Here are seven common fears that you must overcome to be truly successful.
Fear of criticism.
Many people are afraid to live their dreams for fear of what others may think and say about them. ...
Fear of poverty. ...
Fear of old age (and death) ...
Fear of failure. ...
Fear of offending others. ...
Fear of looking foolish. ...
Fear of success.
What do you think?
I think the fear of criticism is a valid fear. People kill people over what they believe. Even in our society that doesn't necessarily behead you for believing the wrong thing, you can lose your employment, spouse, family, friends and so much more if you believe the wrong thing. It can be a serious thing and is worth learning to navigate successfully.
I don't think it's possible to eliminate many of those fears. However, it might be possible to proceed in spite of those fears. Sometimes life put you in a situation where you must do something in spite of your fears. But genuine fears can't Simply Be cast aside.
No, not simply cast aside... You must overcome these fears in whatever way is best for you...
@Cutiebeauty and how did you overcome them?
@BitFlipper I've never had these particular fears...
@Cutiebeauty ahh so you are speaking from a place of inexperience and some would say, privilege. Be it the privilege of good mental health or the privilege of a non toxic upbringing. Much easier to preach it than to live it? Well intentioned but meaningless advice imo.
@Cutiebeauty have you ever had to overcome anything?
@BitFlipper of course I have..
I read the Dune series back in my early teens and it took me another decade before I truly understood this quote. By then I had experienced all of these fears and passed through them, life is better without fear but a little fear can be a good thing and curb impulses that land you on the horns of a dilemma.
I have only one fear in life... Only one! Bees, specifically yellow jackets, hornets and wasps. I will wrestle a bear in the woods but if a hornet shows up... I need to be armed with a gallon of bee killing spray. Honey bees, of course, are my buds and are completely different. As to the others....
I love and live by the saying... "I never lose! I either win or I learn!"
Perfect answer!
I would love to overcome my fears, especially of what others think, offending others, fear of criticism, failure, or looking foolish. I tend to think that one may never be able to entirely eliminate such fears, but I am hopeful that I can push myself to stand up to my own fears more in the near future.
If only!!!
If only _____...
Fears can cripple humans.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
some of it is true as is life itself but personally I mostly don't give a shit what people think. I'm not scared of getting old or being dead but I fear the way I may die. ive always been true to my own moral code and been as real as possible but I guess that's why I'm not a businessman. I got way too much love in me than to be one and that's the truth.
Nice, apparently I’m fearless, I’m like a pilot in a failing aircraft, but I accept it and I’ll party till I make contact with the ground.