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WOULD YOU CHANGE YOUR LAST NAME WHEN MARRIED? A POLL: I want to know YOU'RE OPINION on changing it, men and women. Also if your a man and have changed your last name to your wife's as well. It's a silly question because I guess most people just do it but don't appose it?Had this asked of me at a meeting and I got grilled because I am not willing to change it because of marriage tradition!🙄🙄 Also if your significant other doesn't want to change it, does it bother you? Is it a respect thing?

  • 4 votes
  • 11 votes
kimlaleona 6 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I personally could not care what happens as long as there is a verifiable way to track ancestry.


Taking the husband's last name dates back to when women were their husband's property.

I always kept my birth name.


I voted yes, but I actually have no intent to get married again.


I have debated that myself for various reasons as well. answer unknown until the opportunity presents itsself. Glad to know others debate this.


I don't really see a purpose for taking another name, and it makes changes on legal papers and records more complicated.

That said, I added my husband's name to my last name when we married back in the day. After he died, I contemplated dropping his surname, but as my daughter was very young and had his name, it seemed easier that we have the same surname.

Yeah i have colleagues who their wifes or the women keep the last name of the ex.


As a male there was no traditional pressure to change my name when I married, so neither I or my late wife changed our last names when we married. All my friends are politically liberal, so none of them changed their last names when they married.


I would & did not change my name. If 'ya want a name change, change your own.


I will not change.


I grudgingly took my ex-husband's name nearly 40 years ago. If I was to re-marry (never going to happen) I would gladly either take his name or change it to something totally new and meaningful. When it came time to changing my name, way back then, it was either keep my father's name or take my husband's name. Both patriarchal traditions I didn't like.

I would like to have taken my Grandmother's maiden name if that would have been a choice, since she was my favorite relative and I liked her name. Nowadays, we can choose anything we like, which is nice.


I cannot fathom changing my name again as my kids are grown and any remarriage won't involve me having more kids. Of course, I can’t really imagine remarrying at all, so the point is moot for me, most likely.

Zster Level 8 Apr 9, 2020

Once we settle on a last name my wife and I are both changing to it.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 9, 2020

In Hawaii (and maybe other states?) wedding couples can change their middle and/or last names to anything they wish. One of my couples chose a completely new last name, Grand, because they met over a Grand Piano the groom was playing at the time.

With that concept, since the two of you met on Agnostic, that could be your last name! No? Oh well! What fun to choose a name that is meaningful for both of you!

@Julie808 it'll be ours, that's what we like about the idea.

@Julie808 LOL the name thing in Hawaii... you forgot that some people keep and hyphenate all of the the names. 🙂

@chiara23k Yes, and it makes some of those names super long, especially the ones with the Hawaiian middle names that have so many letters they could fill up the entire signing box all on their own. I have to say "write small" when signing, so it fits!


My ex wife is Japanese, and she had my name on all of the American paperwork. Apparently Japan doesn't recognize dirty foreigners, so everything there was in her name. Same with our kids.


I changed my name to my wife's name because my wife is a foreigner and has pretty unique last name while my name is very common in my country. We actually wanted to combine our names so we would both have each other name but laws in my country prohibit that for some reason (I am still pretty pissed about it).

Kadel Level 2 Apr 9, 2020

Combination of both names for both of you is a cool idea.

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