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This is my own personal Jesus, Purchased for me by a religious friend with a sense of humor because I play the song Plastic Jesus on guitar... I hold it and him in high regard, sharing it for GoodFriday ... If I’m in a traffic jam he don’t care if I say damn I could let all sorts of curses roll, plastic Jesus doesn’t hear because he has a plastic ear, the man who invented plastic saved my soul.

ArdentAtheist 8 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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"I don't care if it rains or freezes, as long as I've got my plastic Jeezus..."

'...glued to the dashboard of my car....'


Is it a bobblehead?

Why yes it is.

@ArdentAtheist good for historical accuracy!


Naw..I don't want something around that reminds me of annoying people I know.

I find it amusing, I love the song and find it hilarious that people get upset when I play it, and not because I play it badly, that would be another conversation entirely 🙂


I shared a flat with a friend when I was fifteen and she had a luminous jesus above her bed - apparently I snored so she kept a pile of shoes by her bed to sling at me so I often woke covered in shoes to this glowing greenish appartition that scared the daylights out of me .

That is creepy....


Your soul? You have one of those? Well bless you.

Only for purposes of making it to the end of the song😉

@ArdentAtheist DEPECHE MODE would be proud of you.

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