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Recently my facebook newsfeed has been flooded with Church ads. I have no affiliation with any of them, have never heard of most of them and have no interest in them. For every one that I block it seems that two more appear. I seem to be playing whack-a-mole with them. WTF, am I the lone ranger here?

dumasarok 7 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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That, my friend, is just ONE of the reasons why I have given Zuckerbook the ' Royal Order of the GGF ' i.e. the Go Get F**ked.


I report all religious ads as offensive - they are to me. Get very, very few of them now.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 21, 2020

That will be Sweet Baby Jesus, Son Of Algorithm trying to get a message through


Can we hit rel preachers in the head with real hammers? Asking for a friend.

Oh, ONLY if said hammer is a 10 pound or above Sledge-Hammer.


I never get anything like that. I guess they know I’m a lost cause.

I don't get them either.

@itsmedammit I have several friends of mine that are very Christian and they used to send me Christian toned things until I reacted negatively. Now they just leave me alone.

@Gatovicolo Yeah, that crap, I do get sometimes. I mostly ignore.

@itsmedammit I don’t get random Christian crap in my feed on fb.

Me too 😉


No, now that people are staying home, the offering plates are coming up dry.


Maybe god is trying to send you a message?

He should just inbox you.

SCal Level 7 Apr 23, 2020

Lol..thank you


Irritating isn't it I just block them

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 21, 2020

That happened to me recently only with ads for stock programs and stock "gurus" i deleted them all and it finally stopped. Good luck whacking the moles.


It's easy to explain. They don't want you to lose your soul. Just think: eternity of endless pain. They're doing you a favor.

Argh. I can’t stand the motherfuckers NOW; I sure as hell don’t want to be with them forever!😂

Yes , but I think there is a deeper alterior motive as well, i.e. your wallet and Bank Account as well.
After all, their god can make anything out of nothing, except money that is and he always needs money probably because he was busy having a Milo with Venus when the Economics Classes were held....LOL.

@Triphid Reminds me of the incomparable George Carlin line. God is all powerful omnipotet, BUT HE NEEDS MONEY.


The only ads I seem to get are from Adult Porn sites, everybody else has just given up trying. 😀


I am going through similar ads. How did you get rid of yours?


They need money, they'll try anybody! people still use facebook?!?


If it bothers you, you can either not go on FB or you can put rude emojis or rude comments. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Thanks, I prefer politeness both on and offline.

@dumasarok Shuks, you are such a gentleman.


Good point! What's with all the preachers on tv on CNN giving their spiritual message? Are you kidding! If god is so in control then god could have given humankind the germ theory of disease before the black plague. But god didn't!


Anybody with enough money can easily distribute a focused ad to a population on Facebook. That's how they make their money. And just imagine if you have an untaxed cash stream.


I have had that problem once before, I marked the ad as offensive. The problem was solved after about a week. I have also marked some things like that as sexually explicit for the reason for the offense. I did that to all ads and was ad free for a few months. Might be time to do that again.


When watching youtube channels like the Atheist Expereince, etc. I've noticed a lot more (Bat shit Crazy) Jesus adds. Would like to imagine religious are flailing as a result of their loosing members but I can't help but imagine they (Churches: religious) thinks their Jesus adds will buy them more members to Increase to their coffers: In investment to fatten their coffers.


I tend to fill my fb with pretty opinionated stuff. Tends to weed out the rif raf, or at least identify them for possible unfriending or deletion if necessary. I'm all for rational opinions and cogent dialog and discussion. But not about hocus pocus and religious mumbo jumbo. So this confounds the algorithm eventually. Haven't heard from a church in years, except for a handful of theist friends I keep. They know I'm an atheist.


My friend said that advertising on there is cheap at the moment, so there is a glut of ads. I reduced mine by:

  1. Going through the apps I have on there and deleting the ones I’m not using regularly.
  2. Going through my listed interests and deleting any I feel I may be getting spam because of.
  3. If I get something that annoys me I go into the settings and tell FB that it’s not relevant to me.

Hopefully that might help. If not there’s one more tip up my sleeve, but it depends which browser you use as to whether it’s possible 🙂


I don't have the problem. I think the algorithms are more complicated than just seeing what one likes or dislikes. I am hardly on facebook, (a little more recently thanks to our virus) but do have religious "friends". I suspect that a lot of the time I am so used to ignoring ads, that I don't really "see" them, so maybe there are some there.


Algorithms only know you were on a page or a search having to do with...

So just visiting this site will confuse it and it will show anything nonreligious or religious thats paying them or working their SEO management. How much or how little depends on FB, Google, Yahoo or whatever you use or do. I make it a point to window shop guitars and amps so that's mostly the ads I get.

And use [] . It's free and easy and cleans your cookies better than windows built in features. Run it every couple of weeks or so depending what you use your PC for. But it will wipe out a lot of passwords that autofill, so heads up.


Well, sounds like the Lord is trying to get a hold of you! He is using all of those believers as vehicles for his call. Glory!


That happened to me briefly a while back. Recently they have tried over and over to sell me cars (i don't drive). Now they are trying to sell me wigs (are they hinting at something?)



Same here. It is driving me nuts.


Same here. No matter what I do, they keep coming.

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