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Everyday, ICE picks up people and deports them to god knows where...places that most left as little children with parents. They return to places they know nothing about and to be with strangers they know nothing about.

If the people in this Country believe that this cruelty is a mark of excellence for a people...they are deluded! Day by day, inch by precious inch we are becoming barbarians! Who are these ICE people that are being paid to destroy lives! Money will buy anything now in America, even the savage treatment of the lowest people in a social order! ICE and the border guards are on the youngest side, what is to become of these people as they merge with the regular citizens, that hopefully cannot promote cruelty and ill treatment of people who are clearly less fortunate than most of us!

A California inmate of 22 years, and served as a firefighter from prison, was due to be released... is being deported by ICE to Loas...where he knows nothing of and no one! His family is here!

This is becoming one of the cruelest places on earth...and all the ‘pretenders’ that claim to support humanity are an abomination to humanity! Every day people shrug their heads and say, ‘but what can I do?’ Where in the hell are those CHURCH people who swear by Christ, yet ignore the suffering just outside their door...and some of the people participating in the cruelty are their members! How can that be justified? Can cruelty not be identified anymore? This cruel place will dig my grave...but who cares! Just another day to put the ‘less fortunate down and even destroy their lives!’ While makIng a ‘living’ doing it! What a career! 😱😱😭

Freedompath 9 Sep 22

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So true. They torture anyone different than themselves and pretend their promoting a civilized society in doing so.



Fascism like religion is mental disorder and disease!!!

They are too often intertwined as one!!!

It now seems for the last four hundred years that every 75 to 80 years the melting of religious fever and the fever of Fascism flow into one group of scare cowards who would rather kill, destroy, and conquer than live in any sore of peaceful harmony!!!

This new wave of Fascism has become a world wide phenomenon which is and has spread like this Coronavirus pandemic!!!

Just like shit, the fascists are infiltrating everywhere now, be afraid, very afraid these fascists do not intend on letting us survive as equals, only as indentured slaves for their death cult masters!!!

I am deeply concerned that your ideas are accurate! It is going to take a different (probably unknown) strategy to get us back on track! Because what we have going on now isn’t giving us sufficient harmonizing results!

Their basis premise is that we are the stupidest villainous individuals because we are not blind to the lies, deceit, fraud, hence falling into their delusional reality created to them empower them into a violent hostel mob of thugs who now have some god given right to kill, murder, imprison, and segregate us into subservient enslavement!!!
It is a pity that these moronic fascists do not realize they are only fodder to be disposed of when obstructionist fascist owned by the wealthy and their corporations do not gain any profit off our their existence!!!

Sorry he owes over $10 Billion beside what he owes the IRS!!!

trump and his obstructionist republican fascists are directly supporting these militias!

Trump keeps telling us how over 40,00 or is it now over 400,000 police and militias are going to patrol al, the polling stations to prevent voter fraud!,

When all they are for is overt direct physical intimidation and Verbal abuse!!!

All of this is so reminiscent of Germany and Italy in the 1930s when they had stacked the courts, the national police, local police, and their personally sponsored armed militias%!!!

Their civil war has already started, the vast majority in this country are blind to what is taking place right in front of them!!!

@of-the-mountain they are hiding...or dead inside...or not willing to study their own Countries problems, so they can understand and be of help! I suspect this is true for a lot of the people in this Country.


Humans no longer see the difference between right or wrong. They choose to be blinded. If it’s not happening to them, then situations don’t exist to them.
There’s no compassion for fellow earthlings.

That sure does appear to be true.


We have to remember, cruelty is the point with these monsters. Many take these jobs precisely because they are racist bigots and Sociopaths.



If you are in this country illegally, you should be deported

There are extenuating circumstances to everything. So there should be a system in place that a person can go see if there are reasons beyond the offending person’s control. It has been my experience in this life, that nothing is pure black or pure white! That is a lazy person’s cop-out...who is unwilling to work to find a humane or equitable solution to problems. As far as I have been able to determine, all people are humans, and as such should be treated respectfully, not denigrated or even killed.

@Green_Chile_Type thank you...your words clearly expressed my thoughts on this matter.

@Green_Chile_Type “semi-arbitrary, class-based, racially-driven policy...” Citation needed. No, people are let into the country based upon the possible contributions they can make, extreme need, to name a few. The idea that we should fling open the border and let the whole world in is idiotic. In order to have a sane immigration policy, we need to secure the border first. The fact that you have to mention my ancestors as a weak attempt at a “gotcha” is just a slimy red herring. There are as many as 20 million illegals in this country. One by one, they need to be sent back to their home countries and wait their turn if they want to come into this country like everyone else. Considering that their are a shortage of jobs right now because of COVID-19, we do not need more people who are unskilled, low IQ, and cannot speak English.

They have made it impossible to get asylum for most people fleeing for their lives! So corrupt system lead to people -trying to survive by getting around it. Its not that simple.

@Desertcactus yes it is. Wait your turn. Besides, if these people are so great, how come they cannot fix their problems back home? Instead, many of them smuggle drugs, rob, rape, kill, and live off the government teat. Economic migrants are not worthy of asylum. They are not fleeing from war, political repression, or displaced by a natural disaster.

@Heavykevy1985 really now?

@TimeOutForMe that meme actually proves an overarching point of the effects of unchecked immigration. Nice self-own there


Unfortunately they do the same here in Australia. I am disgusted with our inhumane government.

Apparently there is a certain segment of people all around the world that fall into this ‘selfish,’ ‘uncaring’ attitude! It is just a matter of degrees. I do not see how this attitude can support people to be productive and mentally healthy? Maybe that is the objective? 😬


Wilkommen to Amerikkka!


The American experiment is over. Think about all you just detailed and how dug in the heels of those people are, and try to imagine a scenario where we as a people collectively reverse the trends and elevate as one to a cohesive, harmonious society that cares for one another in ALL aspects of human life, as it would require protecting the environment, too. Can you even contemplate that scenario? I can't. The only thing I can see is Americans continuing to become more partisan and divided, hateful, hurtful, destructive, myopic, and short-sighted (likely as we devolve into an authoritarian nation).

I have to agree with you...😰


What you speak of here is yet another way of getting children and even sex slaves. The modern "white right" has figured this out. Child is separated from parent and later the parent is deported. Then some idiot judge declares that the parent can no longer be located and the child is up for adoption. Out of the blue someone adopts the child. This is behind the scenes and we never hear of this child again.

I am certain there is more ‘damaged people’ that we know nothing about, the present system is in private hands, with little accountability. Apparently our elected officials have difficulty getting first hand information from these immigration holding stockaids!


If enforcement of laws bothers us, we are self-governing and can both elect new officials and petition existing ones to change laws that are inconsistent with wishes 'of the people'.

This is how our system optimally works. Persuasion and activism WITHIN the system, not disobedience of our laws does work and has done so throughout our imperfect but evolving history of advancing justice and expanding protections from and corrections to the former injustices.

We 'the people' of yesterday were culpable in violations of our laws that make todays enforcements unjust. Sympathy with them cannot translate into allowing a self-destructive status quo for our entire society.

Humane treatment, need not be legalized! That is a human function and is neither good or bad! ‘Sympathy’ has my knowledge ever brought about lawlessness or destroyed the lives of individuals! A government should have in place a system that is fair and just, for humans....not just for the local or privileged people! Especially, fair and just treatment, for people needing refuge and safety. There ought to be ‘sympathy,’ for starving men, women and children! How hard can it be to create a plan...magnificent wars can be planned in short order! So it can’t be...that the plan is TOO HARD. Instead it is callus dis-regard for other less fortunate humans...

@Freedompath You are obviously correct here.

The problem is that the majority IS cruel. They chose deception over empathy because they are selfish and see the system as an indirect way to make themselves more safe and justify their cruelty by gaining support for their cause.

@Desertcactus There are no secular laws against a cruel disposition or temperment.


In person rallies are out for me being I'm on chemo, so I continue to write my representatives and give them my opinion for what it's worth meanwhile they totally ignore that and go where the money is. Keep fighting the good fight. 😉

Stay the health course, there is some little something that each of us can do! First to not blind ourselves to the struggle and heartbreak of our fellowman. 🤗


Reminds me of Martin Niemoller’s famous prose, First They Came:

I have held that quote close to my chest, since I first read it, years ago! Where are the ‘others’ who should ‘speak up?’

@Freedompath we’re here, but rallies have been a bit taboo since covid. There are surely charities that can be supported and political parties trying to speak out against injustice, (although I find it difficult to align myself to parties as they tend to make statements that don’t represent me).
I suppose it depends where you live, who is around. Cities are generally good places to find groups of people willing to try for change. Now we have the internet there are sites like this where you can keep up to date and potentially help:
The Quakers actually seem to be doing some good work in the field for refugees, but I’ll not add that link😉


Probably better to deport them than to let these people rot in some horrible cage or cell.

Die by a thousand pricks or die by another thousands pricks? It is not so much the deportations that has me up in is the in-humanity to humanity that I am not adjusting to! I have lived in better times in this very country!

@Freedompath Please note that I said probably...

Possibly, if they’re ripping your internal organs out! (Forced hysterectomies were discussed recently in another post, a whistle blower at a refugee camp came forward apparently).


Let me reply to this in two ways;

As a Liberal -- We need to welcome those from foreign shores who come here looking for a new life like we promised they could when we erected the Statue of Liberty. This country is and has always been a melting pot. ICE is cruel and fascist.

As a Conservative -- Do you want us to throw open our borders and just let anyone in? These people need to come here with the proper documentation and pay their fair share of taxes or stay in their own damn country. Thank God for the ICE heroes.

Choose your favorite.

Cruelty is never ‘all or nothing.’ We don’t even want to cross the border must be a behavior they must maintain, I guess...treat everyone with disregard! And an old timer here said that it was not always like this!
Why is it that when liberals (which I do not consider myself), protest about inhumane treatment of human beings...the Conservative screams that the liberals want to let people come here and overrun this Country? Crimes against humanity and immigration are two separate issues! Both should be fixed!

One could argue that borders, like religion, are imaginary too.

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