39 17

Is your yard private?

Mines not! Walked out into my backyard with the calmness of songbirds everywhere only to be interrupted by music and WTH! a gospel hymn! Where's that coming from? All my neighbors are older with no teenagers to be playing loud music. Aaah, yes, a protestant church two blocks from my yard was using a PA system to hold an in-car church service. All the faithful followers/worshipers of their eternal god were huddled in their autos afraid to go into god's house for fear of becoming ill and dying! How ironic! The all-powerful being they were worshiping (with their tithes and offerings mostly) seemed to be unable or unwilling to protect his sheep from possible death. Then shortly, all the car horns began to sound! Such devotion! If heaven is all their god claims it to be, why would they all just not do as they did in Jonestown, drink the Koolaide, and go on to be with their heavenly father in paradise? Perhaps somewhere down deep within their "soul" they actually do not believe what their church leaders are teaching. Maybe they know, deep down, that there is NO paradise after death. Such delusion; and now it seems to have spread into my backyard. Oh well, I'm OK as long as they don't come by with their collection plate asking for my tithe! 🙂 Larry in western Kentucky

Justme43 7 May 17

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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Is there no law against noise pollution where you live?

There may be a local ordinance, I don't know. It wasn't too disturbing, but I just thought how ironic it was the way the church members were attending the "house of their lord" and yet could not depend on him to keep them safe if they went into his house. 🙂

Most likely the local police would not enforce an ordinance on noise pollution against a local church (especially if they, or another on the force, were a member).

@AtheistInNC They have to.

@Justme43 It sounds like they are obeying the law and not assembling in person; which is more than I can say for some churches who make such orders out to be tantamount to religious persecution. And, about the noise, I think it depends on the time of day and the decibels involved. It might be annoying, but also perfectly legal.

It's rather ironic, I think. It seems these people want to make noise to show their devotion to the non-church goers and heathens; but it likely just pisses a bunch of people off.

@Joanne Actually the noise was not that annoying. Just the fact, like you said, ironic they assemble and then are afraid of the very superior being whom they are there to worship! That was the point of my post, not so much the noise. And yes, I would much perfer them to meet in their autos so when they leave they don't infect someone at the grocery Monday morning!

@Justme43 : I would be annoyed. Loud music, and honking horns, no thank you 🙂.


I thought they used the local radio station to transmit the service and worshipers in their cars could tune in without disturbing the neighbours.
Maybe there is a local byelaw to shut them up.


When I lived in Texas, I lived down the road from a CB radio shop. The shop was own by a Christian who believed in holding "come to Jesus" meetings once a month on his property. The PA music/sermon could be heard until a couple of minutes before midnite which was when the noise law would go into effect.


It’s not too different from hearing patrons from a bar that is a block away or music festivals held frequently near my home. It’s not really that much of a bother in the grand scheme of things.


When I lived in Seattle there was a similar problem with the members of a large church in our neighborhood. The problem was one of parking. There was only street parking and many people found their driveways blocked by the parishioners. More and more the streets in front of driveways were blocked off by the owners and signs put out that there was no parking in this area. Eventually, the minister was found to be cheating people and the church folded. Others in the neighborhood must also feel annoyed so people need to complain to the police. Why are some people so rude???


If you want privacy, move to west Texas, buy a large ranch and build a house. Otherwise, you’re stuck with the rest of us.



bobwjr Level 10 May 17, 2020

*ss holes

SKH78 Level 8 May 17, 2020

Precisely why I live where I live now...

Wow, what a site! And so close to a running river! Is that in VA? I miss walking in the woods, sitting for long periods leaned up against an ancient tree trunk receiving its precious, healing energy! I spent many hours of my younger years in just such forests. You're so lucky to be able to live so far removed from the masses! 🙂 Larry in western Kentucky

@Justme43 Yup... 12 acres in Fredericksburg, VA along the Rappahannock River. Pure water, no EPA superfund sites or fracking anywhere close... No flood risk as I am 120' above the river on a bluff. Just lots of deer, fox, ducks, geese, turkeys and the occasional black bear. I can hear coyotes in the distance but have never seen one. Nature at its finest!

@RiverRick Great place! Some of my ancestors came from that area, Caroline, K & Q, and farther south, New Kent, and K William and Charles City. Was there only once for a few days; would have liked to have spent more time researching family. 😉


Since about 100 acres were clear cut, yes, the loggers here are trying to cut down every tree in the Tri-County area, the artificial bells from the church 2.5 miles down the road, sound loud disturbing my walks with the dog around the lake.

Our cabin is 1/4 mile above the hiway and twice that far from any neighbors property. Out the back door it is over 5 miles to the next person. I should be able to walk around my lake without fake, distorted church bells echoing around the valley but here in the buckle of the bible belt, a complaint would only get more death threats.

At home in Spain, the real bells of the cathedral on the hill do not bother me, they actually have a nice ring to them, pun intended.


Is there a park nearby? I sometimes have the same problem but I think it's coming from an outdoor amphitheater at the park 3 or 4 blocks away.


I know that feeling. I live opposite a church and every once in a while I get disturbed by bells when I'm trying to relax


I’m an atheist and I’ve never been a theist, but oddly I happen to love gospel music. Birds singing with gospel music sounds blissful, but I get your aggravation.

One of my guilty pleasures is watching religious documentaries. Interestingly, some of them actually state that some of the stories have pagan histories. I'm waiting now to see them acknowledge that the holidays were stolen from pagans.

@kiramea I love those too. I’m afraid to admit it for fear I’ll lose my Atheist card, but I enjoy watching Christian propaganda movies like, The Shack. I don’t buy into any of the nonsense, it’s actually the opposite. These stories usually have an Atheist asking softball questions of God and avoid the questions most Atheists would ask. My all time favorite religious movie is the 1977 Jesus of Nazareth.

@kiramea no need to feel guilty. Stories that bring enjoyment can be fictional. 😁

Same here I've always liked some of the old gospel music. I assume it comes from growing up and old family gatherings. I may also be the only agnostic in the world that likes the soundtrack to the old Jesus Christ superstar movie, a great story if you take the religion out of it.😃


Farther along we'll know all about it
Farther along we'll understand why
Cheer up my brother live in the sunshine
We'll understand it all by and by

There's a few words to an old song I remember from my church days. The problem is that we won't understand it all by and by. Religious people just keep on making it up!

As for noise in my yard that I can hear inside my place, I am blessed with the idiots from the 3 unit apartment complex next door. They party outside and play loud music. I do too, but not outside. They are often in my yard because the wall fence was not put back in place by the developer. I would bitch and complain but they might complain right back. I don't need a war and we are only 50 feet apart. Because of the landscaping if someone gets hurt they would have to sue the developer. He's the one that removed the fence and said later that we do not need it. I do go out occasionally to tell them NOT to play in my yard.

. . . . and I thought those old songs were o'so beautiful, until I really understood what they were really stating!
When I see the blood,
(three times)
I will pass, I will pass, over you!
(And kill all the first born children of the others!)


Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho,
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,
And the walls came tumbling down!
(And Joshua and his army killed all the women AND children AND babies in all
of Jericho) 🤢Larry in western Kentucky

Jesus died for your sins.
What this means is that their god demanded a human sacrifice.
Besides, god likes the smell of blood.
Speaking of sacrifice...
They often tell the story of Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac. In the story a ram appears and that is sacrificed instead. christians look at this with admiration.
If someone, anyone, hears a voice telling them to sacrifice their child, the proper response is "Hell, no!"

Well, I guess you have to go to church and you'll "understand"

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