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Does it rain during rain dance practice? If it does not, how do you know you did it correctly? If it does.....why not just call practice...GEORGE CARLIN

DanNastars 4 Jan 26

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Rain dances always work, because you don't stop dancing until it rains.


It's a gamble. 💨


What are you talking about???


Carlin is the best.


LOL George Carlin came up with tons of funny shit


Need correct punctuation. I read it like you were wanting to call practice "George Carlin" instead of calling it "practice."

Here's the joke from his book. []


Carlin is awesome

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 27, 2020

I love George Carlin.

Me too!


That makes perfect sense to me.


I worship the Sun.


If I want it to rain, I wash the car. It seems to work every time. 😀


Wilhelm Reich made a machine that used orgone to bring rain. It was supposed to have worked in a test in Nevada, I think. I've always loved Kate Bush's song about the experiment, done from the perspective of Reich's young son Peter:

I always loved Kate Bush too!


It's not a practice if it rains. It's only a practice when it doesn't rain. The Lord works in strange and mysterious ways yadda yadda.


The English have our own rain dance. It is called cricket.


Hadn't heard that one. LMAO


I love George. This was the only bit he did with which I disagreed and even took issue. He never voted in elections and believed it was a waste of time. What would happen if everyone thought that?

Same thing that happens now, you get a choice between Pepsi or Coke, and wind up stuck with Trump.

What would happen if everyone thought that?

Thank you. It made me laugh. I still will vote. Butr it is something that I can connect with.


I love George Carlin! He spoke with truth and honesty but embellished by humor. The reality of a lot of the things he said are still quite true if not even more poignant today than they were back then.

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