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To Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders supporters.

Both candidates said they would endorse and campaign for the other if that person got the Democratic nomination. Hopefully, you can swallow your pride and support whomever that person is.

joeymf86 8 Mar 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I swallowed as I voted for Clinton. I won't be doing that again.

I'm still deciding whether to hold my nose for Biden in Nov..


I'm not aware of a single person who would vote for Biden that wouldn't vote for Bernie if he's the nominee instead of Biden.

Cannot say the reverse, though - it's like a badge of honor for them. The old "success or death" mentality that gets a lot of people killed.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 16, 2020

One candidate's supporters are clearly not on board with that. They are as determined and contrarian as flat earthers.

And you're telling me with a straight face that the Biden supporters would vote for and campaign for Bernie if the shoe was on the other foot and he became the nominee? I call bullshit on that, because I know most of them are hypocrites who only believe in Anyone-But-Trump if the nominee is a corporate centrist. Don't try lying to me about it...

What is it with these trolls?

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