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Better smarten up boys. You don't want an intelligent woman.

MsDemeanour 8 Jan 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Of course he said this. A man invented the religion. So naturally it's going to benefit men.


Just another variant of the ol' "keep 'em barefoot and pregnant" routine.


Patheos used to report bad news about religionists ESPECIALLY when they attack Atheists......for the last year I see word for word links by religionists as if some religion is ok when "liberal" and this stupid shit article is about a sexist idiot with few followers.... we Atheists need real news not more drivel


We should ALWAYS take the advise of the religious. Their Marriages are perfect and they never get a divorce because their Steppherd wives do as they are told!

It is interesting to me that we get all this garbage from theist yet, the divirce rate is no less than the non religious.

This being said, I think they may be on to something. My girlfriend is really intelligent and I don't get away with squat!😝


So he says effectively that you can not serve god if intelligent and educated. Is that not the same thing as saying that god, and or belief in god requires, stupidity and a lack of education. I know that some hard line Atheist/ Agnostics think that, but I never thought to hear a cleric say it. LOL

The guy is a Brazilian billionaire and not a real bishop at all anymore than I am. He owns a media outlet. It’s a great epithet to suck people into your nonsense.

I am sure real theologians like Rowan Williams and Jonathan Sachs would move this nonsense on.

@Geoffrey51 I am sure they would move it on if they are in the least bit humane or thoughtful. But I do not hold with the idea that there could exist such things as 'real' theologians. That is the same as saying there are real fakes.

@Fernapple I mean people who have studied and received academic qualifications, like real scientists rather than the armchair variety who get their knowledge from popular authors and media.

@Geoffrey51 The problem with that is that to study academically, you must have an academy to study in. And since all theological academies were created by churches, who take their authority from a none existent or none communicating god, therefore there can never be such a thing as a real theological academy.

@Fernapple I think that you will find that an eclectic approach is taken and the study is to understand the deeper questions. Rowan Williams is also a Druid.

Theology doesn’t mean indoctrination it means critical enquire. One of my degrees is Religious Studies which assists in critical analysis by deepening one’s understanding.

@Geoffrey51 Yes that may be true. But they say that when you go to prison, you come out with a much better understanding of crime, and rise more rapidly though the ranks when you leave. That does not however make prisons respectable academic institutions.

@Fernapple Hmmm seems a dim view of education. I hardly think the two are comparable.

@Geoffrey51 No I have a very high view of education. And what I am saying is that the greatest enemy of education is not anti-intellectualism, though that is bad, but anti-education, that which is false but pretends to be education.

The truly great crime of religion is anti-education. Religion is an enemy of education not mainly because it contradicts science and true philosophy. But even more so, because it fills up our time, lives, institutions and taxes our energies, leaving little of any remaining for education of the kind which leads to understanding, and it thereby creates culture victims of millions. If we have escaped, and escaped with time for life and learning still remaining, then we are the lucky ones.

@Fernapple looks like we will have to disagree on that point then😉


I have never had a serious relationship with a woman who wasn't smart. That would be unbelievably boring.

Smart? Or relatively/comparatively smart, from the perspective of your own level of smartness?
I've been declared to be 'very intelligent'; but, only by people who aren't intelligent enough to realise that I'm not.
One day, I'd like to meet a very attractive local man who is just a bit smarter than I. I need the challenge, and his respect (I'm no longer trophy wife value).


I came across this attitude in Kenya up until the late 1960s. Not so now, except amongst die-hard traditionalists.

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