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Rethuglicans want a white America. They will destroy it before they can achieve it!!!! Agree/Disagree?? And Trump keeps tweeting away........

sassygirl3869 9 Feb 18

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It does appear most members of the gop would rather have authoritarian rule than give people of color, LGBTG and even some white women who mouth off too much equal rights and are willing to do anything to keep their control, power and wealth. They really do not not play well with the other kids.


Fucking twitler !!!

The Twitter in Chief.


My only question to ask about the feasibility of a white Amerika is, "Who is going to do the work of keeping it working?" Everyone, who will be welcome, is not into anything that is sustainable for even a short period of time. Who is going to work, if everyone is busy ripping off everyone else? When the criminals are all released and put into positions because they are friends of the asshole in chief why is anyone going to do anything that is honest?

There is no logic to their behaviour. They don't realize the USA will collapse without any "minorities".


For minorities, Trump and the religious have already destroyed it. And it didn't start with Trump. Its been going on for decades.....?
He is just a symptom of a sick society based around religion that values money and power.
Six years ago, I had a conversation with the chief of police in my town. She was new and wanted to know what the town was like. I told her its full of white supremacists and don't be surprised if she runs into them.

Outside of Seattle it is not very welcoming to people of color or well anyone not white christian and male. Mouthy women are not liked either.


The American Evangelical Fascists have been working diligently for close to half a century for this moment. They are not going to give up their ultimate victory (getting a wonk willing to do their bidding in the White House and the Senate, not to mention putting their choices in SCOTUS). I look for a long and tough battle ahead to get democracy back.


White .... baptist... rural.


Absolutely true

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 18, 2020
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