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How many of you have lied or decieved a potential employer about your being agnostic or atheist. I would like to read your stories!

I am very guilty of not mentioning....Little things,.... like, my ATHEIST YOUTUBE CHANNEL! My involvement on social media etc..

DavidLaDeau 8 Feb 12

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I was never asked that question.If I was asked this question I would lie and say I was a bible thumping moron if it would have helped me get the job .Any employer with the nerve and audacity to ask a personal question such as this deserves to get lied to .

Yes I agree.

The thing is they don't have to ask. They can simply mention they are active in the community as "small talk". You know they won't be at work on any Wednesday as they go to Bible study. If someone shifts wrong or clams up well they probably were not a good fit for the "team".


If any potential employer is concerned about my atheism, then that potential employer is not worth working for.


I have been interviewing with a practice that mentions "Christian-focused care." I assume this means I will be expected to smite my enemies with fire and brimstone. I hope they supply the brimstone, as I am fresh out.


My private life is none of my employers business.


Thankfully I live in Britain, where it would be considered OUTRAGEOUS to even ask a potential employee about their religious beliefs - except, I guess, if you're applying for a fundamentally religious job, at a church or so on.


What my religion (or non-religion) is, is none of my employers business. Now, if it's part of the conversation I refuse to lie. That has pissed off one supervisor because she couldn't do anything about it.

I could be fired at the drop of a bible.


They legally aren't supposed to ask, and you are under no obligation to answer, or tell the truth, either.


Never outright lied about it, but certainly kept my mouth shut while everybody else freely babbled on about their superstitions.


Under federal law, discrimination in employment based on religion is prohibited.

My atheism never came up.

I hope it does not for me either. I will just try to work and keep my head down.


I'm in Texas and it's just assumed that I'm religious. It's common to have religious items displayed on office walls and desks, unless perhaps one works for a major organization. I've been known to distract when asked about my religion, so I guess I did deceive.

Distraction is my friend.


I have never been asked about being an atheist by any employer or in a job interview!!!

I have been asked by self serving Moronic idiots!!!

Women have more of a problem if you do not believe in their mystical beings who offer them nothing but harm and pain!!!

Then they blame their relationship problems on the males morality and ethics, when they are just as immoral and unethical!


I am following .... Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

You are not required to tell. It is not even legal to ask about your religious orientation or dating preferences.

of course it's not legal, but not everything can be litigated ... and proving discrimination to a judge who wants the 10 commandments on the courthouse lawn might be an uphill battle.

It is illegal to commit murder. It still happens all the time.


I went the other direction. Unfortunately, the human resources person was the wife of the Managing Partners church (Salvation Army). After 911 myself and a senior manager refused to display a silly flag on our desk. She could not go after him but she found ways to needle me. Most of the time I won but she slowly got other people against me. She constantly butted heads with me and, in the end, I retired early. She actually did me a favor.


Occasionally but avoid jobs that question faith they are not worth it

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 12, 2020

It's not a question that I've ever been asked.
It's also illegal for any employer, prospective or otherwise, to ask such a question.


Here, people don't even ask or care about it when it comes to work.


I have been lucky to have always worked for other atheists. Did not know this at the time of the interview, it just worked out that way. I work with people who ask the question about the existeence of dog and I tell them what I know. It often gives them something to think about that they have not understood before.

Dog? He's someone's co-pilot isn't he? Probably explains why there are so many crap drivers around!


In my view getting a job takes precedence over telling the truth about ones lack of belief in a god .

fedup Level 6 Feb 12, 2020

Lying through omission. I don't talk about it and if anyone asks what church I attend (I do live in NC, so that's not an uncommon question), I laugh and say "the church of the no preference. It's a Unitarian church."

I would have to evade the subject or tell them that I don't go to church. I don't want to do that. I want to work and go home.


anyone who has time to worry about another's religion or absence thereof doesn't have enough to do.

Perhaps not, but they are increasingly feeling like it's okay for them to do that.

@KKGator i have never asked or been asked about beliefs. i'm amazed

@TheDoubter I'm sincerely pleased for you. It's extremely pervasive.

@KKGator i find it hard to believe that employers or coworkers know about or care about your belief system. why does the subject arise? Or if it does, what is the big deal? A guy told me: i'm going to church so i can't make the picnic but i'll be there for the ball game later. i said: okay see you then. no question about what church.

@TheDoubter I live in the South. Two questions that almost always come up in nearly all conversations are, "Who are your people?", and "Where do you go to church?" Most of the time, the people who do it think they're just making conversation and showing genuine interest in another person.
They have no clue that anyone might find it offensive, or not believe like they do.
That is the very definition of "privilege".

When I was in college, one of the programs I'd been in had a potluck at the end of the term. People had started eating and one of the instructors came in and was incensed because no one waited to say "grace". Called the lot of us "heathens", and let us know she was not pleased that no one felt it necessary to say a "blessing". She was absolutely sincere, and completely incredulous.

I've been invited to attend church services with people on nearly every job I've ever had, and not just in the South. I've had supervisors who tried to lead me, and other co-workers, in prayer for a number of reasons, i.e., someone was ill, someone was having a baby, someone had a death in the family, it was Tuesday, etc.
I've even had a doctor insist that we pray together, and that was in Ohio, in the 80s. Granted, that was a work-situation, but just goes to show the pervasiveness of those who feel free to exercise their religious privilege.

I realize it sounds incredible to anyone who has never experienced it, but it happens.

@Seeker3CO Yeah, me too.


I have used "I am not religious" before. It seems to soften the blow and any assumptions they make after that is on them. But Ive never lied to an employer because it rarely ever comes up. When it has specifically come up, I tell them about my lack of belief and Ive never suffered any repercussions for it. I have turned down potential employers because of a "christian-centered" atmosphere or "we are tutoring kids using a christian viewpoint."


I don't use the word atheist at work because my corporation has a religious base. If it comes up I claim I used to be religious and studied for the ministry but today I am no longer religious. If asked "what happened" I give them a stern look and reply "I am no longer religious." That usually ends it.

I might do just what you did as it is true for me also as you know!


So far, no one has asked about My religion. Since doing so would be a violation of Federal employment law., I don't every expect to hear it since I won't ever seek employment from a 'Faith Based' organization.

This was just a doctors office where they mentioned their Christian values at the interview.

@DavidLaDeau Mentioning theirs is not illegal. Questioning you about yours, unless it's church sponsored, not for profit agency, is.


What! Your religion or lack of should have no bearing on your employment. It is an infringement of your human rights for an employer to ask or take into account of it as a condition to your employment, unless that is, you are applying for a job as a minister of religion! It is contrary to employment laws here in the UK., and I can’t think of any reason to voluntarily raise the subject with a prospective employer.

I was told it was a place that had hood Christian values. It was said to guage my response. I passed the test and was hired. They are good people.


It is illegal for an employer to ask that! Anyway, no i have never lied about it.

Despite its being illegal, even back in 1971, when i was 19, i was among a group of toys r us stock clerks whose new manager had the temerity to ask us, en masse, if we believed in god. I quoted mark twain's "malign thug" line to him. He was not pleased... But it was none of his business.

Half a decade later i was asked by a potential employer if i might change my surname, for the purpose of the job, to something less "overtly jewish." i didn't want to but i was living with two unemployed friends who were stealing electricity to survive so i said yes. It made me physically ill.

Another time i was calling from the sunday job listings to find employment and asked one receptionist if a certain job was still open. Oh yes! The relief in her voice was palpable. I heard her call out to the boss and speak in glowing terms about what portion of my qualifications i had given her, and about (best of all) my availability fir this job they were so eager to fill. Then she told him my overtly jewish surname. A second later she came back to the phone yo tell me, cold as ice, that she was terribly sorry but the position had been filled.

I have taken more shit throughout my life fir being a jew, without anyone's investigating my level of religiosity (i am an atheist -- which is none of anyone's damned business but on the other hand it is no secret) because being a jew already condemns me to hell (and apparently unemployability). People who are unhappy with my atheism tend to be total strangers on facebook who can neither beat me up nor fire me. Sticks and stones!


Damn I am an ignorant ass. I had no idea thst it was like that for Jewish people or even non-Jewish people with a "Jewish" name. I would like to learn more. Any suggestions? BTW I don't give a rats ass. You are awesome in my book!

@DavidLaDeau aww you are making me blush lol

yeah i could tell more of my childhood -- and you know, i didn't grow up in nazi germany in the '30s; i was raised up and down the east coast of the usa in the 'fifties and 'sixties, and some of the adult stuff happened in california in the 'seventies and of course antisemitism is on the rise at the moment, but i don't get out much so i see it online and i see it at the adult daycare center i attend (because my alzheimer's-stricken fiance won't go unless i do, and he NEEDS it) even though it is connected with a jewish retirement facility (long story). lemme see, to what besides my own memory you could refer to learn more: give me time. i'll think about it.


@DavidLaDeau okay lemme ask you something: do you want info on the rise of antisemitism either in the usa or worldwide these days, or something about its background, or stuff that has happened to me, my family and folks i know?

there is a wonderful and nice long book by lucy davidowich (i may be misspelling her) called the war against the jews and it deals with the holocaust. i recommend it as helpful background but it is interesting in its own right as well.


@genessa Thank ypu I will give it a read.

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