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Whats on your mind when having sex? This is a dating site and this inquiring mind would like to know what others are thinking when engaged in sexual activity.

JayJackson 7 Apr 7

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53 comments (26 - 50)

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"Am I doing this right? Could do for some feedback." And sometimes "ouch."

Thanks for sharing.

@JayJackson You asked....

@Hicks66 Yes I did and once again thanks for sharing.

@JayJackson Usually when I hear that, the subtext is TMI. If you're sincere, you are a rare commodity.

@Hicks66 sincere always.


Thinking of my partner, to do otherwise would be a great disservice to both me and my partner.

Gohan Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

PREACH!! Thanks for sharing, sir.


I am usually not thinking at all i am just lost in sensation. Not there to write a shopping list lol.

Understood, thanks for your input.


Last time was with my ex and I remember thinking "Beige. I should paint the ceiling beige".

Been there... "why am I thinking about washing up" was mine lolol !!! .. I knew it was over then !

Sensory overload huh? Lol.

@Nickbeee LOL. Think you win for worst.

@JayJackson Wake me when it's over! LOL

@Archer Very good.


I first thoughts are YES! I AM HAVING SEX!!!
Then I think about how it feels and what I am doing. Then what to do next. I ask if she likes it and if it feels good. I ask what she likes. I thnk about other women I have had sex with. And I also have the small anxiety in the back of my head of if I am pleasing her? Could she be lying to spare my feelings and ego? And of course, the OLD classic of every my penis up to par in the size department.

Thanks for sharing, sir.


Shit, I hope her husband is not coming, [ like me ! ]

Yikes!! Thanks for sharing.


Is this a dating site? I thought it was a discussion forum for interesting ideas. As for your question, I dunno. It's been a while...

its both. you choose what is interesting

Thanks for sharing.

It's an open community for conversation and companionship marketed as a dating site


I think about what I'm doing to get her off by hand , I love to get her going, moaning, squirming and calling out the big myth's in the sky's name.

My MAN!! Thanks for sharing.

Exactly,,and when my guy gets me off beautifully by hand, I am more than happy to do everything in my power to give him a very happy ending.

@crazycat329 Yep that's way it should be when two care about each other, mutual enjoyment.


Trying to pleasure my partner. Because of this I feel anxious and lazy when getting head.

Thanks for sharing, sir.


Just enjoying the intimacy with my lover. Trying to please her with what she wants. The passion and desire.

Yep, yep. Thanks for sharing.


If I'm in an LTR thinking of my partner.

Thanks for sharing.


He's so huge, he might brake my pelvis.
I don't think that's going to fit.


What kind of sandwich she’s gonna make me afterwards. I kid I kid! She won’t be able to walk! 😛

Lol, thanks for sharing.


mostly its oh thats nice! or ok lets try this! but i will admit, my mind is always working a million miles per hour, so theres the occasional did i remember 2 pull something out of the freezer 4 dinner? or oh no! what was that noise? is someone listening? i wonder if im 2 jiggly? oh hey back 2 that feels good! r dogs sad that chocolates bad 4 them?

Byrd Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

Are you too jiggly? See, that got my attention!! No such thing as being too jiggly and if a person tells you that there is, refer them to this comment. Lol. Thanks for sharing.


I'm completely as one focused and become one if it's great sex. the rational thinking is after sex when I reflect in a euphoric bliss.

Please sir give me the definitions of good/bad sex. Lol. Thanks sir for sharing.

good is when you both understand each other and are passionate and don't hold back. bad is the opposit.


Just having a 'good time,'...if you are thinking about something else...maybe you should not be engaging in sex!

Amen, pardon the expression. You are becoming one of my favorites on this site. Thanks for sharing, Ma'am.


Depends on who I am engaged with, and how long we have been together...or even if I am with someone at all

Yes ma'am. Thanks for sharing.


Basically, "How can I ensure she is getting maximum pleasure from this? "
Without that, I don't derive much pleasure either.


I have fantasized in the past about things that are a turn on for me during sex, when it wasn't doing it for me.

I'm in a situation now, though, where all can think about during sex is the sex we're having. Lost in it, if you will. Getting turned on thinking about it, actually.

Alrighty now!!

@JayJackson Oh, shit. Did I say that out loud?

@MollyBell Worse yet!! You wrote it down...You are becoming one of my favs..

@JayJackson ?


I'm not ready for this.

Well practice makes one ready in my experience...


Love when we both have orgöh

Siste Level 3 Apr 11, 2018

Together is AWESOME. I oft times wonder why nature gives the female the advantage of multiples and we men that ONE go. NATURE!!

@JayJackson On average a man gets 1.0 big O's per encounter. A woman maybe just 0.15 and this includes the very rare occasions in which she has a multiple. The rest of the time she fakes it for your benefit. So be happy with what you have


I hope what I'm doing is pleasurable/feels good to the woman I am with. The key to a gratifying sex life is that both partners need to be happy and fulfilled.



Depends on if the sex is good or not.


Really depends on who I'm having sex with.

Doesnt it always? Lol, one night in band camp....never looked at the tuba in the same light.

@JayJackson lol... That's true. I wish I'd gone to band camp.

@Lysistrata I wish your wish would have come


It depends on who I'm having it with.. and the sex of the person (so now you

Huh? I know what, now? Something YOU should know about me, is that I never ASSUME. So please eloborate on your comment. Thanks for sharing.

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