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What is your opinion of private citizens owning firearms. I believe they should but not unfettered . The exceptions in my opinion would be anyone with a violent arrest in the past or anyone with obvious mental illness or non citizens within the country. I think there should be a limit of perhaps 4 per person because some serve different functions.

Chickenwing 5 Apr 7

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I don't care how many guns anyone owns as long as they don't bring them into my home.

That being said, there is nothing more dangerous than a scared person with a gun.


Not being American I can’t understand why any private citizen should feel the need to own one gun, never mind four! I can only assume you posted this for the predictably pro and anti responses which you certainly got. I realise that there was a time when your country was completely lawless and a firearm was a necessity for survival, especially for the pioneers who fought for survival in the “Wild West”. Now that need is no longer there, in the (supposed ) most advanced country in the world, why such a large number of you feel the need to collect and own private arsenals speaks volumes to the American psyche, which is unfathomable to the rest of us.

Some need guns for hunting.

Some need guns for personal protection.

For many it's an activity, a hobby.

Some view their guns as an insurance policy against a tyrannical government.

It's written into our constitution and a hallmark of our culture.

I'd rather live in a gunless world but here, they are everywhere so might as well get yourself one, or two, or five and have some fun.

@RoboGraham Here in the UK you can apply and get a gun license if you own land and need to shoot vermin, or if you wish to shoot for sport i.e. target practice or shooting clay pigeons on private property, or if you are member of a registered licensed gun club. Any licensed gun must be kept at all times in a locked gun cabinet when not actually in use. Outside of these parameters you cannot own a gun. Our normal police force does not routinely carry arms, although they can be issued to them when deemed necessary, and an armed response team is always available. It works just fine, we don’t have your history or constitutional right to bear arms, and the ordinary citizen therefore has never felt the need to do so. Our police force polices by consent, we do not feel they are likely to turn on us, or that our government is likely to use them to impose tyrannical rule. That there clearly is quite a big cultural and psychological difference between our countries is glaringly obvious. I regret that so many of your fellow citizens have died because guns have been so readily available, at the very least your laws need to be tightened up or better still changed.


That sounds very reasonable.

I'm all for tighter restrictions. I live in a state which has some of the tightest gun laws in the country. My latest fire arm required many hoops to be jumped through and a not insignificant amount of money to acquire, and I haven't even received it yet. It's a long process, as it should be.

I grew up in a very rednecky household. My father has dozens of guns. I began shooting shortly after I learned to walk. It's pretty ridiculous how gun crazy many Americans are. I enjoy shooting clay pigeons and targets and old electronics but I'm not nearly as into it as many others.

I like that your police don't carry guns. Our police are very armed and very aggressive. And they are becoming more militarized all the time. It's literally scary. I wish I could trust my government as you do in the UK. When your government has been waging a drug war against it's own citizens for decades resulting in mass incarceration and it's police force is so very militarized and aggressive, it can motivate you to arm yourself. I do believe that a well armed populace can act as a check on a power hungry government.

It is very unfortunate that so many are killed and injured because we have so many guns. Two of my fathers friends are paralyzed because of gun shot wounds. One due to a hunting accident and the other because he got into a shoot out with his neighbor. It is a very tricky business attempting to respect the 2nd amendment but also keep guns out of the hands of those who are dangerous. Tighter laws are certainly needed. Maybe someday, we can be like the rest of the developed world and restrict guns as you do in the UK or even ban them completely. I don't see that happening any time soon.


I realize it's a constitutional right, so there's only so much which can be done,
even less we're actually going to do, thanks to the NRA and the gun industry.
That's just the way it is, unless people vote in other politicians. Will that happen?
Eventually, yes.

What do ya think ought to be done about it?

@RoboGraham If it WASN'T a constitutional right? Ban them except for:
Members of militias,
Gun enthusiasts,
Everybody else.
Mentally unstable people,
The same as I'd do now.
As usual, liberals/progressives have it about right.
Pubs want NO restrictions whatsoever, which WOULD be about right in their libertarian, anarchist, Objectivist fantasy world.


Sounds good to me. That's basically what we have now. Everyone has access to fire arms except for criminals and people with mental issues. We need to get better at enforcing these restrictions and identifying dangerous people.

Many states, such as my home state of MD, are going further than what you recommend. Background checks, training courses, limited capacity magazines. All good stuff but clearly we need to go even further because we have way to many shooting deaths.


i suggest that enforcing current gun laws effectively would go a long way toward addressing most of the killing we get so regularly. I think it might also reassure gun owners that people are actually serious about saving lives. (looking at chicago, baltimore, detroit, atlanta...)


I’ve no idea why a private citizen would want one unless they want to shoot something. Then you have to consider whether their subscription to the human race membership should be cancelled.

Then I’m not American.

Shooting something is fun.

You should try it.

@RoboGraham What about when someone shoots you and you are chased as prey. That would be a good aerobic work out!

@RoboGraham Typical remark by you, troll.

Very unlikely

@RoboGraham When the Gvmnt come, they come hard!


And that's a great reason to be armed.

@RoboGraham Bigger toys though

@Chickenwing keep shooting until you can hear the silence of the lambs Clarice.


Bigger toys are more fun.


Trying to open a can-o-worms ?


That would be nice but around here, differing opinions = you are a troll.

@RoboGraham IMHO, providing credible/reliable sources (multiples if possible) relevant to the discussion-at-hand (RT does not qualify) typically goes a long way to alleviating potential "troll" ideas.


Good strategy

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