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A return to Auschwitz with one's children and grandchildren 75 years after liberation. Did you know the liberating Russians redressed the survivors in tattered uniforms and took photos so the world would never forget? How can deniers exist? If you want to learn more please join us at Jewish by Culture.

sassygirl3869 9 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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My father liberated camps ; he was brought to tears
remembering the details. The soldiers could hardly function
as they were traumatized. That affected him MORE than when the SS killed unarmed US pow's.

Holy shit that must've haunted him- I can't even imagine. I like the way US soldiers marched local townspeople through the camps so they knew what was going on where they lived.

@sassygirl3869 many camps, the American Army made local civilians come in and clean them up, burying the dead and taking care of the living. Seemed just to me.



bobwjr Level 10 Feb 18, 2020

I thought I knew about all the horror there.

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