. Corruption has become our No. 1 problem; failing to address that means we can never work on climate change, education or the economy.


He is ruthless, conniving, corrupt liar, and a hack. If he’s trying to bully the Dems into doing something really dumb, he might succeed. The GOP is not well; its thugs own it.

I have long feared one party’s going rogue. Will the other party—thinking they are certain to win—let its thugs in and also go rogue? Are you concerned the Dems may go rogue?

I think a Bloomberg nomination would be as rogue as the Democrats get, perhaps with Buttigieg as his VP. Actually, a combo I’d endorse ~


GOP is corrupted beyond belief

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 16, 2019

They’re fighting for their sorry lives… History will paint them as you have here. But for now ..they’re here.

Varn Level 8 Dec 16, 2019

Sad but true. The GOP has no interest in a fair and justifiable trial with witnesses like Bolton and Mulvaney. Trump wants reality tv trial. McConnell wants it short and sweet with no witnesses. The GOP are afraid to give Trump the spectacle he wants.

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