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What's your favorite SO BAD IT'S GOOD movie?

You know what I mean; a movie so brainless, cheesy or inept that no one should like it but it's just so great because it's just so bad.

Movies like Plan 9 from Outer Space, Manos, the Hands of Fate, Birdemic, and The Room are staples of the genre but there's so many others to consider.

For me, it's the much maligned Battlefield Earth. It's a masterclass in how NOT to make a $75,000,000 Hollywood popcorn epic. You can almost feel your braincells dying as you view it. The acting is terrible, the effects look like something created in MS Paint, it's stupidly directed, the script is inexplicable, and it's visually ugly but it's also very entertaining for all those same reasons.

Yours and why?

Sgt_Spanky 8 July 12

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Does The Rocky Horror Picture Show fall into this category? I love it but it is incredibly weird and defies description. The acting is fun, the music is great, Tim Curry steals the show but is it a so bad it's good movie or just a terrific but deeply weird movie?

Rocky was GREAT ... Not to mention an absolute insanely fun time when you see it live...


Howard the Duck

barjoe Level 9 July 12, 2020

UGH. Just terrible.


Just re watched Airplane!. Man, that is one bad movie.

Airplane was great!

@barjoe It IS a fun film! "Perhaps I can help....I speak jazz." Remember?

@LucyLoohoo you mean "jive" That was Mrs Cleaver Barbara Billingsly.

No, no , no. I'm a pilot and I love it.

@LucyLoohoo I think that was, "I speak Jive"

@AnneWimsey You and Barjoe are right....I misspoke!

How about when the pilot asks the little boy if he's ever seen a grown man naked? THAT wouldn't happen today!


I'm surprised nobody's mentioned The Princess Bride.
"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

RichCC Level 8 July 12, 2020

Bite your tongue. The Princess Bride is a great movie all around. It's far from so bad it's good.

I'll grant your observation.
I had a friend who went to Yale and they apparently had a group that semi-obsessed over it. They even had a ROUS that they made up and passed around.Lol.

@RichCC "Have fun storming the castle"

"Princess Bride" is a CLASSIC! "BYE KIDS! Have fun storming the castle!"


Flesh Gordon. 1974 😁


I went to see that in the theater. Fun.

@Beowulfsfriend I originally saw it at a drive-in I have it on DVD

Some surprisingly good dynamation


Flash Gordon (1980)

Where else are you going to get Brian Blessed, Timothy Dalton, Max von Sydow, Ornella Muti, Richard O'Brien, Dino De Laurentis as a producer, and music by Queen, all in one place?

All of that AND starring an ex football player who can't act. It's so silly you can't help but love it. Even Roger Ebert liked it...kind of.

Loved Flash Gordon, Great soundtrack album


Got to see Dr Phibes. Vincent Price was stellar.

I love all vincent price movies, the two Dr. Phibes movies were great, but Theatre of Blood is an all time great


Joe Versus The Volcano! The Luggage!

Yes! And the brain cloud. And flibbertigibbet. And Meg Ryan playing all 3 sisters. And orange Fanta. And SO much more.


“Joe Versus the Volcano” with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan


For me it has to be ANY of the Sharknado movies ... I mean...REALLY...the last one especially...they didn't even TRY to deliver a line😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Hot Shots!


"National Treasure". Totally contrived, completely implausible, and highly entertaining!


Probably Beavis and Butthead Do America

redhog Level 7 July 12, 2020

Blood Freak (1972)
The worlds only Vietnam veteran, junkie, Vampire, wereTurkey, mad scientist sci-fi horror thriller


Without a doubt, "Zardoz." I even saw it in the theater with Bowie's "The Man Who Fell to Earth." For years I kept an old VHS copy.

Maybe bad but...Sean Connery in a diaper was fun.

@LucyLoohoo jock strap, leather.

@Beowulfsfriend looked like a diaper.


Napolean Dynamite, I suppose?

Quirky as all hell but I don't think anyone thought of it as so bad it's good. It's just good but weird. Just my $0.02

@Sgt_Spanky I know plenty of people who thought of it as bad...

@EB80 Fair enough. Everything's subjective.

LOVE Napoleon Dynamite!

PS - Are you gonna eat those tots?

Vote for Pedro.


"Streets of Fire", if just for the rockabilly band, and the French dancer.

"Streets of Fire" Exerts a weird fascination, seeing a man who would go on to be Jesus getting to a sledge hammer fight is now very novel.


Another favorite is Batman & Robin. Stupid, stupid, and stupid again but at least it's pretty to look at.


Big Trouble In Little China

This one has come up twice now. I've never considered BTiLC to be a bad movie at its core. I think it's a great movie at its core. Cheesy as hell but intentionally so. That's where a lot of its comedy comes from.

@Sgt_Spanky stupid, stereotypical, overly dramatic, the depth of a difficult graphic novel.....but funny beyond belief.


Big Trouble In Little China. The lack of history in the movie makes it fun and brilliant.

It's a fantastic movie. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen it.

@Sgt_Spanky, from my favourite director, John Carpenter. I've seen it loads of times as well. I still find it hilarious.


Shanghai Noon with Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson. My kids loved this one.


Earth girls are easy staring Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis.

lori99 Level 5 July 12, 2020

I thought that was just kind of meh.


" Eight Legged Freaks" - I happen to love spiders so ...

I liked it but I didn't love it. To me, it's just okay.


"Dune" and "Anaconda." ABYSMALLY AWFUL! (Although I don't mind looking at a verynearlynaked Sting!)

Yes but a weirding module would come in handy. 😁

@oldFloyd (Figured I'd be the only one who's ever seen "DUNE" )

Dune truly is fascinatingly bad. If it's on, I'll always tune into it.

@Sgt_Spanky I'm partial to the version from the UK where they actually didn't cut the description of how the known universe got to that point. And I could use some melange right now. Just in case there's a hunter-seeker around.

@LucyLoohoo no there's actually six or seven of us.

@oldFloyd If you've never seen "Anaconda"....try to find it. An enormous snake (with eyelids) goes around eating one human after another! Physically impossible of course but very, very unintentionally funny. I'm surprised the actors didn't buy up all copies and BURN them!


Dark Crystal

Dark Crystal is a spectacular visual feast but, man, it's such a dull, plodding story. .

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