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Gif or Jif?

I always knew I was right. Now I want the peanut butter to confirm it. 😊


Lauren 8 Feb 25

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I hope this doesn't devolve into a Linux pronunciation war. πŸ˜›

Omigosh, yes! Now that would have some hardcore debating going on.

(But, of course, Linux is always Lih-nix.)

@Lauren I saw it in writing first (in chat rooms), and without knowledge of its origins, I just applied standard American English pronunciation rules to it, so I've always pronounced like lye-nucks. As it turns out, we're actually both wrong, but Linus Torvalds has said he doesn't care, as long as you use it. He's also said it's lee-nukes. πŸ˜›

@bingst I saw it in writing first as well and it was confusing for me. I went with lye because of his name. He's Finnish, so I imagine that affects his pronunciation.

Have you ever heard his quote, "Software is like sex: it's better when it's free"? Don't tell me he didn't say it because I like it too much!

@Lauren No, I haven't heard it, and don't know if he actually said it. haha


Just another way to boost their sales. Gif peanut butter is too expensive. I have always pronounced it hard, like crunchy.

Nicely done, @AstralSmoke.


Originally it was pronounced "jif" (soft g), but that was decades ago, and as is the case with all word usage, the majority rules. Dictionaries change over time, and if the "common use" happens to differ from the original, so be it. Just know and understand that those of us who continue to pronounce "gif" properly (with a soft g) were there at the beginning and choose to do so out of homage to the originator.

Yes, that's it exactly! Thank you. πŸ™‚


I don't talk to Gif people. They should go back to where they came from.............BUILD A JIF WALL!!


I think CNN's reporting is somewhat muddled on this. Even if GIF's creator states it should be pronounced with a soft G, that isn't the case Jif is making. Look closely at the pic of their Gif jar, upon which it states "Hard G Pronunciation."

I settled on hard G a long time ago, I think because I learned that the G stood for Graphics.

That's a good point. I didn't notice the smaller graphics on my phone, just what the ad agency said their intention was in the article. Hmmm.


I'm firmly on team hard-g.

Oh, no! Then no peanut butter for you. πŸ˜‰

@Lauren You can give me peanut butter as a birthday jift. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œπŸ˜

@resserts I'll include it with the beautiful jiraffe I just know you'll love. 😁

@Lauren You can simply send me a jraphic of it. 😁

@resserts I love jenerating graphics. I'll get on it as soon as I'm back from the gym. πŸ˜‹

@Lauren You're at the jym?

@resserts Damn auto-correct!

But you're right, me at the jym won't fly. I was with the jypsies.

@Lauren You're such a jypsy jirl.

@resserts That's about the jist of it. Good of you to notice, my jentle friend.

@Lauren gust dying to goin this thread...

@AnneWimsey A jiant welcome to you, Anne!

@AnneWimsey, @Lauren I need sleep, but I'll jive you more time tomorrow.

@resserts @AnneWimsey

Same here. Have a majical night.


Once and for all settled, this has just recently come up in our office, and I'm so glad there's an actual answer. (I obviously have always pronounced it with a soft g) πŸ˜„

I was on a Twitch stream recently where I was one of only two people who used the soft g. I felt so ... misunderstood. ☺️

@Lauren I'd honestly never had it come up until recently sama then all of a sudden my boss in our marketing director both started saying GIF with a hard g. I never even thought of pronouncing it that way, but I have a link to text them in the morning now. Yay. And thanks.

@OnTheInside I think it's a new trend, and you're welcome. I just emailed the link to a couple people I know, too.

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