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After a recent visit to the States, I was struck by how the local atheists was an equivalence between fundamentalist Christian belief and fundamentalist Moslem belief in terms of Intolerance.
From a U.K. perspective, I think that’s unfair to the Christians. In social terms, mainstream (not just fundamentalist) Moslems in UK are way more intolerant of issues such as gender equality and are far more likely to advocate archaic punishments for adultery and homosexuality than Christian fundamentalists . Just a thought

TImbo699 2 Apr 4

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These atheists were intolerant how? Did they demand separation of church and state via the Constitution? Demand equal treatment? Criticize religion? I'd honestly like to know what the minority group with no position of power is doing that makes you think they're intolerant. And how are they fundamentalists? They believe in a strict interpretation of On the Origin of Species or God is not Great?

Marz Level 7 Apr 4, 2018

Douglas Murray has a comprehensive commentary about what islam is doing to europe and the UK:


In the US we are weary of continuting to have to fight against the christist-loonies invading schools, and goverments. We have to be more strident. And less tolerant.

It is the religionists who are the most intolerant here. They preach that atheist should be killed, just like the islamists do. We have to at least meet them with similar energy.

The texas school board is made of deniars of evolution, climate change, and the history of slavery. What they decide becomes the standard school books for most of the nation. This has resulted in children in college never hearing of evolution. This is not acceptable.

Islam is more of a problem in europe than here, yet.

As Stephan Fry has observed, the UK having a state religion has done much to reduce religionism in the UK. The US is still engaged in christian religious wars.

All religions are evil.


My experience of British Muslims has been very different - in fact, I've found them to be much like the majority of other people in that they generally just want to lead nice quiet lives and get on with their day-to-day business. We don't hear much about that majority, of course: "MR AKKRAM EATS TOAST, GOES TO WORK, SELLS STUFF, GOES HOME AND WILL DO THE SAME TOMORROW" doesn't really leap out at you from the cover of the Daily Mail quite like their more usual headlines do, after all.

Jnei Level 8 Apr 4, 2018

Well you're describing fundamentalist attitudes and legalism. Maybe in the UK fundamentalist Islam is more predominant. In the US, Muslims are actually better educated and wealthier on average than most non-Muslims, so they likely tend to be more moderate on such issues than average, too. I have heard that US Muslims are generally less impoverished than in Europe, don't know if that applies to the UK as well.

Of course the way we treate Muslims here, with a broad brush, we are probably doing a good job of radicalizing the moderates anyway. Give us time and we'll catch up.


Islam seems to have evolved less over time but maybe that is due to the efforts of fundamentalist Muslims. Christianity has evolved and is much less dangerous than it once was. The Christian fundamentalists propose much less draconian ideas than the Muslim ones.


Intolerance about any hyperthedical that can't be proven is a waste of time, on top of that its the religions that's doingi all the killing , in the name of their god! including the Christians look at the GOP. Their all Christians! In america! Rich gready, uninformed toothless ,racest republican Christians! And the ultral rich that's using religion for control.its all an ulgy Sean!


Overall, atheism is viewed as even less desirable than Islam by many christians. They're super hypocritical.


Do christians in the U.K. attack atheism like they do here? I think it may be a matter of giving as good as you get when atheists here appear to demonstrate intolerance toward theists. In addition, those people are a significant factor in the placement into the Whitehouse of a completely unqualified baboon. Just my thoughts...

Quite right.

Applause! This is the truth.


My move from Conservative Christianity to the secular middle came precisely because of the similarities between Western Christian Conservative worldview and the Middle Eastern Muslim Conservative worldview.

After 9/11 I began to learn what I could of Islam. At the time, I knew little of conservative vs. liberal, et. al. As I learned, and began to discuss online, and frequent various chat groups, including Muslim groups; I began to understand the similarities.

This is not to say they're identical but, as someone noted above, "a fundamentalist is a fundamentalist".

Fundamentalism should be fought with education.


True. In Thailand, the Muslims act like Buddhists and are highly tolerant.

In Songhkla, Yala and Narathiwat provinces, which are substantially Muslim, there are occasional bombings and shootings. As everywhere, there is a radicalised Wahhabi minority that buys into violence and a huge majority that doesn't.

@NoTimeForBS There are some shootings and bombings there, but I taught one term in Narathiwat, and I was fine. in fact, it was so cool at the school because the Buddhist and Muslim students each took turns leading the chants in the morning, and everyone got along. There was a Hindu temple across from the school.


I have a bit of a different perspective. I live in a highly diverse neighborhood in Manhattan. My observation is that many residents originally from the east have come here to have gender equality, adultery, homosexuality, and booze without being subject to their native draconian punishments.


A fundamentalist is a fundamentalist.


I don't tolerate intolerance

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