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Anyone else find that there are very few agnostics where you live? Shocking to hit a dating site and see how few there are.

BenCorbin1 4 Feb 9

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i really don't know what the people in my community believe. i don't get out much. i do go thrice a week to adult daycare (haven't been going lately because i've had pneumonia) and all the daycares are religiously affiliated. this one is affiliated with a jewish senior residence, which means our meals are kosher, but the clientele are not all jewish, and none of the staff is jewish. so i know, among them, who is and who isn't, as i get to know them, but only one client is religious to the extent of being annoying, and he is mentally impaired (and overall obnoxious -- and seems unaware of being in a jewish-affiliated establishment, since he is noisily christian). no one else ever discusses religion except if you mention pork or ham or mixing milk and meat, in which case they may say no thanks (not that any such thing is served there). jews don't proselytize, at any rate! so it's peaceful except when this one guy acts up. who actually believes in a god, as opposed to just self-identifying with a religion, i do not know, apart from one developmentally disabled catholic who responds to any mention of death with a declaration that the deceased is in heaven. as for the staff, i know one of them is an atheist like me, so we talk about it sometimes just because it's nice to meet a fellow nonbeliever. but all in all, we do and talk about other stuff, and it doesn't come up at all!



You may want to check out to see if there are any atheist/agnostic social groups near you. This website is hardly a representation of all agnostics/atheists in any one area. I put posts on Facebook to try to help promote this site. Also, when I know I am going out on errandes, that is the day when I wear my T-shirt. People need help to find the site.

I'd say the same especially if you live anywhere near a major metro. Meetup has jacked up their prices recently so unless you have a small group that qualifies for a free account or can convince people to chip in its an expensive proposition.

If you're on Facebook you might be able to run a small targeted ad campaign to advertise a local group - or help start one. Although I'm not sure if they let you target atheists/non religious people specifically. If your ads go to the religious you can expect a bunch of hate messages and spam signups.

An alternative is use something else as a proxy for finding the non religious - like science groups, or liberal groups, or any groups that do something non religious on a Sunday morning. That's prime time for meeting non Bible thumpers out and about...


I'm in agreement with most comments on this subject. I'm in Grand Rapids, mi, a city that is extremely religious. Hard to find someone to talk to much less date in this town. Yes in America everybody has the right to believe what they want. But the question is to believe, or actually live life by what you see. Its science that is the true. There are so few of us that can actually see this. But more and more are coming out everyday, hard to believe we are a minority, but we are. It will take many more decades for people to see. 👀 We as nonreligious people need to not behave like the " believers " and not be haters. If we hate we are being just as bad. Let's rise above and just let everyone be.

I live in Potterville. The County Journal of Eaton County runs 2 columns from preachers, one is called 'The Preachers Pen '. Lot of bible thumpers around. I wrote one and sent it in and they actually Printed it! Cool editor I think.

Hoping for the Best
The leftover taco meat was heating up in the microwave and the fixin’s were all ready when, ‘Ding Dong’, the doorbell rang. I dropped what I was doing and answered the door to find two men from the local ‘Bible Church’ who proceeded to engage me regarding their religious beliefs.
We had a lively discussion in which I informed them that I was a ‘Humanist’, for want of a title, and was not a ‘believer’ like them. I said that I think, as the ancient Greeks did, that although we have a soul, it dies along with the body. I think that one should treat others as one would like to be treated and live a good life. That is the most one can do. The older of the two gentlemen kept saying, “But what if you are wrong?” I replied that if I am wrong, at least I would go to my grave having stuck to what I think. He informed me that he knows what happens after we die and was positive about it. I disagreed and we parted congenially, and they left.
While eating those again reheated tacos, I realized that a small part of me was a tiny bit insulted. Two strangers came to my door and proceeded to tell me that they know what happens after we die and that what I think was wrong and it was too bad I would not get to their version of heaven.
It reminded me of what the character Lazarus Long says about religion in Robert Heinlein’s book, ‘Time Enough for Love’. “History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to face the unknown without help. But like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure fiddling with it.”
Maybe I should be a little insulted? How shallow would I be to turn my back on my life long thoughts on the matter on the word of a stranger who purports to know otherwise? I have always thought religion was a scam. “Oh, I’ll take that sacrifice and make sure the God gets it!”
Morality and decency come not from what we believe but from our need to live together in peace and brotherhood. Despite the wish of humans to know what becomes of us when we die, we can only know the here and now.
So, live a decent and moral life treating others as you would like to be treated. Cross your fingers and hope for the best!


Actually most Agnostic’s and Atheist’’s Do Not want to be bother with most or around religious mentality!!!

“Fuck them if they can not take a joke”!!!

If you are that worried about how others think of you are just as messed up mentally as those religious moronic idiots are!

If you fit in without being pegged as abnormal, why stay aboard a sinking ship!


I am here for the community. There may be more agnostics than you think. It also depends on where you live and how rural of an area it is. The more rural areas tend to be more religious as does the south. I am shocked at how many atheist and agnostics I run into.


Yup not many


Not surprising at all where I live as everything in this neck of the rural southern woods is jesus, trump, and guns. At least with a major university close by, I can escape the vapidness now and then.

As to online... There was a small number here to begin with, then that number grew, but along with that growth came the trolls, religious nuts, and political whackos, which largely ruined things. I cannot tell, now, if the activity has dropped precipitously or if my content filters have finally kicked in (allowing me to see only those posts that are not religious, political, etc). I was surprised that the site degraded into a scrapping match just like the sites I was escaping in such short time. I figure I am in the minority preferring friendly conversation to such, which makes me sad.

Zster Level 8 Feb 16, 2020

I live in the south and have a very Jewish name so in these parts no Jesus no heaven so I musty be an atheist. For me, I’m on the fence and have more doubts than anything but admit it would be nice to have something, I just don’t.


I wish I could find a community here in Alabama, in my local area, Central Alabama. The closest I could find was in Birmingham. Maybe I will start a Facebook group or something. I feel so isolated sometimes. It's nice to atleast have an online place to meet other atheists.


I think the poster was just saying it's hard to find others where he lives and is probably wondering other than this site how the rest of us we join an agnostic club. So we have kids with a catholic and stay home but send the rest of the family to church? stuff like that.


I relocated south - no surprise at all.

And this is not specifically a dating site - though sometimes, the opportunity might appear !


Small town Florida here


Well, I stopped worrying about dating. When things must happen, they will. Probably I'll make a fool of myself for telling this story but fuck it!!! Many years ago, going to a birthday party, I was talking to a guy that I knew that was going to the same party, so a few girls that were going there as well showed up. We started talking and this guy all looking evil and who had participated on a video of a Portuguese bimbo music artist passed by. One of the girls said: "Here's Abilio, hit him!!!" In Portuguese, "Batam-lhe!". I understood "Batam-me!!!", which means "Hit me!!!". I punched the girl... she must have liked it as we started going out... Didn't work but there's always this stupid story to tell...


I seem to know all the locals. I'm here for community.


I was more surprised at how many there were, just on this site. Makes me wonder how many there are total.


There's a lot fewer non-believers across the board so pichings are slimmer for them everywhere.

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