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The Biden Train Wreck That's On Its Way

The US pro Biden corporate media and the Democratic Party apparatchiks must be pretty pleased with themselves. Bernie neutralized and their do nothing candidate, Biden, looks like getting up.

They remind me of people who were at dinner on the night the Titanic hit the berg. Enjoying all the trimmings while disaster was on its way.

Trump doing Biden will not be pretty. Unlike the Titanic passengers, who didn't know the berg was coming, the Biden apologists just don't want to think about their damaged candidate and what will happen. All that baggage thrown at him by Trump and co, that even a capable Biden would have trouble dealing with, and here's a guy who could barely hold his own against other Democrats, and his mental agility is getting worse all the time.

One last point. Even if Trump dropped dead, any replacement the Republicans found, like Pence, would rout Biden.

It seems the Democratic Party would rather lose than have a real change candidate. It really is run by billionaires, isn't it.

I'm not looking forward to watching the unraveling of Biden and what will follow.

Or are there still people out there gullible enough to think Trump is really 'scared' of Biden?

David1955 8 Mar 11

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At last. @TomMcGiverin blocked me. Someone had to. Him or me. Trump Sheep don't like being acknowledged for what they are. As if their rhetoric hadn't already exposed them.


Have you seen the short list of Biden's likely appointments to his cabinet and economic advisors? Another bunch of Wall Street folks, including plenty of Goldman Sucks figures, same as Obama's bunch. No wonder they were scared of Bernie. He would have appointed only allies of the bottom 90%.

Obama did exactly the same thing. Wall Street flunkies and left over Clinton hacks. Democratic Party ground hog day. Bernie's appointments would have been very interesting.

@David1955 No shit. Bernie would have truly tried to drain the swamp, unlike Trump, or died trying. That is why both parties, as well as the corporate media, feared him.

More made up stuff. Probably listening to FOX"News" since Biden has listed NO likely appointments. Meaning YOUR list is one made up by someone you're listening to. It's undoubtedly people you've been taught to fear. ANY of them will be better than the grifters and con artists associated with Trump. All of whom should, seriously, be in jail.

@david75090 I assume I will be getting your apology should Biden somehow win and his appointments end up being exactly like what I described above? I didn't think so....The source of the appointments list was not Fox News, which I rarely watch and only watch rarely in order to see how much fairer their coverage of Bernie is compared to CNN or MSNBC.

My guess is, gasp, Biden will fill his positions with Democrats. So, you're spouting FOX"News"/Breitbart/Rush Limbaugh/right-wing talking points without listening to them? Uh huh. Right.

@david75090 Time to block, you ass...BTW, my comments on Biden's short list are from a progressive website, not a conservative one. David just can't stand it if someone brings up info he doesn't like...


That's exactly what Russia wants us to believe. Good work comrade!

1of5 Level 8 Mar 11, 2020

That's exactly what the establishment wants you to believe. Good going MSNBC lackey.

@RoboGraham ohh, now you think you know my viewing habits? I'll add that to the list of shit you think you know.

It's getting long, btw. Post any of Trumps propaganda lately?


Sorry, must have been CNN which lead you to believe that the Russians are the ones ones pulling the strings.

I posted a video of a confused Biden speaking poorly which gave Trump and the right a golden opportunity to make him look a fool. That's going to be happening a lot as we move forward.

He will be doing a great deal of speaking during the general. The more he speaks the more he blunders and the DNC won't be able to protect him as he goes up against Trump.


Each thing on that list is something you think I'm wrong about. So that's a list of shit you think you know too.

@RoboGraham dude, that video was edited and distributed by the republicans which was pointed out multiple times to you.

That you are defending it now shows me just how dense you really are.


I get it.
I'm not defending the video, I'm saying that Biden, being often confused, is an easy target for these sorts of tactics which the MAGA people will fully use to their advantage.


You got it all right. The Dem leaders would rather lose with a neoliberal centrist than win with a leftist, because a leftist would end their corrupt gravy train with the lobbyists and corporate America. Trump saying he was scared of running against Biden was just a ploy to egg the Dems on into nominating Biden. In a leaked audio recording of a dinner party Trump had in 2018, he admits that he was scared that Bernie might get nominated by the Dems in 2016 and that he thought Bernie would be tough to run against in 2016.

You must've paid zero attention to Trump or you're just making stuff up. His cabinet is Grifters-R-US all up and down the lineup. Tax cuts for himself and friends. "Corrupt gravy train" in reference to the left? Ha. Republicans like to play their little game of opposites. The opposite of what they say is true. Throw their crap against the wall and see if it sticks.

@david75090 I am doing neither. I am fully aware of Trump and his sins. You can shove your fall in line crap. Enjoy your loss this fall...

@TomMcGiverin No, Tom. You're trying to peddle your crap and now you're denying you're peddling your crap. Typical Trump Sheep behavior.


Good article, scary as hell


If Sanders is such a great candidate why didn't he win?

He didn't win because everyone here is scared shitless of the word "socialist".

Because he had the leadership of the Dem party against him as well as all of the corporate media.

@TomMcGiverin exactly. Ever watched MSNBC. These people live in rich la la land.

@David1955 I have and it disgusts me. Bernie gets fairer coverage on Fox News than he does on MSNBC.

It’s a Conspiracy 😀 All that Democratic wealth & power! got it, his message is unrealistic, though his desires were noble.. It’s not the man, it’s the nation ~

@TomMcGiverin even his own base failed to get up and vote. And he failed to capture the many many women I know who are not interested in another old white man.

@prometheus Which is why Warren ran as the spoiler to hurt Bernie and still refuses to endorse him.

@TomMcGiverin no she didn't run as a spoiler, she ran because people wanted to vote for her. She was no more a spoiler than Bernie was. And when she was out of the race Bernie STILL didn't win. Endorsements are just marketing anyway, voters don't actually pay much attention except the candidates they endorse - Warren voters are quite capable of making up their own minds, which is why they were Warren voters and not Sanders voters to start with.


You’re not even American. Stay out of it!

It's OUR world you are ruining. It's our soldiers you drag into your brain dead fucking wars. It's our economies you collapse through right wing brain dead policies. Oh, yeah, lady, we have a stake.

@David1955 I m liberal not right wing. You’ve got land to clean up after all those fires. Your country needs your concentration there. We are ridding ourselves of the megalomaniac in chief.

@David1955 He is right. American politics has a great effect on the rest of the world. He has a stake in it and also a right to weigh in, as long as he does not interfere with the process.

@TomMcGiverin he clearly shouldn’t want the toddler in chief to continue his evil reign?

@RobinGray you are "ridding" yourselves of Trump?! Just wait until the virus subsides, hopefully, and then the Trump Biden debates come. Then tell me how well you are doing on the ridding.

@Bobby9 how is that possum stew coming along?

@David1955 Why would you hand your troops over to US … allow US to ‘fuck up’ your economy..? Really, if you gave a damn, you’d allow our healing to begin - and unite against the real enemy..

@TomMcGiverin He is interfering with our process. It’s one thing, even beneficial to learn of concerns beyond our borders, but aggressively arrogant to demean those we’re in the process of choosing. Honestly, I skipped the bulk of his tripe … he’s not fooling me.. But we’ve some who eat that shit up 😀

@David1955 not so much "running" as drunken joy ride on a shopping cart down a hill straight into a busy road... And that's being kind.

@Bobby9 so is the recipe 2 possums, 3 cups of water, 2 pinches of salt, or 1 possum, and 2 cups of water and 2 pinches of salt?

@David1955 is this your way of connecting with like minded people? You’ve got it all wrong...

@RobinGray I just tell it like it is. Last year, during the Mueller Investigation, I posted here that the outcomes would be a nothing; that a few scapegoats would be sacrificed (like Cohen and Manafort), that Trump and Co would walk away unscathed, and that Mr (Republican) Mueller would do as little as possible and anyone thinking otherwise can not see the corruption that is the ruling class of America. I got dumped on by many, the usual "you foreigners don't know anything... not your business... Mueller is a great "Institutionalist" and so on and so on and so on. Yeah fine. So, I was right and I knew I would be. Same thing here. Come November when Biden is political road kill, if you recall this thread, you may be gracious enough to admit I was right. And, by the way, there are a lot of "like minded people", both here and in your country and around the world.

@Bobby9 do you ever use a spell checker? Your grammar and writing are as uninspiring as your attempts at sarcasm.

@David1955 you say this in your profile:

I am on this site because I like to have contact with fellow non-religious people. It's not easy me do that in my daily life.

You’re not doing a good job of making friends here either...but I guess a slime like you has no friends?

@RobinGray excuse me? That's uncalled for. Goodbye Madam.


He's made a friend out of me.

The decisions made in Washington effects the entire world. That means that foreigners get to be part of the conversation. He happens to be better informed than most of us. He was right about the Mueller Investigation, he's right about Biden.

I notice you had no substantive response to his reply. So you decided take a shot at his friend making abilities. Weird. Well, your wrong about that too. @David1955 is a friend of mine.

@RoboGraham and he’s taking shots at me and the other guy. The possum stew comments he made aren’t a joke, so he’s vile slime bag. Maybe you are too. You two enjoy each other. I’m blocking you both!


The opposite of what you're saying is true.

In 2016, Trump got the anti-Hillary vote. Millions didn't trust her. She still got almost 3 million more votes than Your Boy. That won't happen this time. America has seen Trump for 3 years. It will be 4 by election day. They've caught his act. He will always have His Sheep. It's not those people he has to get to vote for him. The election of 2018 was a referendum on Trump. What happened? Large wins for the Democrats.

In my opinion about a third of the country are Republican and a third are Democrat. Then there is the other third. They've watched Trump divide the country. Name-call, golf, watch FOX "News", tweet, blame everyone but himself, give himself credit for random accomplishments, generally make a jack-ass out of himself and America.

So, it's my conclusion His Sheep are His Sheep and will vote for him no matter what. Personally, I agree with the poll that was taken where the majority said they preferred death by meteor to another 4 years of Trump.

@OwlInASack The election won't be Biden versus Trump. It will be Trump versus not-Trump. Biden only has to run as a normal human being.

@OwlInASack The irony is that blacks, particularly older blacks, were the group that powered Biden to his primary wins on Super Tuesday and last night. The reasons they voted overwhelmingly for him instead of Bernie was their nostalgia for the Obama years, combined with all the endorsements Biden got from corrupt black leaders in their states. Bunch of gullible, tribalistic voters, putting their race ahead of policy and their own interests. What the hell has Biden ever done for blacks in America, esp. working class and poor blacks?

Not to mention the congressional races up for grabs. Graham and McConnell need to go as well. Any Trump supporting republican in the house or senate up for re-election should be quaking in their boots right now.

@TomMcGiverin yes, I have said before that black voters have nothing to lose from a Sanders Presidency, and nothing to gain from a Biden Presidency. It is a pity that African American voters have sided too much with Obama nostalgia, and too little with the Sanders progressivism.

@TomMcGiverin Hysterical stuff. "Tribalist voters". Sort of like Trump Sheep. They'll make something up to justify their position. Trump is against everyone but rich white people who support him. Why would a black person want to vote for someone like that? That's why the election will be Trump versus not-Trump. America has caught Trump's act. All the lies in the world by Trump Sheep won't change that.


Biden stood with segregationists, Biden wrote the crime bill which devastated black communities, Biden opposes policies which would help black people. He is the worst for them, and all of us, aside from Trump I guess.

What a tragedy.

@RoboGraham And yet it was the support of black folks in SC that turned the tide for Biden. Apparently, they don't view things as you do. The black folks KNOW Trump doesn't have their back. They know Biden is best buds with Barrack. It's the tale of too narratives. People, other than Republicans, know Trump hasn't met a lie he won't tell. Don't think they know that about Biden.


Right. Trump is awful for AAs, and everyone else for that matter.

Biden is too but to a lesser degree. They support him because of his connection with Obama. That is the tragedy.

@RoboGraham Biden is not my first choice, but I don't like Trump as a choice at all. Probably some black folks feel the same. Hard to speak for others. If Trump hasn't revealed himself to people, they don't want to see.


It sucks to see defeat this early, doesn't it? I also think that Biden is quite possibly the worst candidate that the Dems could have chosen, but...

... I'll vote for him, reluctantly. Maybe (this is a long shot, I know,) he'll choose a great running mate that people can get excited about.

He will end up with Klobuchar as a running mate. She will add nothing that will help him.

It is tragically sad Biden had to exit retirement in order to save us from defeat. But just as he deferred to Hillary, he realized any competent, known, realistic candidates had taken several steps back, not forward.. The other candidates got that, too … all but one ..recklessly feeding his ego 😟


I know it must be disappointing to you as it was for me, but we need Trump out, Bernie gave it a good try and Biden won the votes, this is no Hillary trap by the DNC like 2016 and we all knew Bernie was going to be attacked by the corporate media and the establishment, so that's not new. I was not a fan of Biden and wanted Bernie to be the man, but he won't be. Time for unity now, not discord. The anti trump sentiment will defeat Trump and the blue wave is needed to implement all the better ideas that dems have and destroy the crap that Trump has done to this country.

Surely you see the Established campaign that was mobilized against Bernie, beginning with that first vote, designed to undermine Bernie, the Obama and the rest in a concerted effort to sandbag Biden last week. Were Biden an outstanding candidate it might be arguable. He's hardly that. This concerted use of power, to lead to a disastrous outcome, unless some miracle occurs.

@David1955 I think the rank and file didn't want the election to be about socialism. That would be easy for Trump to beat, even though a large part of the American system is socialist in nature. Most Americans don't recognize, that. They've been indoctrinated against socialism. Biden is middle of the road. America is mostly middle of the road.

@david75090 that is the orthodox view of it, I acknowledge. But i believe Sanders could deal with head on the socialism thing, because that's all Trump and co had on him. They had nothing personal or corrupt on him. Biden, on the other hand, is a minefield of exploitable baggage, Ukraine and all, and believe you me they will pummel him like an old punch drunk boxer 25 years too late for the ring. Anyone think his Kumbaya politics will take that? Well, not me.

@David1955 Ukraine.

Biden's son got a job he wouldn't have gotten except for his name, versus Trump's entire family doing the same thing, in America. Trump versus not-Trump. If people compare criminal activity, Trump is the leading criminal, by a mile.

@David1955 oh, I do not share your pessimism, what I'm saying is that Bernie knew those attacks and smears were going to come from the right, the establishment and the DNC, still he chose to run and he was doing great until SC. All other candidates endorsed Biden and Warren did not, that is what I think worked against him because a lot of people might have thought he wasn't going to be supported by a blue Senate if he won, if not even Warren supported him. That's what I think did him in. A pity, but now we must align for the team, and I'm not a Democrat, but I understand that when there's no union there's no strength. Independents and dems will bring the orange turd down in November and I expect you to vote blue all across the board. America needs it.

@Mofo1953 I'll try to admire your optimism.

@David1955 Sanders dealing with the socialism thing head on as the Chump supporters get out their guns. Sanders as president would lead us to civil war.

@RobinGray I could believe it, but he wouldn't have been elected (thank's Vlad). Sadly even Sander's socialism is nothing like the socialism/communism label they were plastering on him. No more than Venzuela was socialist or America is capitalism, just badly drawn fakes.

I personally think there's a very good case to say America is now a corporate communist state with some vestigial pretend democracy to keep the people from revolting. Corporations and the elite inner part who own most of the wealth and control those corporations also control the government - the voter's will has no influence on government policy any more, and that's been statistically proven quite conclusively. Ergo we have a system where the corporations the government, and the own and control the means of production for the benefit of themselves.

All they have to do is supply just enough bread and circuses to keep us amused so we don't revolt and Trump is part of the circus (elect a clown, expect a circus). It'll be interesting to see how deep the bread shortage has to go with the current COVID-19 pandemic before even his base are ready to revolt. But having the clown steal their bread - brilliant move that really has them so captivated they may not even realize they are starving to death as they are entertained. It's quite possible he'll just scapegoat 50% of the population and tell them they need to rise up because we stole their bread... So he'll start civil war before he'll admit to fucking up. One can only hope at that point some of the corporate inner party decide to remove their clown and kick him and his sycophants out.

Obama stole all the bread...😂🤣😂🤣

@RobinGray Trump is proto fascist populism from the Right. What is needed is populism from the Left. Bernie's movement was that. What was needed was support behind that. The media are spinning that Biden has created a movement with momentum. I predict that this will not be the case. He will not stand up to scrutiny. His minders can't hide his declining mental condition, as they have over past weeks. Krystal Ball the journalist in a video put it perfectly yesterday: Biden is an empty vessel into which corporate media are pouring their projections for a do nothing President. All of this will become so obvious well before November. It is like putting all your money on Dragon Fly on the 2pm race, though he's lame, and likely won't finish the race. We know who will win the race. The American tradegy will be complete.

@RobinGray and you say this based on what evidence?

@Mofo1953 it was a joke. That’s Chump’s excuse every time...

@David1955 don't admire my whatever, just vote blue in Nov

@RobinGray ah, sarcasm.

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