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Today will live forever as a day of infamy in U.S. history for the U.S. Senate and for the Republican party. In rejecting the move to admit further documents and witnesses (favored by 70 percent of the American public), Senate Republicans show that they have the votes to achieve an acquittal of Donald Trump. There was a time when the Republican Party called itself the party of law and order, patriotism, and morality. It can no longer make any such claims.

Instead, the behavior of the Republican party leaders and politicians we have elected to serve us, our democracy and our constitution, have chosen to betray our trust and shirk their duty to us. They make it clear that they have sold their souls to the 3 ā€œPā€: the protecting of PRIVELEGE, the pursuit and exercise of personal and partisan POWER, and maximum PROFIT at all costs, with gravy accruing to them. If we are the moral and patriotic people we claim to be, we must rise up in righteous indignation and throw the entire lot of them out of office.

I pledge that as long as Republican politic politicians as such traitors to us, our democracy, and our constitution, I pledge that I will not vote for a single Republican again at any level of government. I urge every loyal American to join me in making such a pledge.

wordywalt 9 Jan 31

Enjoy being online again!

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..seems I arrived at the same conclusion ..decades ago. Wish these were better times, but Welcome ~

Varn Level 8 Feb 1, 2020

,,,eye eye- I'm rather ashamed of the whole process.They ALL
plainly state "yes he did that; but it's all to benifit the country"
And this morning~yeah the Inviormental Destruction
Agency rolled back water protections(improved under
OBAMA2015) to 1970 re gu la ti on < see the gaps.
Claims= science shouldn't be ABLE to establish water
way definitions šŸ¤”<this "guy" does it nowšŸ™ŠšŸ™‰šŸ™ˆ


If we can't jail them then vote them out


every one of them should be charged with some crime for this

Treason comes to mind. How is this permissible and in the interest of the Constitution? How is this permissible for an American citizen?

@dalefvictor It's no longer even remotely the citizens' government. They've been bought and paid for by special interests. I am not sure why in general, Americans don't seem to care.

@Zster So far they have not done anything that affects them in a material way. They actually have they just have been told everything is OK so it is. The shit will hit the fan soon, then things get interesting.

@Zster As soon as Social Security goes away the supporters will be in the streets with guns. Thoughts anyone.

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