According to my Plague Blog, not much has changed since I have self isolated:
Quarantine: Day Three
I went no place on Sunday but went to Walmart yesterday, so I guess that I really should start the count over for the days of quarantine, but I am not going to do so.
It is 10:01 AM and I have graded two late rough drafts and posted announcements. I have a phone conference later in the day and have a couple more drafts to grade.
I have counted my cans of soup and washed my hands several times.
I guess that I will knit more on the afghan I am making for Henry.
Angst and ennui.
Quarantine: Day Four
At least I have not resorted to arguing about sweat pants with the dog as have some people in lockdown. (No names will be given.)
Having hauled a load of rocks yesterday, I am contemplating doing the same today as my grading duties are finished.
I have resolved not to eat the other carton of ice cream in my freezer until at least Fri
Quarantine: Day Four, Evening Report
I left my haven to get gas for the pick-up and did a short grocery run. I did not eat the other carton of ice cream.
I almost had a confrontation with a young man over the last bottle of rubbing alcohol, but he backed down when I told him that I might LOOK like a weak old woman, but I just loaded a pick-up with big rocks.
Quarantine: Day Five
Knowing that chocolate has miraculous medicinal properties, I upped my morning dose to 1.3 ounce, up 1/3 of an ounce. Also, if you were not aware of this, broken pieces of chocolate and broken cookies have no calories. It is a proven, scientific fact.
Quarantine: Day Five almost Midday Report
As I sat thinking about the odds of getting hit by lightning, I then began to think of the pile of rocks I dug up yesterday and their safety. No, not from lightning, but rock thieves.
I know that you are scoffing, but think about it. My neighbor's property encompasses 25 acres and no one goes to the lower 40 (that's just an expression we Midwest people use). WHAT if some hermit has taken up residence and needs rocks to fortify his/her abode? He/she could have been observing me from behind trees and now, sees an opportunity to score some prime rocks. Of course, he/she has no pick-up and would have to carry them back to his/her hut.
I galvanized myself into action and grabbing the dog, immediately drove to the pile of rocks and loaded them into the pick-up. I could not be sure, but the pile did look a bit smaller than it did yesterday.
If I am called upon to leave a pile of rocks overnight in the future, I will count those suckers.
And lightning did not make an appearance--just a slow, slight rain.
Quarantine: Day Six
I broke down last evening and ate 1/3 of my last carton of ice cream. This morning, I had lost a pound. Evidently, I have been doing it wrong all these years and am considering adding a pint or so of ice cream to my daily food intake.
I finished the afghan and though I "owe" lap quilts to my granddaughters in Illinois, the quilting bee has not stung me.
I received an email from a man on a dating site telling me that because I do not support Trump, I should go back to where I came from. I am not sure how to accomplish this as two lines of ancestors came to The Colonies in the 1730s. Should I cut myself into pieces and send them to Ireland, Scotland, Germany and England? Or do I just move to Oklahoma where I was born? I will have to ponder this some more.
Oh, and to whom do I send the body parts? Yet another issue to ponder.
Quarantine: Day Six, Midday Report
Uplifting thought for the day: At least two of your ancestors lived through the Bubonic Plague.
After standing with my nose pushed against the window (while dressed in my pink camouflage robe, held together with a safety pin) for 15 minutes, I roused myself to action and washed my hair.
That's it, folks--I can't be scintillating all of the time.
Quarantine: Day Seven
Having missed the morning post, Gwen realizes that she needs to let people know how she is doing before someone panics.
I ate ice cream and hauled two loads of rocks.
I am now out of ice cream. This is problematic.
Quarantine: Day Eight
Took the dog home yesterday. She didn't even say good-bye when I left. So much for that short lived relationship. I now know that those adoring looks that she gave to me were just empty flattery. I hope she knows that when I said, "Good dog," I didn't really mean it.
I am considering going to forage for ice cream--is it worth the risks?
Quarantine: Day Eight, Mid-Afternoon
At 2:38, I realized that I had not brushed my teeth or washed my face because I had been focused on grading. Of course, the lack of daily personal hygiene was of no importance as I had no contact with anyone all day. However, the serious, tiring task of grading impressed upon me the need for ice cream and, after receiving permission to do so from Facebook friends and family, I completed the hygienic tasks and was on my way for the creamy frozen treat. (The permission was granted for the ice cream and not the hygienic tasks.)
I engaged in conversation with several gentlemen at Walmart; the women seemed to be as intent on scoping out toilet paper and other goods as I had been on grading. Or, perhaps, men are just more susceptible to my smile and pleasant demeanor. Whichever, I finished my sociability needs for the week and was soon back home.
Now, I just need to find something to do for the rest of the day. I still have discussions to grade, but that is only an hour of work.
I have not laughed and smiled from ear to ear so much since reading Joyce Carol Oates....thank you from my plague observation tower .... she made drowning in Chappaquiddick and watching Sen Kennedy lose in tennis ENTERTAINMENT.... I imagine Anne Frank would keep a diary like yours if alive and chasing 70 yrs but Atheists my age read in between the lines from women we admire
@Gwendolyn2018 notes on my paper seem to read D minus and free tuition courtesy of your sugar daddy
@Gwendolyn2018 Kraft the owner of New England cheaters Patriots is a billionaire desperate for sexual massages from lady cops last year SuperBowl sting.... but he has BODYGUARDS...maybe you could be his biographer and suck up to his ego like the reporter did to General Petreus in the muslim war zone a decade ago.... but they violated secrecy laws together....Kraft only gets cops & highway patrol off duty at his Foxborough Stadium he paid for himself all 30 others are tax funded
Reminds me of Bridget Jones's Diary. You are a great writer..
I just read your post and all the comments to this point and I have something to say. First, Ice Cream is an important part of one's weekly ritual, usually on Friday night, and it has to be either Umpqua or Tillamook which you probably do not have access to. Their chocolate is to die for. They also have a peanut butter chocolate that is great, actually all their stuff is great. I live about sixty miles from the factory. Kate and I do not eat bad ice cream, it is in the small print on our marriage contract. Also people may think that steeling rocks is a funny matter as no one would actually do it. This is incorrect as people will do much to gain what another has no matter what it is as long as they can either use it or sell it. Astoria is on the Columbia River and there are many buildings that are over water. People will steel a boat to get under these buildings to steel the copper pipe for the water lines and the sewer. They will steel the wire that supplies electricity to a place that is far from the road, there was even a case where they tried to take the wire off one of those large towers that transfers electricity cross county, they were electrified and burnt to a crisp. I had never given any thought to the plague as being something a relative survived, but you are correct. I did have a relative die in the Spanish Flu epidemic back in the early 1900's. I went to work today and got laid off, so now I join the numbers of unemployed. Could not happen at a better time as I have to clean my apartment floor to ceiling in order to sell the house. On solution to being foreclosed upon. Have no idea what will happen but I am sure something will come up as this is a great community and everyone helps everyone else, once you are accepted.
I forgot to mention the weak old lady comment. I learned a long time ago that one should not assume that a small woman cannot beat your ass. My mother worked in a mental institution and said that given a choice she would rather fight a man than a woman. Men, with few exceptions, do not want to hurt a woman, Women, on the other hand, will hand you your ass and give it no concern.
@Gwendolyn2018 The job situation is actually a good thing as I have to sell my house and I need to do some work on it, so now I have the time.
I can feel your pain I'm out of ice cream also, not to mention breakfast essentials, milk and instant mashed potatoes. Being my diet is down to liquids and flavored paste.
Not a good year for esophageal cancer.
@Gwendolyn2018 congratulations to your sister, I have a grand shopping mission for after I get off work being I work in an industry that is considered vital. Figures.
Ice cream only has calories if you read the label. So long as you don't read it, they don't count.
Wait a minute people Ice Cream never has calories no matter what, period. I have spoken.
This is a rocky road but at least you have clean hands.
@Gwendolyn2018 I'm on day 20 of self-isolation and social distancing protocols, it gets easier.
@Gwendolyn2018 we live on an island in the St. Lawrence River on a few acres, self isolation is one of our favourite things to do normally.
@Gwendolyn2018 large enough for a vegetable garden, it may come in very handy if this thing drags on and food becomes less available, especially salads and other fresh veg that is so important to maintaining good health and a strong immune system.
Sounds like your are using your time productively.
Okay, now that I have thrown that meaningless platitude out there, tell me what we all want to know: what brand & flavor if ice cream, and did you add Reddi-Whip, nuts, toppings.....?. I want exact details so I too can lose weight!!!
@Gwendolyn2018 silly it's the chain gang rock pile counting that burns off the unwanted stored body fat .... and I am not following you to spruce up Jones Town Guyana even if you do marry me
Hilarious Plague Blog !
With that many rocks in the lower forty, it would be well worth someone's time and effort to get them off whenever angst and ennui set in! Best wishes for the blog's success.