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I am trying to understand how people seem to think that owning gun is a right but healthcare isn't>

lovinglife7 4 Apr 3

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Good luck with trying to figure out anything about how the USA operates, but the bottom line is Capitalism and Corporatocracy. IMHO


It's okay to kill but not to heal?


I believe guns are a right. However, I think healthcare, particularly free access to mental healthcare is a more important right. Therefore, I am willing to refuse to debate the gun issue until after we have free and ready access to mental healthcare in this country.

After that we can talk about how guns jump out of their cabinets to kill people.

Fair enough?


I agree. the choice is nothing short of sheer idiocy!

Aside from the fact that one has absolutely nothing to do with the other.

Indeed it is! It is a false dichotomy. The choice is not gun rights or mental health care. It is very possible to have free access to quality mental health care AND gun rights. In fact, I recommend it!!

@Normanbites Also Healthcare.


Universal health care is funded by tax money which means people in countries with that type of health system pay more in taxes. What they don't pay are huge doctor bills and astronomical insurance premiums so it sort of trades off. One result of the Marshall Plan is that post World War Two Europe is able to have a universal health system because they don't have the military expenditures because WE provide for their defense. Ironically, our military makes it possible for those countries to have universal health care but back here it's considered communism!

The vaguely worded 18th century syntax that is the Second Amendment to the Constitution has been twisted and bent to serve the firearms community but has a detrimental effect on society otherwise. I don't think reasonable people want to ban firearms altogether, but it would be nice if we could keep people from having them who shouldn't and if some of the more lethal weaponry were made much more difficult to acquire. The NRA does everything in their power to stifle discussion on the matter to protect the profitability of the gun manufacturers. They own our elected offiicials and control them with fear and money. Any change would have to come over the formidible efforts of the NRA who use fear, propaganda and money to maintain the status quo. Good luck with that.


It's because of the worship of a misinterpretation a document written hundreds of years ago over common sense. There is no rational use to have unfettered rights to instruments of death. If it weren't for the need of slave owners in the south to be able to put down slave revolts it wouldn't be in the constitution at all.

I agree 100%. I truly believe the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment that a "well regulated militia" was a means to control the ever increasing slave population of that time. In context it means something in that era, however makes no sense in the presence. So the question is, did the Emancipation Proclamation and 13th Amendment make the 2nd Amendment obsolete?


I am for #MedicareForAll There is no other way. You should not be able to profit from someone's health.

Monad Level 4 Apr 3, 2018

and who foots the bill for that??? You should not penalize working taxpayers for the lives/choices of others.

I will pay ONLY if it covers ONLY people who also pay... I'm not here to pay for someone else. If we foot the bill for others, what is their incentive to work and pay into the system?

@SkotlandSkye Let me guess, you are a libertarian.

As are all reasonable people 🙂

@SkotlandSkye wtf makes you think needing healthcare is a choice? We ALL do at some times until we die.

@Wattoje wtf makes you think people will work if everything is handed to them? Have you actually met any people? Have you lived on this planet for long? ??

@SkotlandSkye What makes you think that just because people minimum requirements are met that they would not work? People would still work, they would just have more control over who they would work for. People would not be forced to work for slave wages or deal with the various forms of harassment that now plague the workplace. Management would not have the upper hand in negotiations.

That crap about people not working without the fear of homelessness or starvation is not demonstrable.


Cognitive dissonance.


Yeah the guy has a right to own the gun, but if he shoots you, you dotn' have a right to healthcare. That is really messed up.

I think the problem is the politicians tends to accomodates and protect profits, mosrre than they try to help and protect the people they were elected to represent. It has really warped how oru government here in the U.S. works and functions.


Incredable! One has naught to do with the other. There is specific language in the Constitution regarding to dealing with guns whereas there is no specific verbage dealing with universal health care. If you cannot "...understand how people seem to think...", you have not studied the Constitution.

So we have no rights except the ones the government gives us via the constitution?

@fathercat Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that "Guns a 'God given' right" despite your emotional diatribe. Guns are a "Constitutional Right". If you are not happy with the Constitution, you should start a movement to Amend it to your liking...but then you should actually read it before you do that.

@SkotlandSkye You are confusing the Declaration of Independence (flowery language designed to inspire the people and insult the king, but no actual bearing on rights), and the Constitution. The word "Inalienable" is NOT in the Constitution and therefore, has no bearing on the U.S. Government and its laws. You did take Government Class in high school, didn't you?

@SkotlandSkye "The right to have weapons as tools to protect ourselves is a right that is NOT given by any law...and it cannot be taken away by any law. " It is not given by any "law" it is given via the Constitution. And yes, it can be taken away (despite the 2nd Amendment), via Supreme Court interpretation/rulings and nullified by popular practice (ignoring the meaning of the Constitution)...just as the antis are attempting now with the proposed ban on AR-15's, et. al. By the way, the Constitution does not give the right to own a gun as a tool to protect one's gives people the right for the purpose of maintaining a " state...".


People have different values based on what they were taught to believe in.


Because there is literally something wrong with their brains and they lack basic compassion for other human beings.


No one's going to give me a free gun; I have to buy it myself.

I dunno have you tried craigslist

Just because you had to buy one doesn't mean everyone does. Ever hear about gifts or the concept of inheritance? People get free guns all the time.


Eric Fromm, the psychologist said "a gun is a penis substitute" A lot of guys who can't get it up buy a gun to feel more "manly."

We have a similar situation here in New Zealand. We have arrogant street gang degenerates parading around with vicious put bull terriers used to intimidate the public and to enhance their own feelings of grandeur., [ nothing to do with penises but they sure are a pack of pricks ! ]

With your way of thinking only guys over 70 will need to get a gun...LOL Please.

@DUCHESSA The Massachusetts Male Aging Study1 reported a prevalence of 52%. The study demonstrated that ED is increasingly prevalent with age. At age 40, approximately 40% of men are affected. ... The prevalence of complete ED increases from 5% to 15% as age increases from 40 to 70 years.Nov 5, 2012

@nicknotes Is Pfizer behind such "study"?
See, even if every man on this world becomes an ED buy the "A gun is a penis substitute" the stupider statement I ever heard. Anyway, what excuse that psychologist has for the women who get guns? LOL

@DUCHESSA Very few mass murderers are women.

Check out the links

@nicknotes Why...because they don't suffer ED? LOL
Please, your parallel between guns and penises is -to say the least- machista and the product of misinformation.
BTW, don't send me your google searches; I may be a lot more knowledgeable about this issue than you may ever find out.

@DUCHESSA I'm quoting Freud, and you know more than them?


Crap, were gonna go there. How does one support pro-life while being ok with kids getting gunned down in schools? Don't misunderstand, I'm pro-gun, jyst not pro-psychos/zealots/criminals having them.
It doesn't make any sense to be pro-life & NOT pro-healthcare. Those 2 things go hand in hand.
What to do?

Emme Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

It's a crazy world.


That is a question that is complicated by fear stoked by misinformation and loads of money from to many sides.


When Bill of Rights was written there wasn't any "healthcare" in existence. Just doctors going door to door, hospitals were where you went to die. If the BoR was written today I think it would include healthcare. Only closest thing said was in the Declaration of Independence, "........inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." That's my thoughts on it.


It's called STUPID!


So, the short answer is, my owning a gun doesn't require YOU to pay any additional taxes or pay for my ammo, range time, gun maintenance, etc.

However, YOUR health care costs others money if you don't pay for it all yourself. You have a right to all the health care that YOU can afford to pay for (insurance premiums/co-pays/etc). Are doctors supposed to work for free? Should taxpayers foot the bill for hospitals, clinics, equipment and medications? Absolutely NOT.

Just as you have the right to smoke and destroy your lungs...or drink and destroy your liver....or refuse to get in shape and eat healthy food....or also have the right to PAY for your choices.

Don't want high health care costs? Then eat right, exercise daily, and don't make dumb decisions that harm your health.

Putting health care in the same category as chewing gum and condoms, just another commodity you can either afford or not, is totally immoral. A lot of people that eat right and exercise get MS, cancer, Alzheimer's, and the list goes on. Your argument is ridiculous. Gun ownership costs us money, the police, EMS, courts, and jails take tax money, and that doesn't include the loss of life and incredible grief that go with it.

That's incredible. I can't comprehend how so much judgemental incorrectness could exist in one comment. Especially on this site.

I guarantee my owning guns has not cost anyone any money other than myself. You are missing the point that people have the right to purchase health insurance or choose a career that offers health insurance. Yes, people who take care of themselves may get injured/ill, however, responsible adults have purchased and maintained health insurance FOR THAT VERY REASON. It's no different than purchasing home owner's insurance, auto insurance, life insurance...etc. You also control the costs of those....i.e. want lower auto insurance? Then drive safely and don't get tickets. Want lower homeowner's insurance? Then get a security system and maintain your home. Such simple choices. People need to stop holding out their hands and demanding freebies.

@fathercat If I ever need an attorney, I'll choose my own and pay for him/her. Quit insisting that gun owners are criminals. I don't have so much as a speeding ticket to my name. Demonizing a whole segment of law abiding citizens is why we fight against "gun control". How would you feel if I assumed you were a criminal just because you bought something LEGALLY? But, no. You want to force women into a position where they can't choose reliable means of protection. That's nothing short of a violation of my rights.

Really? Guns never cause large amounts of money to be spent for lots & lots of trigger-happy police? Or trauma centers? Or the costs of preventative (yet useless!) attempts to prevent mass slaughters? Or taxpayer support of survivors of shootings who will never be the same? REALLY?

by your argument, we need to ban cars then because those dumb cars go out and kill and maim tens of thousands of more people every year than "guns do". Time to ban pharmaceutical drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol then, too. Stop believing the hype and hysteria. I bet if you had someone breaking into your would be happy that there are ARMED people to call for help....


You are attempting to compare two very different topics there, one is an object the other is a service. When it comes to guns, it is not so much a matter of there being a right to own one as it is a right to self defense, and a gun among other possible tools could help with that part. Healthcare on the other hand requires a specially trained individual to supply the necessary care and they are willing to supply said care because they charge a fee as providing medical care is their profession. A service is a service, there are no rights to a service in which you have to pay for. Nobody is giving out free guns to anyone who wants one, so why should a service like medical care be given for free? Besides, there is no such thing as free in society, someone is paying for it. If an individual decides to purchase a gun, then he/she must pay for it themselves, and the same should be for healthcare. No one has the right to compel healthcare providers to give their services if they don't want to. I hope that answered your query.

But we do pay for gun ownership, we need more security at schools, we pay for gun shot victims, extra police, and the list goes on. As for healthcare, medicare for all would lower health care costs, as a senior I pay a premium every month and can buy a supplement.. This is way cheaper than the premiums that people pay now and would insure that you would not be paying for the uninsured.

@lovinglife7 Can't say I'm against Medicare for all, a noble idea. Regarding the first part of your reply, not true, we don't pay for guns per se but rather the service of armed security guards. Healthcare/coverage should still be a choice, if you want that type of a service. I for the most do not as I'm relatively healthy and live a decent lifestyle, so Medicare would not interest me much. Thank you for the quick reply.


I cannot fathom out why the American gun lobby are so determined to retain guns. What do you need them for if nobody else has [1-2-3-4 or more ] being autherised to have pistols, rifles, and even military hardware goes way beyond what is acceptable. The multiple deaths of innocent people can only be the results of mindless adherence to this crazy law.


Me too!


you and most of the western world

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