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Food for thought

"The end of the Roman Republic: senators gave their power to Julius Caesar, making way for Augustus to become the first emperor (dictator) of the Roman Empire, leading to the decline of democratization and personal freedoms.

The end of democracy in pre-nazi Germany: the legislative body gave Hitler the power to create laws without the governance of the legislative body, making Germany a dictatorship literally overnight.

America 2020: the Senate chose to keep evidence and witness testimony from the public in order to give the president the power to potentially break laws, violate democratic-republican norms, and violate his oath of office, without a check on his power and without any consequences.

Is this the beginning of the end of American democracy? If history tells us anything, we should be doing everything in our power to make sure democracy does not die. Vote vote vote. Your social security, your healthcare, your food, your safety, your finances, your friends, your family, and your loved ones, the future, literally everything you love and take for granted depends on your vote and your participation in this republic.

Vote against this cult of fascism. The world literally depends on it. Like come on! 😩 This president is not a king or a dictator or an emperor... I'm tired." Andrew Pardue

#vote #democracy

Heidi68 8 Feb 1

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These 3 comparisons are the what aboutisms ignoring the basic history of religions that rule the's highly racist and sexist to pretend Rome Berlin and Washington DC define how people have failed to govern themselves "democratically" when the word itself is from Greek governance based upon swords and temples for men only....Margaret Mead was one of the few anthropologists who searched the world for societies void of rape and militarism....USA will likely improve itself after this cover up retaliation against TrumpOLINI for even hinting BidenS and BILLARY belong in jail for taking bribes from many countries concludes Wednesday....I am hopeful Iowa caucus goers tomorrow speak loudly for truth not covering us Biden crimes

Really? They have investigated HRC ad nauseam and the republicans have found her (and Bill) have not committed any crime. Read it again! The REPUBLICANS!
The problem with tRump is that he asked a foreign power to investigate his rival. If you do not understand that, you may need to question where you are getting your information. He should have used the CIA. Period. If the Biden's did something wrong it certainly should be investigated. If it was truly an issue the republicans would have jumped on it in 2014/2015 like they did HRC over Bengazi & the emails....

@Heidi68 I am sorry to inform you that taking millions of dollars in bribes cannot be defined as exonerated and 33 thousand emails subpoenaed and destroyed is why 25 million Veterans refused to vote for BILLARY violating secrecy laws even Comy admitted she was guilty ....destroying evidence is obstruction of justice and BILLARY knows this as a lawyer who impeached Nixon for the exact same felony.....Hunter Biden took bribes from both China and Ukraine....calling him a political rival is childish and the official coverup language of Pelosi and Schiff ....of all the war crimes of TrumpOLINI and murdered honeybees I WANT THAT evil pussygrabber in prison but not for doing his job telling the truth about BidenS&BILLARY

@Larry68Feminist except he isn't telling the truth. Once again! The REPUBLICANS INVESTIGATED her, THEY cleared her.
Fyi for every military person you CLAIM voted against her, there is an equal number who voted FOR her.
If the Bidens truly did something wrong, let OUR country investigate them! Period. Not a foreign country who needs aid from us.

@Heidi68 BidenS took the bribes inside Ukraine and daddy veep threatened to withhold aid if the investigation WAS NOT STOPPED.... you have been brainwashed believe half truths and obvious lies... Rethuglicans only investigated Benghazi not BILLARY war crimes anywhere....all 537 incumbents are getting filthy rich off war crimes lobbyists bribes and zionist donations to their campaigns...please consider peace through Green jobs WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US


Im sorry but i lost faith completely before Trump ever came into office. I wonder why I should vote when they do what they want anyway reguardless of the law. One can not vote out a culture od abuse. It has to be irradiated. Unfortunately, revolution ia the only thing historically that makes change to the degree. I worry for my chilsren and grandchildren.

I am not being fatalistic, I study history.

I disagree as to 'they do what they want regardless of the law'. That is why we are in this position. They are not the same. The republicans enjoy spreading that lie to keep the masses from voting. VOTING by the masses creates the change you suggest without revolution but you must quit saying they are the same.

What your country needs is a kind of people's power mobilization. Yes, I know how cliche that sounds. A mass mobilization of votes against the elites would be a start. Your ruling class are terrified of it. They would use every dirty trick, just like they did back in the late 60s when a consciousness of change and challenge to authority occurred. I'm not sanguine either. Even if Bernie got elected they would mobilize. I still hope he does, and that he goes for broke with a strong personal power base.

@Heidi68 that is a great idea, I fo not see that in practice. I did work for the government.

@David1955 I agree. The problem we have is 1/2 the masses are too ignorant to see the elite are lying to them..... I am hoping the Democrats & Independents are able to unite and vote like there is no tomorrow. Even if we don't choose Bernie, if we choose enough progressive candidates on down the ticket we could create the change with any of Democrat nominee.


We can only hope for a blue wave in November. Not only do I feel that Trump has to go but his henchmen McConell, Ghram, Nunez and all the rest need to be purged and flushed into oblivion as well.

I couldn't agree more!


Don't forget Big Julie got a dagger in the retunda after getting all those powers, so it didn't end well for him. What is it they say? History doesn't repeat himself, but it does rhyme.

(For the Wayne and Schuster fans)

Maybe if tRump got shot gun control might finally have a chance in this country.


I think the decline began with Reagan. We're definitely taking on water now.

Reagan was surely where the dirty tricks started. Not only did he start the love affair with the Christian Right Wing and Southern racists. That would be evil on its own. But his campaign was doing behind the scenes deals with the Iranian Mullahs to not release the American hostages until after the election. Not to mention illegal activities in South America after the election and who knows what else that never saw the light of day.


I’ve long assumed history must be repeating itself … question was, which history? Seems we’ve several to choose from!

But yes - vote till it hurts … then do it again 😉

Varn Level 8 Feb 1, 2020

Fascist USA has been murdering aboriginal people for land since 1789 ....Palestinians since 1946 and illegal wars in 160 countries on borrowed money 22 trillion borrowed since ReaGUN 1982 ....Ukrainian and Chinese bribes to the BidenS is a trivial crime covered up by Pelosi & Schiff..... Johnson & TrumpOLINI impeachments are of no consequence compared to global genocide and pollution for war crime profiteering by all incumbents and banksters

Valid points but those issues do not change the important issues pointed to in my post. You are creating what-aboutisms instead of focusing on the topic I posted.


I'm from a very red state. More often than not, my vote does not count.

Our votes count no matter what. Many states are changing their Electoral college vote. Not to mention all the other offices on the ballots....
I am also in a red state & a very red county. It sucks!

@Heidi68 true all votes get counted unless you have black skin and you were not allowed to vote for President Gore 20 years ago in 100 Florida counties forced away at GUNPOINT by the Jeb Bush crime racist cowardly liberals blame Ralph Nader instead of jailing the Bush crime families 41 and 43

I know it may seem that way but for the 1997 election in UK that voted in Labour, I was in a staunch conservative seat, that would never change. On this election it did. A majority of thousands was overturned and Labour were returned to represent. Historically, the vote was tactical and an anti Conservative vote so Labour always languished last with around 3,000 votes. On this occasion people voted with their heart and made a historic victory.

Your vote does make a difference, even if it feels that it doesn't sometimes.

That is not actually true.........the percentage of votes a politician gets can restrain or encourage them...if they think they have 100% support from redd-ies, they would simply run amok.

@Heidi68 Perhaps my statement is being misread. I didn't say I don't vote. I said that more often than not my vote doesn't count and by this I mean the people I vote for seldom reach office.

@Geoffrey51 I will refer you to my response @Heidi68

@AnneWimsey I'm not sure if I write incorrectly or if people read into what I write. I refer you to my response @Heidi68.

@AstralSmoke I figured you did but I like to make the points I did because you never know who is reading posts. They may read yours and take it the wrong way. I want to make sure they know how important voting is.

@AstralSmoke if the goal of voting is only to pick a winner, our elections are doomed to lobbyists heaven....our votes should reflect our values and interests.....REGARDLESS of horse race handicapping, democracy should not be the 2 dollar window so shallow to pay back 2.35 .....we are not going to stop illegal wars and polluters by voting for the lead horse polluting and murdering in 160 countries

@Larry68Feminist You are correct. It would be nice if my vote was for a winner sometime and in a blue state that would happen more often.


I have been saying this since November 2016 and it has only been reinforced day after day after day. He doesn't think he was elected, in his mind he was coronated in January 2017, he can not be held accountable for anything while he is in office and his lackey Trumplican Senators just handed him the keys to palace. It will be interesting to see just how much he and his gang of Senators can foul up the election between now and November, because they have it seems no reservations or incentive not to at this point. Moscow Mitch set this failure of Democracy up long before Trump was put in office by refusing to even consider an Obama Supreme Court appointment a year ahead of the elections. He should have been marched off the Senate floor right then. But Democrats are nothing if not easy to scare and fearful of offending. Obama knew about the Russian aid going to Trump's campaign long before the election but was fearful of offending Republicans by make the announcement. It cost us four years of purgatory and Trump would never have hesitated for a second if he had anything, regardless of how unfounded on Hillary. Look, she coughed a few times and had to take a day or two off to rest and Trump was going around saying she was dying!

I keep saying 'we will be lucky if he steps down should the Democrats win'. I feel he will scream we cheated and not step down, at which point the republicans will once again protect him....

@Heidi68 did you see Pete Buttigege on Bill Maher this week? Bill asked him what he would do if he was elected president and got to Washington and Trump refused to leave? Pete said it would be interesting household, him living there with Pete and his husband Chasen! LOL Watch near the end of the interview.

Remember what happened to Charles I in 1649!


Vote trump out

That's the point. We must vote but we need far more than just tRump gone. McConnell, Rubio, Burr, Graham, Tillis...... list goes on & on.

@Heidi68 absolutely

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