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skado 9 Sep 23

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Idiots here in my rural community are having super spreader events. On event was a dirt bike rally with about 200 people, camping, and no masks. 😡


Anyone know what "gyfcat" is or how long the site has been around? looks to me that they have plenty they want to sell you. I'd say that selling you on ideas (true or false) and selling you products is what this is all about.

It's basically a .gif sharing site. It's been around for a few years at least.

@Kynlei OK, so you want to support an America First chant or claim that is now on a GIF site. It sounds pro Trump to me so I will avoid it.

@DenoPenno Wait, what? That's not what it is at all. It's literally just pictures that move. They can be of anything.

@DenoPenno Seriously.

@Kynlei If you think I do not know it is because I have zero interest in your site.

@DenoPenno It's not political or harmful, but ok, have it your way.


tRump should be glad that USA is #1 in covid19 deaths.


I'll say it when it's true, not a moment earlier.

Did you click the link? We're definitely in first place...

@JeffMurray Yes I did, but sarcastic "we're number one" will be taken by many for fascist "we're number one."
We're NOT number one in anything good, only in horror.

@Willow_Wisp Fair, but do you know what it's like to live in Cleveland where your football team is the Browns? That's kinda what living in America is like now. You're losing so much you can't stand it, so you need to cope by making fun of yourself.

@JeffMurray Yea, never understood or cared about team sports.
I look and see suck everywhere.


Fly like an eagle! That's some American Exceptionalism, alright! Breakout the stupid cheesy, blind patriotism music!

I KNOW! Extra specially flag waver music. Just break this out any time anyone has the gall to critique something stupid America has done again. Who can argue with flag-waving patriotism, right?


We're number one! We're number one! MAGA! MAGA!


@creative51 they’re just my regular iPhone emojis.


We're about to lose to India. A sad day for American not being #1.

Maybe not. Trump super spreader rallies are about to be in full swing. We're probably going to see a lot more cases and deaths in the next couple months, especially when Influenza kicks in on top of it. Last week my hospital just saw its first Covid and Influenza positive patient (something they were saying they didn't think was likely last flu season).

I don't know that we are losing to India. It's just that goods have all come from Mexico and China because they are made cheaper there and save the seller money. India is next in line for producing goods for us. Keep in mind that POTUS cannot tell you where to set up your business and he also cannot make it come back to America. His own MAGA hats are from China.

@creative51 Then we are number one in COVID deaths.

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