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Pardon me in advance, but WTF is up with all the santa claus for grown ups/ god posts on an agnostic site? Filter-free me is a bit offended. I don't do BS & propaganda.

Emme 7 May 12

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me either


Yeah, looking to have your of-course-no gods belief validated while tabling all discussion is the mirror image of the fundamentalist religious position. I'm not an anti-theist but I do tend toward anti-fundamentalism in either direction.

Apropos of this topic: I know your doppelgänger.

@CarolinaGirl60 me? Where from?

@MarkWD Here in NC. I’ll see if I have a photo I can send you. It’s my ex-husband; when he has a beard/mustache ya’ll could be twins.

@MarkWD here’s a good one from a year or so ago.

@CarolinaGirl60 I see it too. Tell him I have the patent but I’ll sell him a franchise cheap. 😉


This isn't rocket science. People who have pried religion out of their brains with a crowbar, often after being seriously wronged / traumatized by it, have an understandable desire to make sense of their life experience and dissuade others from what they see as a pernicious influence.

People who haven't been gifted with PTSD from (usually authoritarian) religion or are just indifferent to it, don't have to participate in those discussions.

Being either atheist or agnostic, by whatever definitions you prefer, also doesn't rule out interest in other forms of woo or engaging in logical fallacies in other areas. People are still people.

There's a sub-group of agnostics who see agnosticism as a basis for them to float above all controversy or discussion and I'm sorry but that's a minority view that is probably never going to gain traction in a social media environment. If you're looking for some elite special club where you're above it all, this isn't it.

I, like many others consider myself both agnostic (knowledge about the existence of gods is unobtanium) and atheistic (belief of any kind about the existence of gods is absent, in significant measure because of my agnosticism). That's a philosophical position based on particular definitions of both terms, but as a practical matter the "odds of gods" (particularly specific ones) are so vanishingly small that it'd be a legit semantic shortcut in almost ANY other context to say "I'm quite certain no gods exist". In the same sense I'm sure leprechauns or unicorns don't exist, even though in some technical sense I can't "know".

As a former fundamentalist with some formal training in my faith, I have an interest at times in discussing my former views and contrasting it with my present views, particularly if I think it could be helpful to others in the discussion, and to lurkers who aren't as far along that path. If you, personally, don't want to read that sort of post, then don't.


It IS very annoying. An agnostic site contaminated by hard-left atheists with 'god issues.'
I'm an Agnosticist who likes to look at the sunny side of my freedom from religion, but I can't help putting in pointed bards at the sourdoughs who insist on making blatantly obnoxious and presumptuous comments about everything god-related, as if it's a given fact there's 'no god, no way,' when all that's established fact is we simply don't KNOW if there's a 'god' or not.
So it's a neverending battle versus the know-it-alls who like to think they dominate this site.
MY viewpoint and attitude is, a better, more constructive pursuit is speculating about a potential REDEFINITION of 'god' into some kind of impersonal, non-theistic, 'universal consciousness' which permeates all life, explains it, and potentially gives it meaning.
This would all be conjecture, of course, because even IF there's a god there's no way--given our limited present data base--we can prove our disprove it's existence. Which is why I personally think of myself as an 'agnostic Neo-Deist,' or, in my less cheerful moods, an 'Ignostic.'
Whatever I am, my Outlook on life in considerably more upbeat than some of the nihilists, anarchists, iconoclasts, anti-natalists, etc., who populate this site.
It's STILL a great place to go, however, despite all the negative noise, and occasionally toss in a sunbeam, or an arrow, or a positive affirmation even with the uncertainties of life it's still a beautiful thing.
(So scr*w 'em if they can't take a joke.)


That’s your choice, always. I use it for contrast, or to make a point. It’s the shadow behind the light of critical/freethinking.
But be annoyed if you want. Your feelings are valid, too.


Policemen talk about crime. Criminals talk about punishment. God Mobsters talk about atheists. Atheists talk about the mental deficiencies of theists.

Please feel free to feel offended; you have every right so to do.


Just because someone considers themselves agnostic does not mean they have no interest in talking about god thingies.

If you would notice there is a lot of other characters discussed on this sight other than santa clause. Just because people grow old, they still might like to have their santa clause, spiderman, Harry Potter god thingie fantacy discussions. Nothing wrong with using adult imagination for good clean entertainment purposes. Ok, so some might like it dirty with 50 shades of Jesus but it doesn't mean it's for everyone.

Word Level 8 May 12, 2020
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