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I just got a video call from my ex boyfriend who is working on a project for Brookings Institute in Korea. We haven't seen each other in 3 years when our relationship went to friendship. He recently got remarried to his wife and daughter. Still friends. Anyone else have this kind of relationship with an ex? He's 25 years younger than me.

sassygirl3869 9 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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One ex is blocked the other is not in my life, so no. Plus, they are boys. I mean a manchild, both of them. One's a felon, the other is a sex offender. I gave up dating. Can you see why? Lol.


I have in the past the problem is the boyfriend/spouse gets jealous.


I have remained friends with my ex husband and all ex boyfriends, except one...he was a turd...but that was over 30 years ago.

Those “turds” are hard to deal with! ?


"He recently got remarried to his wife and daughter."

I find that sentence slightly disturbing. 😉

Paul not you.

yeah, I waiting to see some clarification of that sentence.


My first ex (I'm a three time loser here), I would not even care if he got ran over by a bus. Never spoken to him after the divorce and don't care to. I don't even know where he lives. I went back with my second ex, but we didn't remarry. We had a good ten years, but towards the end, we started drifting on our own ways, but we still remained friends. It was about this time that he got into a horrible motorcycle accident. Long story short, he recovered, but he was prone to seizures as a result, and that is what finally killed him 1 1/2 years after his accident. He was my best friend. My third ex, on the other hand, we do not speak regularly, but we are rather cordial to each other when we do have to deal with things. It was 4 years after this marriage when I went back to my second ex.


I chat online a few days a week with an ex of mine from 1999, she is still living with the guy she cheated on me with. Tomorrow is the 21st birthday of the youngest son of another ex who got my last major house from me. He has invited my son and I to dinner and to meet his new lady. He has a father and 7 siblings but apart from us, only his mother will be there. It will be a long drive to get there after work tomorrow, and will probably take his mothers car to the restuarant as mine is to big to be certain of getting a park.




No. For me, an ex is an ex. But I don't have that many of them, so wouldn't rely on my experience!


Yes, similar. I coparent with my ex. We have dinner once or twice a week. Just watched a movie tonight as a family, with our teen. She does have things about her that annoy me, and probably she could say the same, but we remain friends. Shoot! She works down the hall from my boyfriend. It is definitely best NOT to be enemies.


I stayed friends, after a cooling down period of about 5 years, with two of my three wives. The second one just died last year, so now I only get to talk to one, but I help her and her son out as much as I can. And since I don't have any other relationship, it gives me some human contact. Besides, I fell in love with her little boy as much as I did with her and I am the only father he has ever really known, since her choice of men has been rather crappy at least as far as he is concerned. I would say a lot of your "friendship" with this fellow will depend on how his wife chooses to deal with it. I never got friendly to the point that I wanted to hand around with either of their boyfriends. Luckily, they didn't hand around too long! LOL!


Never been friends with an ex. An ex is past tense for me.


I talk to one every now and then, but it's very superficial. I'd say we are like long lost acquaintances, someone you used to work with maybe. He sometimes gets lonely, drink, and calls me apologizing, but I put it out quickly and back to superficial we go


If you want to have a life let him go


My second ex-wife and I are friends. It was a bit rough getting through the time between the divorce and when we became friends again, but it really centered around involvement with her daughter, with whom I've always been close. She considers me to be the only father she ever really had.

There are those who say that my friendly ex and I will probably eventually reconcile and become an item again, but I really do not see it. We have both changed so much, and she has "found God" which is pretty much a deal-breaker for me. I cannot see us ever getting back together.


Still talk to both my ex wives.
Both interesting people leading interesting, if at times difficult, lives.

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