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Just googled something in relation to a post someone has made here. My have times changed. Growing up we had a set of encyclopidias at home. I loved looking through them. How many of you had encyclopedias in the house?

Shelton 8 Mar 29

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We had the World Book Encyclopedia and I LOVED it. It was a great source of knowledge for me, and when I couldn't get to the library, it provided for hours of reading, where one article might spark interest in something else, which lead me yet another and another... It was like going on science and history sites on the internet.


As a child, we had Britannica... As well as several 'Time' was earth science and biology, another was on space, rockets and related subjects, then there was a set on what today we call DIY for the home... As soon as i could comprehend what i was reading, around age 6 or 7, I was fascinated by the variety of information.. I carefully read each and every book, then rereading them over and over for several years. This began what i call my love for "useless informatipn", which over the last 35 or so years, has proven to be quite useful!

I had a number of those time life sets

We had a lot of those as well. I WISH I had spent more time reading the Life-Time books.


We had a tall bookcase in Haiti, with several sets of encyclopedias that I used to read as though they were books. I especially loved the 19th century set that belonged to my showed girls how to ride sidesaddle.

The science section showed a picture of a "spaceship" "hurtling through space at a mile a minute!" that looked like the Wright brother's version, with sail-like wings, open decks like a ship and couples strolling around on deck (IN SPACE) in their long, poofy dresses, and men in top hats.

I LOVED it..

That sounds like fun reading. I would love to read something like that, today.

That sounds like fun reading. I would love to read something like that, today.


I had both a set that they got for me as a kid and my father's set from when he was a lad, interesting to compare the two.

Kimba Level 7 Mar 29, 2018

Yep, Encyclopedia Americana. Every year we'd get a new volume of updates and corrections. I think I learned a lot reading those volumes; much better than Wikipedia.


By the time I was 16 I could recite entire World Book articles by memory on the most random of topics! ???

Essie Level 6 Mar 29, 2018

World Brittanica. Leather bound. A complete set my parents bought from a traveling salesman probably in the late 60’s. I LOVED getting lost in them reading just about anything!! Used them for MANY school reports and papers! I especially loved when there was a picture somewhere too. They were in a book case two tiered that was sold with them. This was a huge deal for us living in the country. We didn’t have a library for miles. Actually a lady came to our house maybe once a month with a traveling library in her car. I would jump in he back seat when I was little and the kids books were in the rear window. Loved that life!!!!


One of my favorite things to do with my father was to read them. We got them with deals at the grocery store ? My favorite was the anatomy pages with the picture lay overs.


I have the set my parents got when I started 7th grade. My oldest son adopted them so I'm still hauling the damn things around. At least they have their own bookcase.


Loved them. Opening one up and learning something new every time. Doesn't get any better than that.


Yes had quite a few books too


I did, and they were instrumental in my education in my grade-school years.


Used to. Grew up with them, great investment for children. Never a boring moment.


Encyclopedia Britannica and there was a science encyclopedia for children that was sold at the grocery store. I'd pester my mom wanting to know when the next came out. Whenever we went to the store, I'd rush to the display looking for the latest issue.


Me too, rainy day reading


Sure did. I used to plagerize it for my schoolwork.

@Shelton those little Cliff Note booklets did my book reports. I don’t know if I ever really read any of the books till "Catcher in the Rye" ?


As a child we had none. Later on I got a set of outdated ones that we kept around. We used them often during high school coz they were in the study hall room.


I used to get very frustrated with encyclopedias. They were cumbersome, expensive--and they were outdated every year.

marga Level 7 Mar 29, 2018

They were the closest most accessible source of any real knowledge. That and the periodical card catalog at the town library. Columbia Encyclopedia I think was the set at home.


Little known tidbit - the whole set is called an encyclopedia. It has many volumes, but not many encyclopedias.


We did and I loved looking at them but the minute we got them they were already outdated. Love instant access to random trivia.


Oh, wow, what memories. I adored reading them. We also had a set of How Things Work!


One massive set years ago, purchased so I would have as my kids grew. Damned if I know what happenened to them.

@Shelton ahhh, that would explain many things, obviously they steal socks for their legs.


I grew up in the 70's...which was an awesome time to be a kid in southern California. parents bought the whole set of Funk & Wagnall's encyclopedia set. Even came with this huge atlas.
Oh man...I read those books cover to cover! I was voracious. So much cool info! The glossy pages...the pictures...I was in heaven.
A few years later, my dad bought me the entire set of Funk & Wagnall's wildlife encyclopedias and I read all those too. Cover to cover. Multiple times. I can tell you things, man...lots and lots of things....


Yeah, an old Book of Knowledge set, my siblings made fun of me for reading it so much.

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