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Have you ever had a prank backfire?

When I was 13, our Haiti mission school got a new, young, American teacher. She looked and dressed like Marilyn Monroe and was squeamish besides, a novelty for us missionary kids.

When she jumped on her chair and screamed like a horror movie veteran when a tarantula ran across the classroom floor, I exchanged looks with the boys, and that afternoon we rushed out to collect critters to scare her.

We converged at her house later on..I had a jar of brown scorpions I'd dug out from under bark of our mango tree, but my brother and his friends had a real find..a 12-inch long, highly poisonous Giant Centipede. They are so long, they undulate through the grass like snakes.

My brother put of loop of twine around its middle and gingerly tied it to a root by the porch steps before we all went to knock on her door.

My brother said he wanted to show her something and led her to the steps, but the loop of twine was lying there on the ground..empty.


We all began looking around nervously at the surrounding leaf litter, then one by one we suddenly remembered chores, and took off.

birdingnut 8 Mar 27

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The people who were the targets of my pranks were so upset and angry that the fun was all gone so I never attempted pranking anyone again.

SamL Level 7 Mar 28, 2018

My granddaughter went through a phase where she thought she could be a ninja and kept trying to sneak into my room and scare me. I waited til she was next to my bed and screamed at her, she screamed and farted. Thought I would die laughing

I posted on another thread about the two pranks I pulled that backfired.


In Boy Scouts we had initiation. So at night we led the newbies off on a hike blindfolded and had one of the scouts off in the valley with some firecrackers and eventually we had the hidden Scout pretend to be a landowner and start shouting about how we had better get off his land or he would shoot! And then he let off the firecrackers and scared these kids out of their wits. But then about his third firecracker just went fizzle fizzle pop, which blew the while scene, and nobody was scared anymore.


My ex trying to jump scare me during the scary bits of Alien. I waited for just the right moment to do it back to her. She jumped so suddenly that she put her back out and was in pain for several days.

My favourite one that went right was 'Toucan Man.' I emptied out the laundry basket, found a sweatshirt and jogging pants, and stuffed them with the other clothes. I lay these on the bed, put trainers where the feet should be, and a stuffed toy toucan in the top of the sweatshirt, so that only its head was sticking out through the neck. So at this point, there's a lifesize person with a toucan's head, lying on our bed. Scared the living daylights out of her when she went upstairs.


That's hilarious. I can't recall a prank I did that backfired, but one of my favorites was when a friend and I filled my roommates room to the top with balloons when she went home for the weekend. I sent her a really awkward message saying I hoped she wasn't allergic to latex. Thankfully she wasn't, lol.

Mea Level 7 Mar 27, 2018
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